G/D Peds Flashcards
Lifts and turns head when prone
1 mo - Infant Gross motor
Head lag when pulled to sit
1 mo - Infant Gross motor
Lifts head and looks around
4 mo - Infant Gross motor
Rolls from prone to supine
4 mo - Infant Gross motor
Rolls from supine to prone and back again
5 mo - Infant Gross motor
Tripod sit
6 mo - Infant Gross motor
Sits with support
7 mo - Infant Gross motor
Sits without support
8 mo - Infant Gross motor
Crawls with abdomen off floor
9 mo - Infant Gross motor
Pulls to stand
10 mo - Infant Gross motor
Sits from stand
12 mo - Infant Gross motor
Walks independently
12 mo - Infant Gross motor
Fists clenched
1 mo - Infant fine motor
Bats at objects
4 mo - Infant fine motor
Grasps rattle
5 mo - Infant fine motor
Releases object to take another
6 mo - Infant fine motor
Transfers objects from hand to hand
7 mo - Infant fine motor
Gross pincer
8 mo - Infant fine motor
Bangs objects together
9 mo - Infant fine motor
Fine pincer
10 mo - Infant fine motor
Places/remove objects in/out of container
10 mo - Infant fine motor
Offers and releases objects
11 mo - Infant fine motor
Feeds self with cup/spoon
12 mo - Infant fine motor
Makes simple mark on paper
12 mo - Infant fine motor
Walks independently
12-15 mo - toddler gross motor
Climbs stairs with assist
18 mo - toddler gross motor
Pulls toys while walking
18 mo - toddler gross motor
24 mo - toddler gross motor
Kicks ball
24 mo - toddler gross motor
24 mo - toddler gross motor
Climbs up and down furniture w/out assist
24 mo - toddler gross motor
Climbs well
36 mo - toddler gross motor
Pedals tricycle
36 mo - toddler gross motor
Alternates feet on stairs - UP
36 mo - toddler gross motor
Bends over w/out falling
36 mo - toddler gross motor
Feeds self finger foods
12- 15 mo - toddler fine motor
Stacks blocks
18 mo - toddler fine motor
Puts things in slots
18 mo - toddler fine motor
Removes shoes and socks
18 mo - toddler fine motor
Stacks four cubes
18 mo - toddler fine motor
Stacks 6 cubes
24 mo - toddler fine motor
Right/Left handed
24 mo - toddler fine motor
Scribbles and paints
24 mo - toddler fine motor
Puts shapes in holes
24 mo - toddler fine motor
Undresses self
36 mo - toddler fine motor
Copies circle drawing
36 mo - toddler fine motor
Stacks 9 blocks
36 mo - toddler fine motor
Hold pencil correctly
36 mo - toddler fine motor
Turns a pages of a book one at a time
36 mo - toddler fine motor
Unscrew lids/bolts
36 mo - toddler fine motor
Hops on one foot
4 yo - Preschool gross motor
Throws overhand
4 yo - Preschool gross motor
Kicks ball forward or with direction
4 yo - Preschool gross motor
5 yo - Preschool gross motor
5 yo - Preschool gross motor
Learning to skate
5 yo - Preschool gross motor
Learning to swim
5 yo - Preschool gross motor
Uses scissors appropriately
4 yo - Preschool fine motor
Copies capital letters
4 yo - Preschool fine motor
Draws person with 2-4 body parts
4 yo - Preschool fine motor
Laces shoes
4 yo - Preschool fine motor
Print some letters
5 yo - Preschool fine motor
Draws person w/ 6 body parts
5 yo - Preschool fine motor
Dresses/undresses w/out assistance
5 yo - Preschool fine motor
Ties laces
5 yo - Preschool fine motor
Uses utensils well
5 yo - Preschool fine motor
Toileting on own
5 yo - Preschool fine motor
Activity participation
6-12 yo School-age - gross motor
Riding 2-wheel bike
6-12 yo School-age - gross motor
Dances, Skates, Swims on own
6-12 yo School-age - gross motor
Writing, printing
6-12 yo School-age - fine motor
Building models/crafts
6-12 yo School-age - fine motor
Playing musical instruments
6-12 yo School-age - fine motor
Goes downstairs w/ alternating feet
4 yo - Preschool - gross motor