Functionalist Perspective on Crime Flashcards
Functionalist theory
-Based on the idea society is structured around a shared set of norms, goals and values which create value concensus, social cohesion where society functions effectively.
Normative definition of crime
Crime and deviance is any action which challenges societies norms and values
Durkheim on crime
Crime is inevitable as some people will always reject social order, it is a threat to social order but also plays functions which maintain and benefit society
Beneficial functions of crime-collective values
Crime strengthens collective values by uniting people in shared condemnation of people who go against social order-reaffirms values and strengthens commitment to them-sets boundaries-reduces conflict.
Benefits of crime-social change
Criminal and deviant actions can be used to create beneficial social change, for example, the suffragettes used crime and deviance to get the vote for women.
Benefits of crime-acts as a safety valve
Crime and deviance, e.g at protests, lets people express their anger in a way that doesnt genuinely challenge the social order ensuring society functions effectively
Benefits of crime-warning device
Crime and deviance show potential flaws and problems in society, e.g a high drug use, theft rate etc suggests social problems so they can be solved and dont escalate- maintains social order.
Criticisms of Durkheims View-Solutions
-Provides no solutions for crimes-not useful-few practical applications-Argued by realist sociologists
Criticisms of durkheims view- Optimism
-Too optimistic-overlooks crime is detrimental to people and society most of the time-majority of crime doesnt have net beneficial functions-overlooks harms of crime
Davies prostitution
He argues prositution is a beneficial safety valve-allows sexual expression without threatening the family unit.
Durkheim criticism-Oudated
Wrote his theories in the 1900s when crime was less of a social problem-crime rates are significantly higher due to increased population etc-cant generalise to modern day crime.
Merton strain theory
-People commit crime as they feel blocked from the goals and values promoted by the establishment such as financial sucess etc-the american dream-creates strain and anomie-people respond by commiting crime
Criticisms of mertons strain theory-Non economic crime
Cohen argues strain theory can only explain crime with a purpose or economic motive-crimes like vandalism and ASB arent explained-limited
Criticisms of strain theory-white collar crime
-Doesnt explain crime committed by people who dont experience strain like the wealthy elite and large corporations-lacks validity
Criticisms of strain theory-wider structural factors
Marxists argue it overlooks how crime is inevitable and the existence of strain is because of capitalism-debated by other explanations.