Fundamentals Flashcards
Conceptus remains undifferentiated till
6 weeks of IUL
Sex of conceptus is determined by
SRY gene (sex related gene)
SRY gene is present on which chromosome
Distal end of short arm of Y chromosome
Turner syndrome genotype
45XO female babies
Klinefelter syndrome genotype
47xxy male babies
In turner’s syndrome ovaries are called
Streak gonads
Natural tendency of the conceptus is to develop into
A female
Testes formed by
6-7 weeks
Ovary formed by
7-8 weeks
Helper gene for testes formation
SOX-9 gene
Helper gene for ovary formation
Wnt4 and RSPO1
gonads are formed from
Genital ridge
Genital ridge is derived from
Intermediate mesoderm
Genital ridge is first seen when in gestation
5 weeks
Parts of the female genital derived from urogenital sinus are of what origin
Endodermal otherwise the female genital is mesodermal in origin
Germ cells present in gonads are derived from
Primitive ectoderm/ epiblast
Till how many weeks 2 ducts are present in the conceptus
6 weeks
Which duct appears earlier
Wolffian duct appears earlier and is essential for the development of mullerian duct
When does 1 pair of duct disappear
9 weeks
When are internal genitalia formed from these ducts
10 weeks
Testes determining factor
Presence of Y chromosome thus SRY gene
Embryonic testes (sertoli cells)
- mullerian inhibiting substance/ anti mullerian hormone (7 weeks)
- acts locally, inhibiting the ipsilateral Müllerian duct
Leydig cells
- secretes testosterone (8 weeks)
* secretion max at 15-18 weeks
Function of mullerian inhibiting substance
- regression of Müllerian duct
* descent of testes from the abdomen into the pelvic area
Remnants of Müllerian duct in males
- prostatic utricle
* appendix of testes (Hypatia of morgagni)
What causes the development of wolffian duct and what is it responsible for
Testosterone is responsible and it is responsible for the development of the internal genitalia in males
Internal genitalia in males
- seminal vesicles
- epididymis
- ejaculatory duct
- vas deference
What is responsible for the development of the external genitalia in males
Do hydro testosterone
What is responsible for the scrotal descent
Is Mullerian inhibiting substance produced in females
Yes during puberty by the pre antral or antral follicles