Functional Examination Flashcards
Definition of Functional
of or having a special activity, purpose, or task
relating to the way in which something works or operates
importance of functional exam
baseline level of function goal setting and intervention planning objective information appropriate tests and measures discharge planning and placement decisions assessment of safety
Exam of Function is the determination of two things:
habitual level of function
capacity of function
if those two things don’t match what do you do?
the patient’s desired level of function is what the PT must adhere to even if it’s lower than capcity
Performance Based Functional Tests are
indication of what a patient can do under certain circumstances
identifies current level of function or predicts max function
can be global or specific to a body condition/region
Performance Based Functional Tests does not give
Self Reports are
Barthel Index and
Katz Index
Self Reports wording indicates:
habitual vs capacity and specific time frame
Interpreting Test of Function are crucial to determine
why the test has resulted in a report of diminished function
Key Descriptors
performs with no one present
modified independent
assistive device
increased time
safety issues
NO MANUAL assistance
standby assistance
requires cueing
Contact Guarding
hand on patient
steading assistance maintain balance
Min Assist
greater than 75% effort
Mod Assist
50-74% effort
Max Assist
25-49% effort
total asisst
less than 25% effort
or need more than one person
Normal Static Balance
maintain steady balance without support
Normal Dynamic Balance
accepts max challenge and can shift easily within full range in all directions
Good Static Balance
maintains without support with limited sway
Good Dynamic Balance
accepts moderate challenge
picks up object from floor
Fair Static Balance
maintains balance with handhold support
may require occasional min assistance
Fair Dynamic Balance
accepts minimal challenge
maintains balance while during head/trunk
Poor Static Balance
requires handhold and mod to max assist to maintain posture
Poor Dynamic Balance
unable to accept challenge or move without loss of balance
Standardize Performance Functional Tests
BERG Balance 10 meter or 6 min walk timed up and go 30 second sit to stand functional reach test
Bartel Index measures
degree of assistance required by individual on 10 items of mobility and self-care
0 on Barthel index means
complete dependence
100 on Barthel index means
complete independance
Kats Index of ADL’s focuses on which
bathing dressing toileting transferring continence feeding
A score means
complete independence
G score means
complete dependence
Kats is based on
proposed hierarchy of function from neurologic and loco motors responses seen in children
DASH is how many items
30 self report
DASH was designed to measure
physical function and symptoms in people with any of several musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb
0 score on DASH
least disability
100 score on DASH
most disability
Katz B
independent in all but one
Katz C
Independent in all but bathing and one additional function
Katz D
Independent in all but bathing, dressing, and one additional function
Katz E
Independent in all but bathing, dressing, toileting and one other function
Katz F
Independent in all but bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and one other function
Tests that measure ADLs
Groningen Activity Restriction Scales