Fuel Study Guide Flashcards
What is the most common fuel in the US? (p.6)
What types of vehicles use Gasoline? (p.6)
cars, sport utility vehicles, light trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles and boats, small aircraft, equip and tools used in construction, farming, forestry and landscaping, generators for portable and emergency power. Light vehicles, (cars, sport utility vehicles, and small trucks), consume 90% of all gasoline used in the United States. If you combine 47% of all petroleum consumption and 17% of total U.S. energy consumption, gasoline accounts for about 64% of total energy consumption in the transportation sector.
What is the difference between unleaded and leaded gasoline? (p.7)
leaded gasoline has tetraethyl lead
What seasonal cycles do the demand for gasoline follow? (p.7)
demand is lower during the colder months and higher in warmer, refinery producition cycles mirror those cycles. As refineries shift into lower gasoline demand periods in the early autumn, refiners routinely perform plant maintenance
What process is used to refine crude oil? (p.8)
simple distillation. Crude oil is heated and put into a still and different products boil off and can be recovered at different temperatures
When is gasoline recovered during the refining process? (p.8)
at the lowest temperatures
What is downstream distillation? (p.8)
additional processing that is designed to take heavy, low-valued feedstock, often itself the output from an earlier process, and change it into lighter, higher-valued output. A catalytic cracker, for instance, uses the gasoil (heavy distillate), output from crude distillation as its feedstock and produces additional finished distillates (heating oil and diesel) and gasoline. Sulfur removal is accomplished in a hydrotreater. A reforming unit produces higher octane components for gasoline from lower octane feedstock that was recovered in the distillation process. A coker uses the heaviest output of distillation, the residue or residuum, to produce a lighter feedstock for further processing, as well as petroleum coke.
Why are additives used in Gasoline? (p.9)
in an attempt to increase octane ratings and to inhibit corrosion, add lubrication and increase compression ratios
What are the main additives used in Gasoline? (p.9)
oxygenates, antioxidants, aniknock agents, fuel dyes, metal deactivators, corrosion inhibitors, stabilizers
What are the most common vehicle emissions caused by gasoline? (p.10)
• Hydrocarbons (HC)
• Carbon Monoxide (CO)
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
• Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
• Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
• Particulate Matter (PM10/2.5)
What are the uses of diesel fuel? (p.10-11)
trucks, trains, boats, barges, construction, military, generations etc. has more energy than reg gas.
What is Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel? (p.11)
lower sulfur contect than other diesel fuel
Why is USLD valuable in North America? (p. 11)
because max allowable suluf is 0.5 percent by weight which is less than other places.
What can happen to diesel fuel and the equipment that it is used in if there is a microbial contamination in the fuel? (p. 12)
acid formation, rust, corrosion, and filter plugging
Why is water a concern in diesel fuel? (p. 12)
water can make microbes form at the meeting point between the fuel (rag layer) and water that has settled on the bottom of the tank, once formed they cause issues in the fuel
What is cetane and how is it measured? (p.12)
colorless gas that requires a low amount of heat to ignite. Primart measure for gauging diesel fuel quality. Higher is better. Measure of the ingition delay of diesel fuel
At which point is diesel recovered in the distillation process? (p. 11-12)
356-712 xdegrees F and is a middle distillate
Why are additives used in diesel fuel? (p.13)
• Increase mileage
• Clean injectors and engine deposits
• Remove water
• Increase cetane rating
• Lubricate the top cylinder and also stabilize fuel
How is diesel fuel kept warm in most modern engines? (p.14)
Excess fuel is brought to the engine and warn engine that has come close to the engine is reccled back to the fuel tannk. Some also have fuel tank heaters and fuel filter heaters.
What are the leading options to treat diesel in the cold weather? (p.14)
• Blend it with kerosene
• Utilize an additive that enhances cold flow properties
• Utilize fuel tank, fuel filter or fuel line heaters
• Store vehicles in a building when not in use
What is the cloud point of a diesel fuel? (p.14)
The temperature at which small solid crystals are first visually observed as the fuel is cooled. This is the most conservative measurement of cold flow properties.
What is the cold filter plugging point? (p.14)
The temperature at which a fuel will cause a fuel filter to plug, due to fuel components which have begun to crystallize or gel.
