G+D Flashcards
Erikson’s Trust v Mistrust
Infant- Dil Pickles
Trust-caregivers always respond to needs
Mistrust-inadequate, inconsistent, unsafe care
Red flags: lack of social smile, no response to play, does not seek comfort from caregivers
Autonomy v shame + doubt
Toddler- Chuckie Finster
Autonomy- make decisions for self, feed, dress, toilet self, gains independence
Shame + doubt- too high expectations, overprotective parents
Red flags- problems w toilet training, fears, inhibitions, destructive behavior
Initiative v guilt
Preschool- Angelica Pickles
Initiative- magical thinking, actively seeks new experiences, less dependent on parents
Guilt- avoids attempts at more challenging skills, restrictions/reprimands for seeking new experiences
Red flags- unable to follow rules/play, cruelty to animals, withdrawn, extreme rituals, sadness, unable to separate from mother
Industry v inferiority
School ager - Dil Pickles as school aged
Industry- internally motivated to achieve &obtain recognition for accomplishments l, have internal motivation v external motivation
Inferiority- sense of failure if unsuccessful, lack of self worth if not accepted by peers/unable to meet parents expectations
Red flags- lack of internal motivations, depression, cruelty to animals, fire starting
Identity v role confusion
Adolescents- Phil + Lil teens
Identity- development of 2ndary sex characteristics, sense of who they are and what direction their life will take
Role confusion- unable to establish identity or sense of direction
Red flags- feeling hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and gestures, abusive dating, negative self worth, excessive worrying
Intimacy v isolation
Young adult- Chaz Finster
Intimacy- makes commitments to others, choose mate, education & employment
Isolation- persistent aloneness, lack of established vocation, emotional distance in relationships
Red flags- abusiveness toward loved ones, possessive, jealous
Generativity v stagnation
Middle adult (sandwich) Stu Pickles Generativity- concern for next gen., make contribution, caring for older parents
Stagnation- selfishness, exaggerated concern w aging process
Red flags- excessive alcohol/ drugs use
Ego integrity v despair
Older adult- grandpa Lou
Ego integrity- reminiscent about life events w sense of fulfillment + purpose, acceptance of death
Despair- believe ones life has been a series of failures and missed direction, withdrawal and sense of hopelessness
Red flags- inability to occupy oneself w satisfying activities, regression, suicidal ideation
Erikson’s theory of G+D
Psychosocial theory 4 major concepts -stages of development(8) -developmental tasks/goals -psychosocial crises -process of coping
Continuous process w achievement of developmental goals
Unsuccessful resolution @ any stage may delay progress through next stage, can do well/poorly at each
Erikson’s 8 stages of development
Trust v mistrust- infant Autonomy v shame + doubt- toddlers Initiative v guilt- preschool Industry v inferiority- school age Identity v role confusion- adolescent Intimacy v isolation- young adult Generativity v stagnation- middle age Ego integrity v despair- older adult
Kohlberg +Gillian G+D theories
- preconventional- does not answer to anyone else morally
- conventional- learns morals and rules of society
- post conventional/ principles- above and beyond
- caring for oneself
- caring for others
- caring for self and others
Piaget’s G+ D theory
Continual process of assimilation and accommodation
- sensorimotor (birth -1y)
- preoperational(2y-7y)
- concrete operational(7y-11y)
- formal operational(11y+)
Cephalocaudal pattern of G+D
- head to chest to trunk to extremities
- head develops first- face most developed on babies
Proximodistal pattern of G+D
Develops center to outward
Milestones birth-1m
Weight gain of 5-7 oz within 2 days after birth
Able to fixate on moving object/watches face of caretaker when held and talked to
Milestone 3m
Holds head up, holds objects in hand, smiles
Rooting, babinsky, sucking reflexes start to disappear between 3-4 months
Milestone 5/6 m
Rolls over, teething, able to grasp object voluntarily
Milestone 6 months
Birth weight doubled
Milestone 7-8 m
Beginning fear of strangers, frets when mom leaves, sits unsupported
Milestone 9m
First words, crawls/creeps
Milestone 10 m
Pincer grasp
Moves from prone to sitting, pulls to stand, identifies mom and dad, comprehends bye-bye
Milestone 11 m
Cruises/walks w support
Milestone 1y-3y toddler
15 m
Walks independently, creeps up stairs, builds tower of 2 blocks, understands simple commands, jabbers, says 4-6 words, says no even if means yes, scribbles, holds spoon well
Milestone 18m
Runs, jumps in place, decreased appetite, able to control sphincters, awareness of ownership, begins parallel play
Milestone 24 m
May achieve readiness for daytime bowel/bladder control, 16 primary teeth, builds tower of 6-7 blocks, vocabulary of about 50 words, 2 word sentences, goes up and down steps, parallel play continues
Milestone 30 m
4x birth weight, may have daytime potty training, jump w both feet, 20 teeth, names 1 color, parallel play continues,
Milestone 3y
Rides tricycle, night time potty trained, dresses self, feed self, associative play- play together
Milestone 4y
Constant motion, pretend play, aggressive cooperative play
Milestone 5y
Eruption of permanent teeth, r/l handedness established, draws 6 part man
Milestone 6y
Growth and weight gain slows, needs own age playmates
Milestone 7y
Grows at least 2” a year, tells time, quiet play
Milestone 8y-9y
Helps w chores, reward system, groups of same sex, best friends
Milestone 10-12y
Pubescent changes, cooks/sews, beginning interest in opposite sex
Milestone 13-20y
Max growth increases, begins menses, development of 2ndary sex char., athletics/teams, parental conflict
Milestone 19-40y
Transition to independence, healthiest stage of life, maturation of all body systems, optimal time for childbearing
Milestone 40-60y
Gradual decline in physical health
Milestone 65+
Decrease in all systems functioning, slowed reactions
Physical changes- decrease cardiac output, increase periph resist.
Decreased glomerular filtration rate, bladder capacity, decrease GI motility, etc