fundamentals of nursing class EXAM 1 Flashcards
primary goals of nightingale
establish standards for hospitals. nursing education and nursing as a respected occupation for women. recognize the two
florence nightingale recognized that nutrition is important to health
maintain accurate records keeping
what it takes to be a nurse?
team work. compassion. advocate. patients. understanding. knowledge. competence.
four blended competencies of a nurse
cognitive: thinking about the nature of things sufficiently to make decisions regarding care.
technical: skills enable nurses to manipulate equipment to produce a desired outcome.
interpersonal: caring relationships with nurse to nurse. nurse to physician.
ethical/legal: morality and professional. what we are able to do and what we are not able to do.
interrelated roles of nurses
caregiver: caring and care. primary role of nurse.
communicator: use of effective interpersonal and therapeutic communication skills to establish and maintain helping relationships.
teacher/educator: communication skills to assess, implememt
collaborator: effective use of skills
QSEN competencies
patient centered care; PATIENT IS THE CENTERED OF THE CARE
Team work and collaboration
quality improvement
evidence-based practice
informatics: protect electronic information
nursing aims
promote health
prevent illness
restore health
factors affecting health
genetic inheritance cognitive abilities educational level race and ethnicity; culture age and gender developmental level lifestyle; environment socioeconomics status
preventing illness
education programs
community programs
literature, tv, radio, internet
health assessment in institutions, clinics and community settings that identity areas of strength and risk for illness.
restoring health
performing assessment that detect an illness
referring questions and abnormal findings to others
nurse practice acts
legal scope of nursing:
important terms and activities in nursing including legal requirements and title rn:
nursing process- ADPIE
helps nurses implement their role. integrate art and science of nursing. allows nurses to use critical thinking and clinical reasoning. defines areas of care that are withing domain of nursing.
assessment, diagnoses, planning, implementation, evaluation
source of knoledge
traditional: passed down from generation to generation.
authoritative: comes from an expert, accepted as truth based on persons perceived expertise.
scientific: obtained through the scientific method (research) data collection and practice based on the data.
evidence based practice
finding data and backing it up.
blends both the science and the art of nursing so that the best patient outcomes are achieved. may consist of specific nursing interventions or may use guidelines established for the care of patients with certain illness, treatments, or surgical procedures etc…
asking clinical questions in PICOT format
T: time
in adult patients with total hip replacement (population), how effective is pain medication (intervention) compared to aerobic stretching (comparison)
goals of nursing research
improve care of people in clinical setting. study people and the nursing process. education. policy development. ethics. nursing history. develop greater autonomy and strength as a professional. provide evidence based nursing practice. qualitative v. quantitative (numbers)
impediments to nursing research
restricted access to resource
limited time to participate in research
lack of educational preparation
resistance to change
a state of physical mental and social well being not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
the unique response of a person to a disease; an abnormal process involving changed level of functioning. mental or socially ill, not feeling well
medical term, referring to a pathologic changes in the structure of function of the body or mind
an active state of being healthy by living a lifestyle promoting good health
acute illness
generally has a rapid onset of symptoms and lasts only a relatively short time. ex: appendiciti,, phenumonia, diarrhea, common cold, flu
chronic illness
a broad term that encompasses many different physical and mental alterations in health.
usually has a slow onset and may have periods of remission on exacerbation.
diabetes mellitus, lung disease, arthritis
characteristics of a chronic illness
it is a permanent change
stages of illness behavior
1: experiencing symptoms.
2: assuming the sick role.
3: assuming a dependent role.
4: achieving recovery and rehabilitation.
health promotion and illness prevention #1
primary: directed toward promoting health and preventing the development of disease processes or injury. ex; are ummunization clinics, family planning services, poison control information
secondary: focuse on screening for early detection of disease with prompot diagnosis and treatment of any found. ex: assessing children for normal growth and development.
health promotion and illness prevention #2
tertiary: begin after an illness is diagnosed and treated with the goal of reducing disability and helping rehabilitate patients
primary level
weight loss, diet, exercise, smoking cessation, reduced alcohol consumption, avoidance,
treatment `
risk factors for illness
age: school aged children are at high risk for communicable disease. after menopause, women are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
genetic factors: a family history of cancer of diabetes predisposes a person to developing the disease.
physiologic factors: obesity increases the possibility of heart disease. pregnancy places increases risk on both the mother and the developing fetus.
health habits: smoking increases the probability of lung cancer. poor nutrition can lead to a variety of health problems.
lifestyle: multiple sexual relationships increase the risk for sexually transmitted infection. events that increase stress, may precipitate accidents or illness.
environment: working and living environment (such as hazardous material and poor sanitation) may contribute to disease.
maslows hierarchy of human needs
#5self actualization: purpose, respectful to others, ability to be objective. #4-self esteem: feel good about oneself, to feel pride and a sense of accomplishment. #3-love and belongings: emotionally healthy. giving and receiving love. #2-safety and security: physically and emotionally safe. proper hand hygiene. #1-physiologic: all patients have physiologic needs: oxygen, water, food, elimination, temperature, sexuality
family structure
family: nuclear family: extended family: blended family: single parent family:
focus of patient educaton
preparation for receiving care. preparation before discharge from health care facility. documentation of patient education activity. T: tune into the patient E: edit patient information A: C: H:
Three learning domain
cognitive: storing and recalling of new knowledge in the brain teaching, instrucion, handouts, video.
Psychomotor: learning physical skill
Affective: attitude how they feel about what we talked about
factors affecting patient learning
age and developmental level family support networks financial resources cultural influences language influences language deficits health literacy level: may not be able to understand medical terms, put it in light terms.
promoting compliance
be certain that instructions are undestandable
providing culturally competent patient education
develop an understanding of the patients culture. work with multicultural
knowles (1990) four assumptions about adult learners
as a person matures, ones self concept
teaching plans for older adults
identify learning barriers.
allow extra time.
sources of informaton when assessing health
primary: patient (objective, or subjective)
secondary: medical records, patients family/caregivers
what step of the nursing process do we gather information? assessment.
types of patient counseling
short term: for situational crisis
longterm: for developmental crisis.
motivational interviewing