What terms are used to characterize the cold flow properties of diesel fuel? (p. 13-14)
cloud point, and the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) or the low temperature filterability test (LTFT).
What vehicle emissions are listed by the DOE and EPA as problems? (p. 15)
Particulate matter, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide
How can you find certified retrofitted technologies to reduce diesel emissions? (p.15)
EPA or CARB website (California Air Resources Board)
What are the effects of the problematic emissions? (p. 16)
damange to trees/crops respirtory/ eye ittitation, hinders breathing, impairs coordination, acid rain component, ozone contributor, respiratory irritation
What is ozone and what are the health risks associated with it? (p. 16)
great thing in the upper atmosphere where it blocks harmful ultra-violet radiation. Unfortunately, ground-level ozone is a major health risk. Vehicle emissions including unburned fuels (volatile organic compounds (VOC), mix in the presence of sunlight on a calm day and produce ozone/smog which dapamge trees and crops and cause respiratory and eye irritatio
What is Particulate emission and why is it controlled? (p. 16)
solid particles such as ash or soot from exhaust and caues respitory irritation
What are some other problems associated with vehicle emissions? (p.17)
dirty air, global warming, energy dependence
What are the two types of national ambient air quality standards? (p.17)
• Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of “sensitive” populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly.
• Secondary standards provide public welfare protection, including protection against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation, and buildings.
What might US states in non-attainment areas for ground level ozone have to do? (p.17)
• Impose new controls on industrial plants
• Restrict transportation
• Require tougher vehicle inspection programs
• Require use of special, cleaner-burning gasoline
Define alternative fuels. (p.18)
The definition of alternative fuel varies according to the context of its usage. In the context of petroleum substitutes, the term ‘alternative fuel’ can refer to any available fuel or energy source, and does not necessarily refer to a source of renewable energy. In the context of environmental sustainability, ‘alternative fuel’ often implies an ecologically benign renewable fuel. Often, these fuels produce less pollution than gasoline or diesel
Describe the peak oil theory concern (p.19)
predicts a rising cost of oil-derived fuels caused by severe shortages of oil during an era of growing energy consumption.
What are sustainable alternative fuels? (p.19)
fuels that can be derived from living and recently dead biological material which can be turned into fuel (plant matter for biofuel)
What is Biomass? (p.19)
refers to living and recently dead biological material which can be used as fuel or for industrial production. Most commonly, biomass refers to plant matter grown for use as biofuel, but it also includes plant or animal matter used for production of fibers, chemicals or heat. Biomass may also include biodegradable wastes that can be burned as fuel. exlcude coal or petroluem
What is the main purpose of fuel? (p.19)
store energy in a form that is stable and can be easily transported from the place of production to the end user.
What is the major environmental concern according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change? (p.19)
“…most of the observed increase in globally-averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.
Why would non-sustainable alternative fuels be used. (p.19)
because they cause less pollution at the point of use, and perhaps less pollution overall.
What are the sources of Non-Traditional Oil? (p.20)
tar sands, oil shale and bitumen.
What is Methane Hydrate? (p.20)
form of natural gas. This substance consists of methane molecules trapped within the crystalline structure of water ice and is found in deposits under ocean sediments or within continental sedimentary rock formations
What is Non-Conventional Oil? (p.20)
fossil fuel chemically identical and with the same origin as conventional or traditional oil, but existing in a different form. These fuels often contain more contaminants and are more energy intensive to produce, thus raising environmental concerns about their sustainability.
What is the Fischer-Tropsch process? (p.20)
converts carbon monoxide and hydrogen into heavier liquid hydrocarbons, including synthetic oil. It is used today in South Africa to produce most of that country’s diesel from coal
How can Biodiesel be used? (p.21)
It can be used in compression-ignition (diesel) engines with little or no modifications.
How can methanol and ethanol be used as energy sources? (p.21)
Methanol from any source can be used in internal combustion engines with minor modifications
What are the alternative fuels being considered to power todays fleet vehicles? (p.21)
• Biodiesel (B5 - B20)
• Renewable Diesel (R20 – R99)
• Ethanol (E10 – E85)
• Electric
• Hybrid technology
• Hydrogen (Internal Combustion & Fuel Cell)
• Natural Gas (Liquefied & Compressed)
• Propane (LPG)
What is Biodiesel? (p.21)
Biodiesel is defined as mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats which conform to ASTM-D6751 specifications for use in diesel engines.
