Functions Flashcards
Who are the three functionalists?
Durkheim, parsons, Davies and Moore
What does Durkheim say the function of education is
Education plays a vital role in teaching us societies norms and values, which gives us the value consensus/collective consciousness which society needs to operate, without this it would cause anomie. It is a form of secondary socialisation . Education also gives us a sense of belonging called social solidarity by teaching us national heritage.
What does parsons say the function of education is?
Extended durkheims ideas, he say education as key to promoting meritocracy. This is achieved through education as it is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. When we are children our status is ascribed, whereas in adulthood we must learn that we have to achieve our status because society is meritocratic. Education moves us from the particularistic standards of the family to the universalistic standards of society
What do Davies and Moore say the function of education is?
Parsons suggests that testing allocates us to roles, Davies and Moore similarly suggest that there is a hierarchy of jobs in the jib market and education sorts us into this, meaning the most capable individuals end up in the best jobs
Strengths of the functionalist veiws on the functions of education?
Universal- they can be used to explain the education system in any industrialised country
Explains the links between education, work and the economy well
Evidence for Durkheim and parsons views- education does compare us in examinations, in history we do learn about the heritage of our country.
Weaknesses of functionalist view on the functions of education?
Education doesn’t give everyone the same norms and values- ie faith schools Education doesn’t operate on a meritocratic system- not all groups have an equal chance, thing such as class gender and ethnicity can effect this. The new right would argue that school doesn’t adequately prepare children for the workplace
What do marxists say the functions of education ?
According to Marxists such as Althusser education is a form of social control, and is part of the ideological state apparatus, which are the agencies which control the proletariat. Education brainwashes children by transmitting norms and values that reproduce capitalism making them believe society is fair when it is not. The education system ensures the working class fail, however they attribute to their own failure due to the myth of meritocracy. It justifies class inequality and reproduces the class system.
What is the evidence for the marxist veiws on the functions of education?
Bowles and gintis correspondence principle and hidden curriculum.
They did their study on around 200 us high school pupils, and found that school mirrors the features of work in the following ways;
Teaches us to accept hierarchy, motivation by external rewards, fragmentation of tasks, rewards docile personalities.
The hidden curriculum is the lessons we learned from school which aren’t explicitly taught.
Evidence for Marxism- willlis’s study ‘why do working class kids get working class jobs’
He used overt participant observation, and critisised bowles and gintis view that education creates an ideal workforce, or correctly transmit the norms and values needed to support capitalism, however it doesn’t matter as working class boys want to do working class jobs anyways, so capitalism gets reproduced anyway.
Strengths of marxist veiws on function of education
Explains myth of meritocracy- education isn’t fair for everyone
Explains links between school and the workplace well
Weaknesses of Marxist veiws on functions of education
Too deterministic- not all pupils are passive recipients of capitalist ideology
Doesn’t explain patriarchy
Education has other functions- still education in communist societies so it must serve other purposes
Not all teachers are capitalists like Bowles and gintis suggest
What is the new liberalism/new right veiws on education
New right is a political veiws that is strongly influences by neo liberalism. They believe that education should be meritocratic as some people are more talented than others and that education should socialise us into shared norms and values, but that something is wrong with the current state run education system.
How do the new right suggest education should be marketised
Parents will be given the right of what school to send their children to
If a child attends a school, that school will receive funding
League tables, national curriculum and standardised tests so schools can be compared
Schools control their own finances, and compete for pupils
Strengths of new right veiws on education
They have a strong influence on government policy, they led to the 1988 education act which introduced marketisation
What are the patterns of class and differential achievement
Children from working class backgrounds are;
Less likely to be found in nursery schools
More likely to fall behind in literacy and numeracy
More likely to be placed in lower sets
More likely to leave school at 16
Less likely to stay on for higher education (1 in 5 working class children go to uni)