Functionalism Flashcards
AO1-Social solidarity
Togetherness. Durkheim-prepares students for interacting in society and accepting social rules. Important as it ensures the cooperation of individuals and makes sure they are not selfish. E.g shared culture though british values, nativity plays, sports day, history
AO3-Social solidarity
Marxists would argue education is not passing on a shared culture as it is ethnocentric (priority to white culture, dividing people) E.g white-European history, white authors, Christian hymns, holidays entered around Christian holidays.
AO1-Specialist skills
Durkheim argues students are taught these skills so they can take their place in the division of labour which means they can earn money and pay income tax to keep society going. E.g punctuality, listening to authority, competition, organisation.
AO3-Specialist skills
Functionalist are rose tinted. Wolf review found that a third of 16-119s were doing courses that do not lead to further education or jobs and NEETS are rising.
AO1-Secondary socialisation
Parsons argues education passes on the value of meritocracy (ability and effort). This is important as it encourages people to work hard. E.g free, opportunity to take exams, national curriculum, same grade criteria.
AO3-Secondary socialisation
Bowels and Gintis (Marxists) argue meritocracy is a myth. Private education benefits mc students but this is disguised to keep up a false class consciousness.
AO1-The bridge
Parsons argues education is the bridge from home (ascribed status and particularistic standards) to work (achieved status and universalistic status)
A03-The bridge
Rose tinted. the system is failing and NEETS are increasing
AO1-Sifting and sorting
Davis and Moore argue education sifts and sorts students based on meritocracy. Not everyone is equally talented or driven so the most important jobs should be filled with the best people and they should offer higher status and better pay. This will lead to inequalities but this is good as people need to do the worst jobs and it is an incentive to work hard. E.g sets
AO3-Sifting and sorting
Sifting and sorting is not actually based of meritocracy but class, gender and ethnicity