Biodiesel refers to the pure fuel before blending with diesel fuel. Biodiesel blends are denoted as, “BXX” with “XX” representing the percentage of biodiesel contained in the blend (i.e.: B20 is 20% biodiesel, 80% petroleum diesel).
Are renewable diesel and Biodiesel similar? (p.22)
both use similar feedstocks, but they have different processing methods and create chemically different products.
How might an organization adopt biodiesel for purposes such as federal or state statute? (p.22)
use it as a substitue for reguar diesel
Why use Biodiesel? (p.22)
Biodiesel is better for the environment than conventional diesel because it is made from renewable resources and has lower emissions compared to petroleum diesel. It is less toxic than table salt and biodegrades as fast as sugar. Since it is made in North America from renewable resources such as soybeans, its use decreases dependence on foreign oil and contributes to our own economy.
How is Biodiesel made? (p.21-22)
Biodiesel is made through a chemical process called transesterification whereby the glycerin is separated from the fat or vegetable oil. The process leaves behind two products – methyl esters (the chemical name for biodiesel) and glycerin (a valuable byproduct usually sold to be used in soaps and other products).
How can ethanol be used as a fuel? (p. 23)
combined with unleaded gasoline
How is renewable diesel made? (p. 23)
The most advanced of these alternatives is produced through hydrotreating, a process which is being utilized in today’s petroleum refineries. During this process, hydrogen replaces other atoms such as sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen and converts the oil’s triglyceride molecules into paraffinic hydrocarbons
What is renewable diesel? (p. 23)
Renewable diesel is a broad class of fuels derived from biomass feed stocks including oils or animal fats, but processed by other means.
How might the use of renewable diesel be able to impact carbon emissions? (p.23)
From an environmental perspective, renewable diesel can reduce emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Diesel vehicles are naturally 20-40 percent more energy efficient than gasoline vehicles, resulting in a 10-20 percent reduction in GHG emissions. Using renewable diesel fuels can further reduce carbon dioxide emissions anywhere from 20-60 percent.
What are the benefits of renewable diesel? (p.23)
energy security, economic and environmental benefits. One of the most frequently-cited benefits is its ability to help Canada and the United States offset the need for foreign oil imports and move toward energy independence. It has also drawn strong support from the agricultural community which would benefit from increased farm income.
What is E10? (p.23)
10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline. E10 is approved for use in any make or model of vehicle sold in Canada and the U.S. Many automakers recommend its use because of its high performance and clean-burning characteristics. About 46% of America’s gasoline contains a portion of ethanol.
What is Ethanol? (p.23)
Ethanol is a clean-burning, high-octane motor fuel that is produced from renewable sources. At its most basic, ethanol is grain alcohol, produced from crops such as corn or other starch-based crops.
Are all vehicles ethanol compatible? (p.24)
All vehicles are “ethanol vehicles” and can use up to 10% ethanol with no modifications to the engine
What is an electric vehicle? (p.24)
a vehicle with one or more electric motors for propulsion. This is also referred to as an electric drive vehicle.
What is cellulosic ethanol? (p.24)
made from cellulosic feedstocks such as grass, wood and crop residues.
What is E85? (p.24)
85% ethanol and 15% unleaded gasoline. E85 is an alternative fuel for use in flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs). There are currently more than 6 million FFVs on America’s roads today, and automakers are rolling out more each year. In conjunction with more flexible fuel vehicles, more E85 pumps are being installed across the country. When E85 is not available, these FFVs can operate on pure gasoline or any ethanol blend up to 85%.
