Functionalism - Theories of the Family Flashcards
He argues that the nuclear family is universal as it is the most efficient family type.
- Reproduction - biological reproduction between a mother and father.
- Economic - Man is responsible for earning money, woman is responsible for distributing and organising this money.
- Socialisation, primary socialisation and the value consensus. Norms and values.
- Satisfying sex drive, provides a stable relationship.
Evaluation = Parsons criticises Murdock for saying the family has lost functions. So not 4, but 2 functions. Also, the Nayar = some societies don’t commonly have the nuclear family.
Parsons - The Functional Fit Theory
The idea that the most functional type of family is dependent on the type of society. E.g: pre-industrial, extended family was the most functional.
However, a nuclear family best fits an industrial society due to social mobility (meritocracy) and geographical mobility. Less people so easier to move, less people to feed so more excess money for luxuries. Also, father can still be ‘head of household’ if his daughter earns more than him as the daughter may live in her own nuclear family.
Parsons - SOAP (Stabilisation of Adult Personalities/Warm Bath Theory)
Lost functions due to social institutions filling the role of the family.
Primary Socialisation - socialised into value consensus, effective and productive members of society.
SOAP - Family provides a comforting and relaxing experience for man, so he’s released from the stress of work and can go back the next day. Believes men are biologically suited to the instrumental role and women the expressive. Therefore, the woman provides a relaxing family experience so the man can go back to work the next day and help keep the economy strong.
Evaluation = Feminists disagree, extremely oppressive. Ansley, a Marxist Feminist, says that women have to become ‘takers of shit.’ where men take out their anger onto them due to the stresses of work.
Disagrees with Parsons, says we have kept AND gained functions.
Kept functions - education, functions that the family used to perform have been taken over by other institutions. However, Fletcher believes that the family is still heavily involved in education system. E.g: going to parents’ evenings, motivating children to work hard.
Gained Functions - Maintaining satisfying relationships, it is important for children to have a supportive family environment in order to have good mental health.
Evaluation = Postmodernists say that all functions of the family are outdated therefore irrelevant, entering a new era of the family = doesn’t consider family diversity. Can choose whatever you want your family to be. Ignores harmful aspects of family life (Marxists and Feminists) such as class exploitation and patriarchal control.