g Flashcards
a person awareness of everything that is going on around him at d given moment
state in which thoughts, feelings and sensations are clear and organized and person feels alert
waking consciousness
state in which shift in quality or pattern of mental activity
ex. daydreaming meditation
altered state of consciousness
cycle of bodily rhythm that occurs over a 24 hr period
circadian rhythm
humans and animals sleep to avoid predators
adaptive theory
brief sidesteps into sleep lasting only few seconds
sleep is necessary to the physical health to replenish
restorative theory
loss of sleep resulting problems in concentration
sleep deprivation
inability to get to sleep
sleep disorder
falls immediately into rem sleep without warning
consciousness in which a person is especially susceptible to suggestion
chemical substances that alter thinking, perception and memory
psychoactive drugs
occurs when a person body becomes unable to function normally without a particular drug
physical dependence
occurs as the body becomes conditioned to the level of the drug
drug tolerance
belief that drug is needed to continue a feeling of emotional and psychological well being,
psychological dependence