What is the ultimate blend level of ethanol? (p.24)
most likely e20 or e30
What are some of the considerations when looking at hybrid fuel sources? (p. 25)
fuel efficient, power, driving range, or reduced greenhouse gas emissions
What is a hybrid electric vehicle? (p. 25)
an automobile that has two or more major sources of propulsion power
What sources of energy could hybrid electric vehicles use? (p. 25)
hydrogen, propane, CNG, and solar energy
How does a gasoline electric hybrid function? (p.25)
gasoline-electric hybrid car has one or two auxiliary electric motors that supplement the main gasoline engine. Compared to conventional automobiles, the gasoline engine in a gas-electric hybrid is smaller, less powerful, and more efficient. Although
What sources might the energy used to power the electric vehicle come from? (p.24-25)
batteries, fuel cells or a generator. The energy used to propel the vehicle may be obtained from several sources. Some of the sources are more ecological than others, such as on-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS), called Full Electric Vehicles (FEV). Power storage methods include: • Chemical energy stored on the vehicle in on-board batteries known as Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV)
• Static energy stored on the vehicle in on-board super capacitors
• Kinetic energy storage or flywheels
• Direct connection to land-based generation plants, as is common in electric trains and trolley buses
• Renewable sources such as wind or solar
• Generated energy on-board using a fuel cell: fuel cell vehicle
What is a hydrogen vehicle? (p. 26)
A hydrogen vehicle is a vehicle that uses hydrogen as its on-board fuel for power.
What are the two broad categories of hydrogen fueled vehicles? (p. 26)
combustion, or electrochemical conversion in a fuel-cell.
What is the source of the fuel? (p. 26)
natural gas from coal, liquefied petroleum gas, biomass, or as a microbial water product, or water
What are the benefits of using hydrogen as a fuel? (p.26)
decreased ghg emissions and ozone precursors. less reliance on petro products, he conversion of fossil fuels would be moved from the vehicle, to centralized power plants in which the byproducts of combustion or gasification can be better controlled than at the tailpipe.
How does a fuel cell function? (p.27)
uses hydrogen fuel and owygen from the air to produce electricity
What are the most significant issues involved in using hydrogen as a fuel source? (p.27)
• Onboard Hydrogen Storage
• Cold Weather Operation
• Getting Hydrogen to Consumers
• Vehicle and Fuel Availability
• Safety
• Competition with Other Technologies
• Public Acceptance
What are some of the current limitations of hydrogen powered vehicles? (p.28)
It is currently difficult to store enough hydrogen onboard a FCV (Fuel Cell Vehicle) to allow it to travel as far as a conventional vehicle on a full tank of fuel. Fuel cells are more energy-efficient than internal combustion engines in terms of the amount of energy used per weight of fuel and the amount of fuel used compared to the amount wasted. Hydrogen gas, however, is very diffused, and only a small amount (in terms of weight) can be stored in onboard fuel tanks of a reasonable size.
What are some of the issues with storing hydrogen? (p.28)
the amount of hydrogen stored in a vehicle does not allow it to travel as far as a regular ICE vehicl
What are some of the safety concerns involving the use of hydrogen as a fuel? (p.28)
proper handling is needed and can explode
What are the temperature concerns with hydrogen powered vehicles? (p.28)
fuel cell systems always contain water, both as a byproduct and for humidifying the fuel cell, which can freeze at low temperatures. The fuel cells must also reach a certain temperature to attain full performance.
How has the competition from other fuel sources affected the adoption of hydrogen as a fuel source? (p.29)
Manufacturers are still improving the efficiency of gasoline and diesel-powered engines, and gasoline-electric hybrids are gaining popularity. FCVs will have to offer consumers a viable alternative, especially in terms of performance, durability, and cost, to survive in the ultra-competitive automobile market
How can natural gas be used to decrease our dependence on foreign oil? (p.30)
U.S. natural gas reserves are abundant, this alternative fuel can be domestically produced and used to offset the petroleum currently being imported for transportation use
How might the use of natural gas-powered vehicles reduce vehicle exhaust emissions? (p.30)
contains less carbon than any other fossil fuel and produces lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions than gasoline and diesel fuel
How expensive is natural gas as fuel? (p.31
1/3 less expensive than conventional gas
How common are natural gas vehicles and their refueling infrastructure? (p.31)
approx 120k NGV on the US roads and about 15 million worldwide, approx 1250 fueling stations in the us and about half public use
What are the safety benefits of using natural gas as a fuel? (p.31)
dissapates in the atmosphere versus pooling, storage cylinders stronger, fuel sysytems are seale, high ignition temp, narrow range of flammability, not toxic or corrsive and will not contaimate ground water
Why is natural gas the lowest producer of greenhouse gasses out of all of the fossil fuels? (p.31)
less carbon and while it emtis methane, that increase is offset by the substantial reduction in CO@ emissions.
