What is Tinea?
A superficial fungal infection of the skin caused by Dermatophytes
What are dermatophytes?
A fungus that infects keratinous tissue and are able to invade the hair, skin and nails of a living host
What is Tinea capitis?
A dermatophite fungal infection of the scalp
“Scalp ringworm”
What is Tinea corporis?
A dermatophite fungal infection of the trunk/legs/arms
“Ring worm”
What is Tinea pedis?
A dermatophite fungal infection of the feet
“Athlete’s foot”
Most common cause of Tinea capitis?
Trichophyton tonsurans
May also be caused by microsporum canis acquired from cats or dogs
Presentation of Tinea capitis?
Scaling and hair loss (scarring Alopecia mainly in children)
If untreated a raised, pustular, spongy/boggy mass called a Kerion may form
Diagnosis of Tinea capitis?
Scalp scrapings
Wood’s lamp - microsporum canis shows green fluorescence
Management of Tinea capitis?
Oral antifungal - terbinafine for Trichophyton tonsurans infections, griseofulvin for microsporum infections
Topical ketoconazole shampoo for the first 2 weeks to reduce transmission
What can cause Tinea corporis?
Trichophyton rubrum
Trichophyton verrucosum - from contact with cattle
How does Tinea corporis present?
As a well-defined annular, erythematous lesion with pustules and papules
Management of Tinea corporis?
Oral fluconazole
How does Tinea pedis present?
Itchy, peeling skin between the toes
What is onychomycosis?
A fungal nail infection
Is onychomycosis more likely to involve the toenails or fingernails?