Fullstack Stack Part 3 Flashcards
What it is: programming language used to create dynamic web content
How I use it: client integrations that collect data on both products seen on eCommerce sites and the behaviors of customers that browse and buy onsite
ES5 vs ES6
ES5 - released in 2009
ES6 - Released in 2015
- introduces “let” and “const”
- arrow functions
- rest parameters (allow functions to take in an infinite amount of arguments as an array)
How I use them:
I learned ES6 in bootcamp, but use ES5 at work
- open-source front end JavaScript library for creating interfaces
- created by the Facebook team
- key features include Components, JSX, the unidirectional dataflow and server-side rendering
How I used React: building Bootcamp projects, such as our web-scraper application
jQuery is a JS library that
Simplifies DOM traversal, selection of elements, assignment of click listeners
How I use jQuery: I use jQuery in many JavaScript integrations for clients to capture customer actions like add_to_cart events and submission of site forms
Redux is a library that is used to state management in React Apps
Core Principles:
- The global state of your application is stored in an object tree within a single store
- That state is read-only and the only way to change it is by emitting an action
- Actions are dispatched using pure reducers
I used Redux to manage application state in my Savory Project to manage state of transformed recipes
Hyper Text Markup Language - used for developing web pages. HTML5 supports both Audio and Video.
I used a bit of HTML when developing React applications in Bootcamp, it’s the skeleton of webpages
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
Language used to style HTML documents - describes how HTML elements should be displayed
Node is an open-source runtime environment that enables developers to create and test server-side tools and applications in JavaScript
It enables us to execute JS outside of the browser context
How I have used it: I used node to run programs locally without wifi built-in HTTP module is good for creating servers
Express is the most popular node framework
It provides mechanisms for:
- writing handlers for requests with different HTTP verbs at different URL Paths
- lets you add request processing middleware at any point in the request pipeline
- compatible with other libraries that work with cookies, sessions, URL parameters
- Express Router creates a mini express app and provides useful routing APIs like .use, .get, .param
I used Express for spinning up smaller apps in bootcamp
SQL - structured query language
language used to communicate with data stored in a relational database management system
How I use it: I use SQL to query our customers data in BigQuery, compare files, QA data, and generate custom exports
Bigquery is a serverless data warehouse
This is where Bluecore warehouses a lot of our data
I regularly use SQL to query this data
Relational Database Management System based on SQL. It’s a software used for managing relational databases
Sequelize is an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) package for Node.js that works with a variety of SQL based databases such as Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, and a few others.
It maps an object syntax onto our database schema
i used Sequelize to manage SQL databases until I learned SQL
An advanced, open source relational database that supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (nonrelational) querying.
We commonly call it just “Postgres”
It is NoSQL (Not only SQL)
Representational State Transfer – an architectural style for designing backend applications.
Restful routes are a conventional pattern to follow when structuring different routes for interacting with the server whenever an HTTP request is made.
In order for a route to be completely RESTful, it must:
- Separate the client from the server
- Be reliable
- Use HTTP verbs and URLs
- Not hold state between requests (all information necessary to respond to a request is available in each request)