Functionalists view of the family Flashcards
What do functionalsits think the family creates?
1) Equlibrium
2) Social solidarity
3) Value consensus
What did Murdock say are the 5 essential functions of the family?
1) Sexual
2) Reproduction
3) Socialization
4) Economic
5) Emotional support
Which family does Murdock argue is the best for performing his functions?
The Nuclear family
What is Parsons theory known as ?
‘Functional fit’ theory
How has the family changed in relation to a modern industrial society
Its structure:it’s now nuclear not extended
It’s lost many of its functions
What 2 essential needs does an industrial society have in relation to its workforce?
1) A geographically mobile workforce
2) A socially mobile workforce
Why would a nuclear family be better for a mobile workforce ?
Its easier for a two generational family to move around the country for work than it is for a large extended family
Why would Parsons say a nuclear family was better for a socially mobile workforce ?
It would reduce conflicts/tensions that would emerge if younger generation achieved higher status than parents
Define Specialisation within the family
The transfer of traditional family functions to other institutions
Does Parsons view specialisation as good or bad?
Name 3 instutuitions that have taken some of the functions of the Nuclear family?
Schools Childcare Welfare system Care homes Hospitals
What are the 2 main functions of the Nuclear family?
1) Primary socialization of children
2) Socialization of adult personalities
How does the Nuclear family provide primary socialization ?
It structures children’s personalities through the internalisation of society’s culture,they absorb the norms and values to create a value consensus
How does the Nuclear family stabilize adult personalities?
By providing emotional security through marital relationships and parental roles
Who does marital relationships stabalise adult personalities ?
Provides clear defined roles: males take an instrumental role while women take an expressive role,these roles are different but complimentary
Who does parenting roles stabalise adult personalities ?
Provides time off from adult responsibilities eg form of escapism where they can indulge their childish whims
What is the functionalist perspective on family plurality?
- Have a preference for nuclear family
- Argue changes have been minor,neo nuclear family remains the norm
- Say most people will experience the Nuclear family at some point
Explain Durkheims organic analogy
He compares the human body to society,he used his analogy to explain social order : just as the human body has different organs,society has seperate parts that all function together. Society’s ‘organs’ eg culture,religion,education
What are the functuonalists view on social policies?
-SP is the state acting in the best intrests of society so are good for all
- SP help families to perform their functions effectively
- Fletcher saw intro of healthcare,welfare and free ed as supporting families
What where the findings of Wilmott and young on gender roles
They found that the privatised home-centred nuclear family was becoming the norm.
Conjugal role relationships are becoming more joint and intergrated in relation to domestic work and leisure activities.
However due to the principle of stratified diffusion this change had been more of a MC trend than a WC trend
How did Wilmott and Young get their findings?
They conducted a large scale survey of 1,928 people in the London area
What did Wilmott and Young use as evidence of more egalitarian relationships?
1) More women working in paid employment
2) Increase in Labour saving devices
3) Increased female bargaining devices encourages male participation in housework
What is the March of Progress view on childhood?
That childhood has changed for the better,it is a golden age free from responsibility where play is encouraged
What do Aries and Shorter day about childhood?
That children are better cared for,protected educated enjoy Vetter healthcare and have more rights
What do March of progress theorists argue the family had become?
More child-centred
How have families become more child centred?
Children are now focal point of the family and consulted on decisions,parents invest both emotionally and financially in their kids while smaller family sizes means their needs are better catered for
What is the Functionalist view on divorce rates?
- Argue HDV does not necessarily prove marriage as a social institution is under threat.
- Means people have higher expectations of marriage.
- Continue commitment to the idea of marriage. :-I