future tense verbs. Flashcards
je vais être.
i’m going to be.
je vais avoir.
i’m going to have.
je vais faire.
i’m going to do/ make.
je vais aller.
i’m going to go.
je vais habiter.
i’m going to live.
je vais jouer.
i’m to play.
je vais aimer ça.
i’m to like that.
je vais détester ça.
i’m going to hate that.
je vais adorer ça.
i’m going to love that.
je vais manger.
i’m going to eat.
je vais parler.
i’m going to speak.
je vais regarder.
i’m going to watch.
je vais visiter.
i’m going to visit.
ce sera.
that will be.
lundi prochain.
next monday.
le weekend prochain.
next weekend.
l’année prochaine.
next year.
la semaine prochaine.
next week.
je vais lire.
i’m going to read.
je vais écrire.
i’m going to write.
je vais boire.
i’m going to drink.
demain matin.
tomorrow morning.
demain après-midi.
tomorrow afternoon.
demain soir.
tomorrow evening.
je serai.
i will be.
i will have.
je ferai.
i will do/make.
i will go.
nous allons rigoler.
we’re going to have a laugh.
nous allons mettre.
we’re going to put (on.)
nous allons prendre.
we’re going to take.
nous allons acheter.
we’re going to buy.
nous allons bavarder.
we’re going to chat.
the day after tomorrow.
dans deux ans.
in two years.
il y aura.
there will be.
je verrai.
i will see.
je sortirai.
i will go out.
on va s’amuser.
we’re going to have fun.
on va se relaxer.
we’re going to relax.
on va se reposer.
we’re going to rest.
on va se promener.
we’re going to go for a walk.
on va s’ennuyer.
we’re going to get bored.
à l’avenir.
in the future.
au printemps.
in the spring.
en été.
in the summer.
en automne.
in the autumn.
en hiver.
in the winter.
je vais partir.
i’m going to leave/ depart.
je vais recycler.
i’m going to recycle.
je vais consommer.
i’m going to consume.
je vais éteindre.
i’m going to switch off.
je vais lutter contre.
i’m going to fight against.
à l’avenir.
in the future.
d’ici deux ans.
in two years from now.
je ne vais pas oublier de.
i’m not going to forget.
je ne vais jamais fumer.
i’m never to smoke.
je ne vais plus utiliser.
i’m no longer going to use.