Functional Properties Of Eggs Flashcards
When eggs are heated they change from a fluid state to a more solid This is called coagulation. Egg white thickens between 60°C a n d 65°C Egg yolk thickens at 65°C and eventually sets at 70°C. Used for: quiches, custard state. Thickens fillings,
Egg yolk contains a substance which acts a s a n emulsifier. This is used to prevent mixtures of oil and other liquids (e.g. vinegar) separating. When making cakes egg yolk forms a n emulsion with the fat a nd oil in the mixture to prevent separation or curdling. Used for: Mayonnaise, cake-making
When egg white is beaten the
protein traps air and forms a foam. This trapped air caused by the egg helps to act as a raising agent in cakes. Used for: Meringues, swiss rolls, whisked sponges in the eg stretches,
The proteins in the e g g coagulate when heated and hold ingredients together.
Used in: Fishcakes, burgers, goujons
Flavour & Colour
Eggs can give a golden brown colour to baked products
Eggs add a rich flavour to bakes products
Biscuits, pastry and cakes