functionalism Flashcards
explain in basic terms what functionalism is as a theory
a positive consensus theory.
they believe that all members of society have been socialised into the same set of norms and values and therefore share a common collective conscience and live in social solidarity together.
collective conscience
having strong socialisation by all humans having the same set of norms and values
consensus theory
a theory that believes everyone collectively agrees on the same norms and values in society/a group
shared beliefs and values that participants in a society must learn
functional prerequisites
the specific roles each social institution must carry out
rules or expectations that are socially enforced and expected of everyone in society/in a certain group
organic analogy
Durkheims comparison of society to the human body and each social institution being an organ
social institution
ways in which we are socialised into certain norms and values (e.g. by family and friends)
social solidarity
when society achieves a strong collective conscience (argued by Durkheim)
the process of how we are taught norms and values
- functionalists believe we are a product of our socialisation
the beliefs that we have about what is important, both to us and to society as a whole
value consensus
the need for societies to have a general agreement of common set of beliefs and principles to work with and towards