Fundamentals of Programming Flashcards
Define Memory Address
A specific location in memory where instructions or data are stored.
Difference between a computer program and Algorithm?
An algorithm is a sequence of steps that can be followed to complete a task, a computer program is the actual code that completes the algorithm.
Name all data types and their uses
INTEGER - whole number,
FLOAT/REAL - fractional/ has decimal point,
STRING - characters,
BOOLEAN - True or False (1 or 0),
CHARACTER - stores individual character,
DATE/TIME - store date formats,
POINTER/REFERENCE - stores a value that relates to a location in memory,
ARRAY - a list of data (elements) of the same type
Define Initialisation
Setting the starting values for a variable
Define Nesting
Placing one set of instructions within another set of instructions
Explain the two types of Iteration
Indefinite = a process that repeats until a certain condition is met, Definite = a process that repeats a certain number of times
Define Relational Operations
expressions that compare two values.
Name and describe String-Handling Functions
Actions that can be carried out on sequences of characters, such as:
Length Position Substring (String contained within a string) Concatenation (Joining strings together) Character Codes (ASCII, UNICODE etc.)
Name the code which describes the data being passed from one subroutine to another
Block Interface
Name a block of code that can be designed to carry out a specific task
Define Exception Handeling
the process of dealing with events that cause subroutines to stop.
Define Hierarchy charts
A diagram that shows the design of a system from the top down (decomposition)
A chart similar to a hierarchy chart with the addition of showing how data is passed around the system
Structure Chart
Define a dry run
The process of stepping through each line of code to see what will happen before the program is run
Define Procedural Programming languages
Languages where the programmer specifies the steps that must be carried out