The area of study that applies the basic principles of mathematics to the preparation and safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals.
Pharmaceutical Calculations
Portions of a whole, expressed at 1/3, 7/8 and so forth.
Common Fractions
Fraction with a denominator of 10 or any power of 10 and is expressed decimally rather than as a common fraction. Thus, 1/10 is expressed as 0.10
Decimal Fraction
The term percent and its corresponding sign, %, mean “in a hundred.”
The relative magnitude of two quantities.
The expression of the equality of two ratios.
extremes: outer members
means: middle members
Factor Analysis
Factor-Label Method
Unit-Factor Method
Dimensional Analysis
This method involves the logical sequencing and placement of a series of ratios (termed factors) into an equation.
An alternative method to ratio and proportion in solving pharmaceutical calculation problems.
Dimensional Analysis
consecutive figures that express the value of a denominate number accurately enough for a given purpose
Significant Figures
Formerly called the Metric System
Base units of the SI are the meter (for length), the kilogram (for weight), and the liter (for volume)
International System of Units (SI)
Widely used in the US in measuring body weight and in selling goods by the ounce or pound
Once the predominant pharmacist’s
system of volumetric and weight measure
Apothecaries’ System
1 fl oz to mL
29.57 mL
1 pint to mL
473 mL