Full Heath Assessement Script Flash Cards
What are the different sections of the health assessment?
Upper Body
Lower Body
What are the steps in the assessment of the head?
Patient orientation
Health assist device questions
Penlight: eyes, nose, mouth
Head palpation
Observe Trachea placement
Lymph node palpation
What is the response for patient orientation?
“Patient is alert and oriented times 4”
“There are no obvious abnormalities in appearance, speech, dress, and behavior”
What is the response for eye observation?
“Pupils are 4 millimeters and PERRLA, no evidence of redness, drainage, or swelling of lids”
What is the response for mouth observation?
“No discharge or redness in nasal cavity, good dentition, mucous membranes are moist, appropriate for race”
What is the response for head and trachea observation?
“Head is normal cephalic” “Hair is evenly distributed, (HAIR COLOR) and fine.”
“Trachea is midline, and neck is symmetrical”
What are the names and locations of the lymph nodes for palpation?
What is the response for observation of the skin in the upper body portion of the health assessment?
“Color is appropriate for race, skin is smooth and dry, not oily. Skin is warm, intact, appropriate for race. No evidence of bruises or scars, some freckling. No other marks. Tattoos noted.”
“Major pressure points on upper extremities are intact, no evidence of breakdown”
What is the response for nail inspection?”
“Nails are smooth, no ridges, clean, not discolored, no evidence of clubbing” DROP IT LOW.
What is the response for cap refill?
“Cap refill is brisk, less than 2 seconds”
What is the response for radial pulse observation?
“Radial pulses are 2 + bilateral”
What is the response for finger grip strength?“
“Upper extremity strength 5/5 bilateral”
What are the steps in the upper body portion of the health assessment?
Skin color/upper joint observation
Inspect nails/cap refill
Radial pulses/breath per min
Squeeze strength
Breathing assessment
Lung Sounds
APLA Ratio
Heart sounds
Bowel Sounds
What is the response for the breathing assessment?
“15 breaths per minute, No evidence of nasal flaring, retractions, labored breathing, or use of accessory muscles. There are no lifts or heaves.”
What is the response to lung sounds?
“All lung fields are clear, no presence of cough, congestion, of adventitious lung sounds”
After listening to the heart sounds, and palpating the PMI at the left midclavicular line, what is the response?
“Rate is 80 bpm, normal rhythm, S1 S2 noted, no murmurs, gallops, or rubs were heard”
What is the response to the JVD and carotid observations?
“2+ bilateral” “No evidence of bruits or JVD”
What are the steps in the abdominal assessment?
Observe stomach
Ask for pain
Listen for bowel sounds
Listen for clicks
Palpate belly
What is the response to the observation of the abdomen?
“Abdomen is flat and symmetrical. No abnormal pulsations, peristalsis, or bulges.”
What is the response after listening to bowel sounds?
“I’m going to count your clicks for one minute…I heard 15 clicks. Normal active bowel sounds in all quadrants.”
“Do you have any pain in your abdomen?”
What is the response after palpation of abdomen?
“Did you feel any pain?”
What are the steps in the lower body assessment?
Inspect knees, heels and legs
Feel legs, up and down
Check dorsalis pedis and tibialis pedis pulses
Toe Cap refill
Foot strength
What is the response to the knees, heels and leg observation?
“No gross abnormalities or joint deformities”
What is the response to the feeling of the legs up and down?
“Skin is normal for race, warm, dry, and intact. No signs of pallor, rubor, or cyanosis. No rashes, lesions or ulcers. There is no edema.”
What is the response to the dorsalis pedis and tibialis pedis?
“Dorsalis pedis is 2+, posterior tibialis is 2+”
What is the response to the foot strength observation?
“Push against my hands, pull up”
“Bilateral strength in the lower extremities is 5/5”
What questions do you ask to see if the patient is alert and oriented x4?
“Can you tell me your name and date of birth?”
“Do you know where you are?”
“Do you know why you are here?”
“Do you know what time it is?”