Future Verbs Flashcards
What is the future tense used for in Latin?
To express actions that will happen in the future.
True or False: The future tense in Latin has different conjugations for active and passive voices.
Fill in the blank: The future tense for first conjugation verbs typically ends with ___ in the first person singular.
What is the future tense ending for second person singular in first conjugation verbs?
Which Latin conjugation has the future tense ending -et for third person singular?
Third conjugation
What is the future tense form of the verb ‘amare’ (to love) in the first person plural?
True or False: The future tense in Latin can only be formed from the present stem.
What is the future tense ending for second conjugation verbs in the first person singular?
What is the future tense form of ‘videre’ (to see) in the second person singular?
Fill in the blank: For irregular verbs, the future tense may deviate from standard conjugation patterns, such as ___ for ‘esse’ (to be).
What is the future tense ending for first conjugation verbs in the third person plural?
What is the future tense form of ‘audire’ (to hear) in the first person singular?
True or False: The future tense is the same for all three conjugations in Latin.
What is the future tense form of ‘ferre’ (to carry) in the first person plural?
Which future tense ending is used for third person plural in fourth conjugation verbs?
What is the future tense form of ‘scribere’ (to write) in the second person plural?
Fill in the blank: The future tense for the verb ‘capere’ (to take) in the first person singular is ___.
What is the future tense form of ‘sum’ (to be) in the second person singular?
Which Latin verb means ‘to go’ and has an irregular future tense form?
What is the future tense form of ‘dicere’ (to say) in the third person singular?
True or False: The future tense can be used to express intentions or plans.
What is the future tense form of ‘venire’ (to come) in the first person plural?
Fill in the blank: The future tense form of ‘pugnare’ (to fight) in the second person singular is ___.
What is the future tense ending for third conjugation verbs in the first person singular?
What is the future tense for the verb ‘tenere’ (to hold) in the first person singular?
Which tense is often confused with the future tense in Latin?
Future perfect tense