Functional Anatomy - Positions Flashcards
Caudal Thoracic Cavity
The Diaphragm
Dorsal Thoracic Cavity
Thoracic vertebrae and muscles
Ventral Thoracic Cavity
The sternum
Lateral Thoracic Cavity
The ribs and intercostal muscles
Cranial Abdominal Cavity
The diaphragm
Caudal Abdominal Cavity
The pelvic opening
Dorsal Abdominal Cavity
Lumbar vertebrae and part of the diaphragm
Later and Ventral Abdominal Cavity
Abdominal muscles
Axial Skeleton
The skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum
Appendicular Skeleton
The fore and hind limbs
Splanchnic Skeleton
Bones that develop in soft tissues, floating e.g os penis
Intramembranous Ossification
Bone formed directly from fibrous tissue e.g. flat bones of the skull
Endochondral Ossification
Bone formed within a preformed cartilaginous model
What are the functions of the skeletal system?
- Support the body- Movement by providing leverage for muscle contraction- Protects organs- Mineral balance e.g. calcium and phosphorous- RBC production within bone marrow- Endocrine regulation
Radius/Ulna or atlas/axis
Ball and socket
Humerus/radius and ulna
Plane or gliding
Between carpals/tarsals
Between phalanges
Angle between bones is reduced
Angle between bones is increased
Whole limb moves away from the midline of the body
Whole limb moves towards the midline of the body
Whole limb moves cranially
Whole limb moves caudally
Under-surface of the paw is turned downwards
Under-surface of the paw is turned upwards
Sensory neurons
Conduct impulses from receptors e.g. eyes, ears and stretch receptors in the muscles and carry them towards the CNS
Motor neurons
Conduct impulses away from CNS towards effector organ e.g. muscles and glands
Frontal lobe
Most anterior, centre of voluntary movement (motor area), containing areas for control of gross, fine and complicated muscle movements
Parietal lobe
Collects, recognises and organises sensations of pain, temperature, touch, position and movement
Temporal lobe
Contains centres for awareness and correlation of auditory stimuli
Occipital lobe
Forms posterior extremity of each cerebral hemisphere. Involves visual perception and visual memory (role in eye movement)
Corpus Callosum
Midline band of tissue in the brain separating left and right hemisphere
Bones of the skull form a hard outer covering the brain
Vertebral column
Protects the spinal cord
3 layers of membrane composed of white fibrous connective tissue enveloping entire CNS providing support and protection
What are the 3 layers of membrane protecting the brain?
Dura mater (outermost, tough), Arachnoid mater (web-like, cushions CNS, facilitates diffusion of oxygen), Pia mater (innermost layer, delicate, very vascular supplying blood to CNS)