Functions Of Cab Meetings For Cab Officers Flashcards
What is the the function of speaking to cab colleagues?
-meetings useful opportunity speak with other cab officers
-valuable occasions as few opportunities run into cab colleagues
What is the function of getting to know each other?
-meetings provide initial get-to-know opportunities
-pres won’t initially know officers
What is the function of resolving disputes?
-meetings used resolve interdepartmental disputes
-e.g. Ford’s sec to cab Connor remembers meeting in which dispute about affirmative action for African-Americans was aired
What is the function of speaking to the president?
-possible to catch one on one with pres after meetings
-but such situations present danger for pres who agrees readily to offer the cuff request from cab officer
What is an example of this?
-W. Bush sec to cab explained how he would be ‘hoovering (around the pres) at end of meeting’
What is the function of increased status for cab officers?
-attendance at ,edgings gives cab officers increased standing back at their deps
-knowing what ores wants today as opposed to what others think he wanted yesterday
What is an example of this increased status?
-H.W Bush sec of agri Yeutter summed up no. functions this way - ‘you get an insight into the top stories’