Functionalism & New Right Flashcards
Murdock (1949)
family performs 4 essential functions for soc & its mems
Stable Satisfaction of Sex Drive
Functions of the Family
w/ same partner preventing the soc disruption caused by sexual ‘free for all’
Meeting it’s Members’ Economic Needs
Functions of the Family
food & shelter
Socialisation of the Young
Functions of the Family
into soc’s shared norms & values
Reproduction of Next Generation
Functions of the Family
w/o soc wouldn’t continue
Evidence Supporting Murdock
studied 250 socs of dif cultures = good breadth - saw in each of these socs nuclear fams existed - saw them providing the 4 funcs
Criticism of Murdock
funcs can be performed by other institus / non-nuclear strucs - but convienience is why seen so widely
rose tinted view that fam meets needs of mems & soc - ignores conflict & exploitation
fems - fam serves needs of men
m’s - serves cap
Parsons’ Functional Fit theory
= 2 basic funcs of fam as soc has changed & needs have adapted
Primary Socialisation
sim to Mur’s edu role Parsons agreed fams teach soc n’s & v’s - specif ns&vs of fam/commun - other instits schools etc taught uni n’s of wider soc
Stabalisation of Adult Personalities
helped prevent dsyfunc adult behav - encourage conform to soc norms - provide emotional sup
warm bath theory - man relax into fam like warm bath - takes away stress - husband = instru role focus = ach work success - fin sup = bread winner - wife = expressive role - focus PS of children & emo needs = home maker
Types of Society
modern Indust - nuclear fits needs = dom fam type
trad pre indust = extended fam
Parsons & Types of Society
post-indust soc had 2 essen needs = geo mobile workforce - ppl need to move to where jobs are = easier for compact nuc fam to move
socially mobile workforce - mod indust based on evolv sci & tech needs tech skilled work force = essen talented ppl = able to win promo & take NB jobs - fam hierarchy w/in Hholds can make soc mobility dif so nuc = better
Evidence Supporting Parsons
comp to Murdock does take account for changes over time
Young & Willmot (1973) Criticisms of Parsons
pre-indust fam = nuc X extended
hardship created mum centred WC Ex fams
nuc fam = bc of soc change (Ex fam less NB now for sup) but studies show still exists too offer childcare etc
Criticisms of Parsons
Laslett (1972) 1564-1821 fams almost always nuc
Anderson (1980) exchange theory to explain E fam - harsh conditions meant fam ties = beneficial