Fundamental skills Flashcards
Why is equality and diveristy good in scientific groups?
creates different points of view and ideas/ makes individuals explain their ideas in better detail
What steps are being taken at a local level to raise the profile of quality and diversity?
increased number of societies/ educating the importance of diveristy
What are some equality and diveristy issues within life sciences?
people are not employed/ discriminated against/ harassed
What is the difference between equality and equity?
Equality ensures every individual has the same amount of help, equity ensures every individual has all the extra help necessary to ensure the same opportunity is provided.
What is intersectionality?
the complex way different forms of discrimination overlaps.
What are the 9 protected characteristics in the 2010 equality act?
age/ disability/ gender reassignment/ marriage and civil partnership/ pregnancy and maternity/ race/ religion and belief/ sex/ sexual orientation
What is the difference between a covariant and factor variable?
covariant = continuous data // factor = categorical data (there is a limited options of outcomes)
What are the main summary statistics?
mean/ median/ range/ IQR
When would you refer to the median not the mean?
When the data is skewed and not normally distributed.
What are the main methods of plotting data?
scatterplot=shows relationship / boxplot= shows distribution / regression model= /
What are meant by response and explanatory variables?
response = dependent variable and refers to the outcome// explanatory= independent variable and refers to the factor which causes the change.
What is a general linear model?
a more flexible version of the linear model as multiple variables are included// describes the relationship between the response and explanatory variables
What is meant by the r-squared value?
proportion of variance in the dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variable (Ranging from 0->1 , with 0= no explanation and 1 = complete explanation )
How do you calculate variance?
sum of squares/ number of observations
What does the degrees of freedom tell us?
amount of variation which can change without altering the independent variable