Fundamental Themes Flashcards
What is the definition of learning?
Changes in behaviour as a result of experiences through interacting with the world.
What is the definition of memory?
A record of past experiences acquired through learning.
What is Aristotle’s theory of Associationism?
Memory depends on links between events, sensations and ideas to elicit other memories
What are the 3 universal laws of association?
Contiguity (events experienced at same time/place tend to be associated)
Frequency (more often = more strongly associated)
What is the difference between Empiricism and Nativism?
Empiricism: Knowledge comes from experience
Nativism: Knowledge is inborn
What did William James focus on?
- Memory networks; how multiple asdiciations of one event and another with similar associations will be linked
- Assumed physical brain would be mapped same way
What did Ivan Pavlov discover?
- Classical (Pavlovian) conditioning: Stimulus predicts occurrence of 2nd occurring event (Bell and dog experiment)
- Extinction: Reducing learned response to stimulus by not pairing it with reward/punishment
- Generalization: Transfer of past learning to other similar stimulus
What did Edward Thorndike discover?
- Operant (instrumental) conditioning: Animal learns to make responses to obtain/avoid consequences (cat and puzzle box experiment)
- Law of effect: Probability of particular behavioural response increases/decreases depending on consequences that followed
What did René Descartes believe in?
Empiricist or Nativist?
Dualism: Mind and body exist as separate entities with different characteristics
What did John Locke believe?
Empiricist or Nativist?
Believed that complex ideas are formed from combo of elementary ideas passively acquired through senses
What did John Watson discover?
Behaviourism: Focusing on observable behaviours.
Altering senses of mice did not affect their ability to exit the maze but altering maze dimensions did, showing motor habits.
As a behaviourist, what did B.F. Skinner believe in and discover?
Discovered intermittent reinforcements (showed as much responses as constant reinforcements)
Believed in radical behaviourism (consciousness and free will are illusions)
What did Charles Darwin propose about evolution and how does it relate to learning/memory?
Natural selection - Capacity for learning and memory is inherited
What are the 3 aspects of a trait in natural selection?
1) Inheritable
2) Must vary
3) Must help with survival
What did Edward Tolman discover?
Animals aren’t limited to stimulus-response reflexes, they also operate to achieve goals.
Also thought of the cognitive map (internal psychological representation of the spatial layout of the external world)
and latent learning (learning not related to consequences)
What dod Hermann Ebbinghaus experiment and how does it relate to experiments today?
Tests human memory using the key stages: Learning, delay, test, relearning and found time savings
Problems with experiment proved importance of large samples, double-blind design, and placebos
What did Clark Hull discover?
An equation for factors contributing to learning experience
What did W. K. Estes establish and what was his theory?
Established mathematical psychology
Thought of stimulus sampling theory: Stimulus is made of many possible elements
What did George Miller discover?
Digit span: Memory capacity for numbers is 7 digits, plus/minus 2
What did David Rumelhart develop?
Connectionist network models: Ideas represented as patters over networks of many nodes
Distributed representation: The info coded as a pattern of activation across the nodes