Functionalism (Putnam) Flashcards
Does Putnam argue for functionalism or Identity Theory
Putnam argues for functionalism however, he believes identity theories critics are not actually defeating and instead gives proper criticisms
1- Is pain a Brain state?
Putnam critiques the objection that pain can’t be a brain state because one can know they’re in pain without knowing about their C-fibers. He argues this is a weak argument, as one can know something (e.g., feeling heat) without knowing its scientific explanation (e.g., mean molecular kinetic energy), yet they are still identical.
2-Identity or Correlation?
Critics of identity theory argue that we are only entitled to claim a correlation between brain states and mental states, not full identity, as identity is a much stronger claim. They suggest that Descartes was actually more cautious in acknowledging a relationship rather than asserting identity. However, Putnam finds this criticism odd, comparing it to denying that light is identical to electromagnetic radiation. If they were merely correlated rather than identical, it would lead to strange questions about why light always accompanies electromagnetic radiation. Since such questions don’t arise for light, they shouldn’t arise for mental states and brain states either. Therefore, Putnam rejects the objection, arguing that mere correlation is not a sufficient explanation.
For Identity Theory to be correct:
1) one must specify the physical chemical state that any organism must be in in order to feel pain
2) at the same time whatever this state is it must not be possible of any organism that cant feel pain
How does Putnam Critique of the identity theory play out in an example?
Putnam says that if we can find one psychological predicate (hunger) that can be applied to both mammal and octopus but they differ in respect to their physical and chemical states this theory collapse
Why is Putnam not impressed by behaviourism?
1) there is a genuine translation problem (jones feel cold, behaviourists cant translate it)
2) consider two people that demonstrate the problem with behaviour one can feel pain one cant
What is Functionalism?
mental states are functional states
Does this correctly describe Functionalism: mental states are relational states?
Fill in the the blanks that support functionalism
Think of yourself (your body) as a system
1) There are particular ______ to the system (body): 5 senses (also other beliefs, not entirely external)
2) There are particular ______ of the system (body): behaviours, micro, macro
3) There are states that relate _______of the system (body), as well as relate to other states: brain states, neurological events, events of the nervous system…
1) inputs
2) outputs
3) inputs and outputs
How does Functionalism answer the problem of what makes the different configurations the same belief?
1) Two different brain state tokens are tokens of the same type of mental state
2) If and only if two brain states have the same casual relations they relate to the input stimulus the organism receives and relates to the output behaviour
What matters isnt the brain state
what matter is the functional role that each of the brain state play to the input and output
According to the functionalist would they claim that mental states are related or other states of the organism
How would the functionalist finish this?
Same belief=______
same function
fuctionalism is the view that mental states are just
those very relations
is functionalism essentially a reductive account?
What makes two brain states the same mental state according to Type-Token Identity Theorist?
the same neurological configuration
What makes two brain states the same mental state according to Token-Token Identity Theorist?
Do not have an answer and if so it turns them into functionalists
What does it mean to a functionalist about Jones believing the cat is on the mat?
1: Jones is in some state ‘x’ that is __casually related_ to other mental states like->
2: the perception on the mat ‘y’, along with the desire to feed the cat ‘w’ which is related to external stimuli ->
3: light hitting Jones retina ‘e’ which then produces__external behaviour__ that might include feeding the cat treats ‘a’
Note: the idea here is to get an entirely functional description about what makes ‘x’ a mental state is how it holds up to the role it plays in the whole system
What is the potential problem with Jones believing the cat is on a mat?
that functionalists are appealing to other mental states and really again doesn’t explain them..rather we resort again to mental terms
What is the solution to the problem with Jones believing there is a cat on a mat
Ramsey Sentences
What is a Ramsey Sentence?
A sentence that uses topic neutral vocabulary
Using the cat problem put it into a Ramsey sentence
(∃x) (Jones has ‘x’ and ‘x’ is _______by ‘y’ and ‘e’, and ‘x’ together with ‘w’ causes action ‘a’)
What is an important distinction with Functionalism regard input and output
the space between input and output (blackbox)
What are the superiorities of Functionalism?
- functionalism avoids pitfalls of incomplete translations
- it explains how different species can both have ‘x’ pain or be in ‘x’ pain
Give a summary of Functionalism
- gives functional states to mental states
- mind is not a thing
- functions do not cause a mind/ mental states
- mental states are just functions
- not causation between the two
Why is functionalism superior to Dualism
What are some benefits of functionalism
- we now have clear research program (neuroscience)
- we have clear to tell is some creature is in a particular mental state
- because composition doesn’t matter we could theoretically implement mental in other systems other than natural ones (multiple realization)
What is multiple realization
implementing mental states in other systems other than natural ones
What is the goal of cognitive science
1) mapping out neural behaviours and path ways
2) build out cognitive models that stimulate these behaviours
What is the first criticism towards learnt in class towards Functionalism
inverted qualia
Explain inverted qualia
if two people have external stimulus ‘s’ which cause a perception ‘p’ that has the quals of a certain color in which produces the external behaviour ‘b’ for someone to utter I see this a “red ball”
however one of the two people sees a green ball but identifies (social construction) it as red ball (color blind)
Jones: there is an external stimulus ‘s’, which causes ‘p’, which in turn produces output ‘b’.
Smith: there is an external stimulus ‘s’, which causes ‘p*’, which in turn produces output ‘b’.
both ‘p’ play the same function role to produce output ‘b’
What is the second criticism learnt in class towards Functionalism
Absent Qualia-Ned Block
Explain Absent Qualia?
- Ned Block states that two organism are in the same mental state if and only if they are functionally equivalent
- if two systems have functional equivalent they must be in the same mental state
-if so then we can theoretically map out all functions and produce these in other things like China