Funds 1 Flashcards
Frequency of disease
Number of deaths from a disease
Changes the pathology of the body
Acute illness
Rapid onset, sort duration
Chronic illness
Slow onset, periods of remission and exacerbation
First stages of illness
Experiencing symptoms
Second stage of illness
Assuming the sick role
Third stage of illness
Assuming the dependent role
Fourth stage of illness
Achieving recovery and rehabilitation
Health Equity
Attainment of the highest level of health for all people
Health disparity
A particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage
Institutional (structural) racism
Any form of racism that occurs specifically from within an institution, such as public government bodies and private business corporations. This form of racism is “built into” these prominent structures.
Six human Dimensions
Physical, emotional, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, and sociocultural
Physical Dimension
Includes genetic inheritance, age, developmental level, race, and sex assigned at birth
Emotional Dimension
How the mind affects body functions and responds to body conditions also influences helath
Intellectual Dimension
Encompasses cognitive abilities, educational background and past experiences
Environmental Dimension
Has many influences on health and illness
Sociocultural Dimension
Health practices and beliefs are strongly influenced by a person’s economic level, lifestyle, family and culture
Spiritual Dimension
Spiritual beliefs and values are important components of a person’s health and illness behaviors