Fundamental Rights and Computing Flashcards
What are the Four Broad Categories of Censorship
Speaker by a State, Listener by a State, Speaker by Private Actor, Listener by Private Actor
Define Speaker by a State
The Government doesn’t let its citizens say something (achieved through criminalization or technical means like filtering messages)
Define Listener by a State
The Government doesn’t let its citizens hear something (achieved through legal or technical means)
Define Speaker by Private Actor
A person or company doesn’t let you say something (achieved through legal means)
Define Listener by Private Actor
A company doesn’t let you hear something
When is Censorship justified
National Security
Territorial integrity or public safety
Prevention of disorder or crime
Protection of health or morals
Protection of the reputation of rights of others
Preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence
Maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary
How is Broadcast media censored
Films have Age rating systems TV has watershed, Architectural approach is V-Chip to make you unlock adult TV shows
What are Communication channels and surveillance
Direct Speech
Intercepted by being within hearing or using a microphone
Stolen by protected by features like cryptography
Had very low secrecy since human operated
Intercepted through line tapping or operators
Mobile Phones (cell towers)
Difficult to do quickly
Vulnerable at the Internet Service Provider level
Examples of interception of communication
Wire taps and reding post
Examples of interception of communication
Wire taps and reading post
Examples of use of communication data
Information about a communication, but not the content of that communication (phone number, subscriber details)
Example of Directed Surveillance
Following people
Examples of covert human intelligence sources
Who is authorized for interception of communication of data
The charities commission
Environment agency
The council
Gambling commission
Who is authorized for Directed Surveillance
Home office
Postal Services Commission
The council
Royal Mail
Who is authorized for covert human intelligence sources
The armed forces
Office of fair trading
The council
Define Metadata
“Data about data” e.g. about who you contact, how often, from where,
What is Network Theory
A set of techniques for analysing graphs, applying network theory to a system means using a graph-theoretic representation which can make a problem much simpler