functionalist theories (Durkheim) Flashcards
I super doper really want to die
key concepts of durkheims theory
- social cohesion
- social change
- anomie
describe social cohesion
the idea that crime can bind communities together through shared norms and values
describe social change
crime can be a catalyst for social change by highliting flaws in the existing social structure
describe anomie
a state of normlessess where social norms are unclear or not present often leading to deviant behaviour
the inevitability of crime
- natural occurrence
- social functions
natural occurrence
Durkheim argued that crime is a natural and inevitable aspect of human society. no society is without some form of deviant behaviour
social functions
Durkheim believed that crime serves several functions in society, such as setting boundaries and creating social cohesion
5 positive functions of crime
- boundary settings
- social cohesion
- social change
- innovation
- safety valve
boundary settings
crime help in establishing the limts of acceptable behaviour when someone breaks the law, it reinforces societal norms and clarifies what is acceptable and what is not
social cohesion
the collective disapproval of criminal acts strengthens community bonds people unite against a common enemy which in this can is the deviant behaviour
social change
criminal acts can also highlight inadequacies in existing laws and social structure, prompting reform and adaptation
some forms od deviance can lead to new ways of thinking and social innovation
safety valve
minor crimes can act as a safey valve for social tension allowing individuals to express discontent in less harmful ways
critsims of Durkheim
- overemphasis on social order
- lack of focus on power dynamics
criticisms: overemphasis on social order
critics argue that dirkhiem theory overly emphasis the benefits of crime, ignoring that actual harm it can cause to victims and communities
criticisms: lack of focus on power dynamics
the theory does not adequately address how laws may be created to serve the interests of the powerful, rather than society as a whole