Feminist view of the family Flashcards
How do feminists view family diversity?
They see it as a positive and liberating trend where individuals, particularly females are able to live in units which reflects their own individual choice.
What are the four types of feminists?
- Liberal
- Marxist
- Radical
- Difference
What do Liberal feminists argue are the two most effective ways to promote gender equality?
- Changing peoples attitudes and behaviours through socialisation.
- Passing legislation to outlaw discrimination e.g. Sex Discrimination Act.
What is the Feminists view on the family?
Critical. Believe it oppresses women.
What do Marxist feminists argue is the main cause of women’s oppression?
What is the Feminist view on high divorce rate?
-Desirable because it shows women are breaking free from the oppression of the patriarchal nuclear family. :-)
What do Marxist feminists believe are the key functions the family serves for capitalism?
- Women reproduce the labour force through their unpaid domestic labour, socialising t generation of workers with the values required by capitalist and maintaining the current one.
- Women act as a safety valve and absorb anger that would otherwise be directed at capitalism.
- Women are a reserve army of cheap labour that can be exploited depending on the needs of the economy.
What does Benson argue a nuclear family acts as?
The nuclear family acts as a valuable stabilising force within capitalist society because the male wage is the family wage and the husband cannot withdraw his labour.
What does Mitchell argue would make full gender equality in the labour market?
If women are freed from their domestic responsibilities.
What do Marxist feminists see the oppression in the family linked to?
The exploitation of the working class more generally and argue that a socialist revolution would lead to the abolition of the family as we know it.
What do Radical Feminists argue is the main cause of women’s oppression?
What do radical feminists claim is the key division in society?
- Men and Women.
- Men are the enemy and the source of women’s oppression.
- The family and marriage are the key patriarchal institutions in society.
What do radical feminists say men benefit from?
- Women’s unpaid domestic labour.
- Sexual services.
- Dominate women through domestic violence, or the threat of it.
What do radical feminists focus their analysis on?
Domestic violence.
What do Dobash and Dobash see widespread domestic violence as?
- An inevitable feature or patriarchal society arguing that it serves to preserve the power men have over women.
- Extension of male domination and control over women.
What do radical feminists encourage?
-Matrilocal households.
Political lesbianism.(Sarah)
What is separatism?
Where women organise themselves and live independently.
What is a Matrilocal household?
Where a women is head of the family/household.
What is political lesbianism?
May be attracted to men but will not start a relationship with a man, to avoid sleeping with the ‘enemy’.
What do the three feminist approaches outline?
Tend to assume most women live in conventional nuclear families and that they share a similar experience of family life.
What do difference feminists believe?
-It is wrong to generalise in this way arguing that middle class and working class, black and white, heterosexual and lesbian, old and young women etc. all have different experiences.
What evidence do Radical feminists use to support their argument that domestic violence has been legitimised in society?
Pahl argues that the legitimisation of domestic violence by wider society is clear in the denial that it’s incidence is rare.
Why have liberal feminists been criticised?
Being too optimistic.
What do Marxist feminists recommend could be introduced to promote gender equality?
- Longer paternity leave for men to look after the child as long as the mother.
- Lower childcare costs, to keep women working.
- Shared domestic roles around the home.
Do feminists like Theories and social policies on the family?
No :( They believe they help to maintain women’s subordinate position.
also unequal gender division of labour in the family.
What do they believe social polices work on?
The assumption about what the ‘normal’ family is like and in doing so the effect of these policies is often to reinforce that type of family at the expense of others.
What does Land argue social policies often assume?
- That the ideal family is the patriarchal nuclear family.
- Male provider
- female homemaker
- Dependent children
What have Tax and benefits policies assumed?
That he main wage earner is the male/husband - make it impossible for wives to claim welfare benefits, expected that their husband will provide.
What does Leonard argue about social policies?
-That even when they appear to support women they may still act as a form of social control.
-Reinforcing patriarchal assumptions.
Dictating family roles and responsibilities. e.g. maternity leave and child benefits.
How have feminists, on social policies, been criticised?
Other policies such as
-equal pay act
-sex discrimination laws
-Benefit for lone parents
-refuges for women escaping domestic violence
-equal rights to divorce
All said to challenge patriarchal family.