Function And Physiology Of The Tear Film Flashcards
Disorder of the tear film caused by tear deficiency or excessive tear evaporation that causes damage to the interpalpebral ocular surface nad is associated with symptoms of ocular discomfort
Dry eye syndrome
Function of tear film
- provides a smooth refractive surface for clear vision
- maintins the health of corneal and conjunctival epithelial
- acts as the first line of defense against microbial infections
Tear film structure from anterior to posterior
Lipid layer
Aqueous layer
Mucous layer
Mucous layer and aqueous layer of the tear film
They are sort of mixed together and have a gradient of mucins
Mucus layer composition
Intermost layer composed of mucin, immunoglobulins, urea, salts, glucose, leukocytes, cellular debris, and enzymes
High molecule weight glycoproteins that are heavily glycosylated
Two types of mucins
Membrane associated mucins
Secretory mucins.
A dense barrier to pathogen penetrate, at the epithelial cell-tear film interface
Membrane associated mucin
Act as a cleaning crew, moving through the tear fluid and collecting debris that can be removed via the nsaolacrimal duct during blinking
Secretory mucins
Function of mucus layer
- Maintain water on the surface fo the eye
- The mucins also interact with tear lipids layer to lower surface tension thereby stabilizing the tear film
- hydrophilic
- provides lubircation for eyelid movement
- traps exploited surface cell, foreign particles and bacteria
Sources of mucus for the mucus layer
Goblet cells and squamous cells of cornea and conjunctiva
Goblet cells major one
- neural control
- sensory nerves
- PNS-increases secretion
- SNS help regulate the goblet cell proliferation, not really to do with mucin increasing
Aqueous layer composition
- composed of water, electrolytes, protein, peptides growth factors, vitamins, and hormones
- middle layer
- electrolytes include sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium
What does sodium and chloride do in the aqueous layer
Main contributors to osmolarity of tear film (osmolarity increases with dry eye)
What does potassium and calcium do to aqueous layer of the tear film
Important for maintaining corneal epithelium health
Osmaolrty and dry eye
Osmolarity increases with dry eye
-Na and CL
Proteins of the aqueous layer
Albumin, immunoglobulins (IgA) histamine, lactoferin, lysozyme, interleukins, antimicrboials
Peptide growth factors in the aqueous layer
EGF, TGF-B, HGF (hepatocyte grwoth facotr), and vitamin A
Aqueous layer function
Electrolytes act as a buffer to maintain a constant pH and contribute to maintaining epithelial integrity of the ocular surface
The buffer system of the aqueous layer of the tear film allows the eye to tolerate ophthalmic solution varying from ______ to _____ pH
When does pH decrease in the tear film
During sleep
When does pH increase in tear film
Dry eye due to osmolarity increase
Function of aqueous layer
Offers strong defense system to protect against invading microorganism through contained proteins
-peptide growth factor and vitamin A act via auto rinse and paracrine mechanisms to regulate epithelial proliferation, motility and differentiation
Reflex and emotional tearing
Main lacrtimal gland
Maintenance of tearing
Accessory lacrtimal gland
Neural control of lacrimal glands
PNS, SNS, sensory nerves to main lacrimal gland
PNS only: accessory lacrimal glands
Lipid layer composition
Outermost layer -meibomian oil -composed of two phases —polar surfactant phase —nonmoral phase (overlaid polar phase)
Primarily composed of phospholipids and glycilpids. Acts as a surfactant between the hydrophilic aqueous mucin layers and the thick, no polar lipid layer
Polar surfactant phase of the lipid layer
Inner most layer of lipid layer
Primarily composed of wax, cholesterol esters, and trigs. Provides the air-tear film interface and is responsible for retarding evaporation
Nonpolar phase of the lipid layer (outermost layer of the lipid layer)
Lipid layer function
- major barrier to evaporation from the ocular surface
- provides stability to the tear film through interactions with the aqueous mucin phase
- provides a smooth optical surface fro the cornea
- acts as a barrier against foreign particle
Resources of lipid layer
Meibomian glands: with assistance by two other sebaceous glands, zeis and Moll
Neural control: PNS
Tear distribution
Glycocalyx produced by the corneal epithelium helps bind the mucins to help tear film evenly distribute
Clinical evaluation for tear secretion
Schirmer I, schirmer II, phenol red thread test, meinscometry
Clinical evaluation of tear film
- tear secretion
- tear film stability
- tear film osmolarity
- lipid layer evaluation
- ocular surface evaluation
Tear deficiency dry eye
The largest category of dry eye. It occurs because of a disorder in lacrimal gland function, resulting in either reduced aqueous tear production and tear flow, to a failure to transfer lacrimal fluid into the conjunctival sac
Evaporating dry eye
The lacrimal gland function is normal and the volume of lacrimal fluid is sufficient to cover the ocular surface, but another tear abs or agility exists that leads to increased tear evaporation
- hyperosmolarity
- meibomian gland disease
What is the resource of generating mucins in tear film
Goblet cells and squamous cells of cornea and conjunctiva
What electrolytes are main contributor for osmolarity of tear film?
Na, CL
What is the resource of generating aqueous layer in tear film?
Main lacrimal gland and accessory lacrimal gland
Which layer is the major barrier to evaporation from ocular surface
Lipid layer
What clinical tests are used to eval the lipid layer in tear film?
If there is a disorder in lacrimal gland function, what type of dry eye will be induced
Tear deficient dry eye
What tests do we do to test tear film stability
TBUT, ocular protection index, videokeratography, tear turnover
What tests do we do to test tear film osmolarity
Tear film osmolarity, tear ferning, tear evaporation
What tests do we do for lipid layer evaluation
Interferometry, meibometry
What tests are used to test ocular surface eval
Flourescein, rose bengal, lisssamine green