Functionalist, strain and subcultural theories Flashcards
What is Durkeim’s functional theory?
Sees society as based on value consensus and in order to achieve social solidarity there needs to be effective socialisation and social control
Why does Durkheim regard crime as inevitable in all societies?
Because some people are not effectively socialised and because in complex societies there are subcultural differences in norms and values.
Identify two ways in which crime and deviance may have positive functions.
Boundary maintenance – reinforcing norms and values for the majority
Adaptation and change – social change; safety‐valve, warning of a societal malfunction
What does Davis argue for other functions of crime?
He argues that prostitution acts as a safety valve for the release of men’s sexual frustrations without threatening the monogamous nuclear family.
What does Cohen argue for other functions of crime?
A warning that an institution is not functioning properly
What is one main criticism of functionalist explanations of crime?
Functionalism looks at what functions deviance performs for society as a whole and ignores how it might affect different groups and individuals
What is Merton’s strain theory?
People engage in deviant behaviour when they are unable to achieve socially approved goals by legitimate means
Explain the difference between goals and means.
Goals are the things we are expected to want and strive for, such as success, money, fast cars;
means are the ways in which a person may obtain or achieve these goals.
How is the American dream linked to deviant behaviour highlighted by Merton?
- The ideology of the ‘American dream’ appears meritocratic, many disadvantaged groups are denied opportunities
- This results in a strain between the cultural goal of money and success and the lack of legitimate means
- Creating pressure to deviate as their is more emphasis on the goals rather than the means
What are the 5 deviant adaptations to strain?
- Conformity
- Innovation
- Ritualism
- Retreatism
- Rebellion
What is innovation?
When individuals accept the goals but use illegitimate means to achieve it
Explain the difference between ritualism and retreatism
Ritualists have lost sight of society’s goals, but still follow the legitimate means or rules;
retreatists have rejected both society’s goals and the legitimate means to achieve them
In what sense is Merton’s Theory deterministic?
It assumes that all those who experience a strain to anomie will deviate, but many who experience strain do not deviate.
On what 2 grounds does Cohen criticise Merton?
- Merton sees deviance as an individual response
- Merton focuses on utilitarian crime
What is status frustration highlighted by Cohen?
WC boys face anomie in MC dominated school system, they suffer from cultural deprivation which leads to status frustration
What is the alternative status hierarchy?
Delinquent subculture inverts the values of mainstream society, they create their own illegitimate opportunity structure
In Cloward and Ohlin’s view, why are there different types of deviant subculture?
Because not everyone who fails in mainstream society has equal access to an illegitimate opportunity structure; e.g. some areas have an organised professional criminal apprenticeships
What are the 3 deviant subcultures Cloward and Ohlin identifies?
- Criminal subculture - provides youth with a career in utilitarian crime
- Conflict subcultures - violence provides a release for young men’s frustration (gaining territory from gangs)
- Retreatist subculture - failing in both legitimate and illegitimate opportunities
What does Matza claim?
Most delinquents are not strongly committed to their subculture, but merely drift
What is one main criticism on Cloward and Ohlin?
Ignore the wider power structure, including those who makes and enforces the law
How does Cohen develop on Merton’s concept of strain theory?
- In his view the key reason is not only unequal access to legitimate opportunities but unequal access to illegitimate opportunity structures
What does Messner and Rosenfeld’s argue about institutional anomie?
- The American Dream’s obsession with money and success exert pressure towards crime by encouraging an anomic cultural environment, undermining institutions such as school
- Conclude that societies based on free-market capitalism and lacking adequate welfare provision high crime rates are inevitable