How do propane powered vehicles handle in comparison to gasoline powered vehicles? (p.32)
vehicle power, acceleration, and cruising speed are similar to those of gasoline-powered vehicles. The driving range for bi-fuel vehicles is comparable to that of gasoline vehicles. The range of dedicated gas-injection propane vehicles is generally less than gasoline vehicles because of the 25% lower energy content of propane, and lower efficiency of gas-injection propane fuel systems. Extra storage tanks can increase range, but the additional weight displaces payload capacity. Liquid Propane Injection engines, introduced in 2006, promise to deliver fuel economy more comparable to gasoline systems.
How expensive is it to maintain a propane vehicle? (p.32)
less expensive - Propane’s high-octane rating (104 to 112 compared with 87 to 92 for gasoline) and low carbon and oil contamination characteristics, have resulted in documented engine life of up to two times that of gasoline engines. Because the fuel mixture (propane and air), is completely gaseous, cold start problems associated with liquid fuel are eliminated
Is propane an alternative fuel? (p.32)
What are some of the other benefits of propane powered vehicles? (p.32)
lower harmful emissions and increases us energy security
What is a bi-fuel propane vehicle? (p.32)
two separate fueling systems that enable the vehicle to use either propane or gasoline
Why is RFG used? (p.32)
It is mandated by the EPA in specific regions to make sure that the fuel produces less carbon monoxide, so it burns cleaner.
How common is the use of RFG? (p.33)
Reformulated gasoline (RFG) is now used in over 1/3 of U.S. vehicles
Is RFG an alternative fuel? (p.33)
What tools are available to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? (p.33)
replacing vehicles, using alternative fuels in existing vehicles, reducing idling time, reducing mileage, and driving efficiently.
What tools can be used to help calculate greenhouse gas emissions in Canada? (p.33)
petroleum reduction calculator -Environment Canada offers a tool to calculate GHG and other emissions can be found at https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-funding/tools-for-applying/calculator-greenhouse-gases-air-contaminants.html
Why is it important to understand the dynamics of fuel supply and demand? (p.33)
makes it easier to anticipate price changes, follow key fuel standards and identify the steps and technologies to improve fuel efficiency. Crude oil and finished fuels are traded as commodities in a global market and, as such, they are governed by the economies of supply and demand
What are some concerns of our growing appetite for oil? (p.34)
It will eventually become scarce and will run out more quickly as China, India and other countries develop energy intensive economies like those of North America, Europe and other parts of Asia.
Why is oil imported? (p.34)
domestic demand outpaced supply
Have the Energy Policy Acts of 1992 or 2005 achieved their goals of reducing the importation of foreign oil? (p.36)
How does OPEC influence oil supply? (p.36)
OPEC manages world oil prices by adjusting production quotas of members and therefore, the supply. Sometimes members overproduce to make more money or satisfy political aims. However, by controlling production on the margin in a market with little surplus production capacity, OPEC has largely been successful at supporting the price of oil on the world market.
How can market speculation affect the price of crude oil? (p.37)
Speculators bet on the future price considering possible disruptions to the delicate balance of supply and demand. Can drive up costs based on fear
What is the benchmark price for crude oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange? (p.37)
East Texas Sweet Crude
How much oil is stored in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? (p.38)
695 mill barrels with capacity of 713.5 mll barrels
What is the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve? (p.38)
This reserve serves to buffer the market in case oil imports are temporarily reduced
How much oil is consumed in Canada vs. the US? (p.39)
canada 2m v US 19.4m consumed
How much oil is imported in Canada vs. the US? (p.39)
canada imports 634,000 barrels per day vs US 9.4 million per day
How much oil is refined in Canada vs. the US? (p.39)
141 operable refineries in US and 19 in canada
What three elements make up the price of gasoline? (p.40)
crude oil, cost of refining/distribution/marketing, taxes
What is the North American Pipeline System? (p.39-40)
Refineries from multiple companies enter the same pipelines. Multiple fuel types and grades travel in the same pipeline, with some mixing occurring at interface.
What is the methodology for assigning the costs of the fuel to its pump price? (p.41)
calculated in cents per gallon and converted to a percentage, crude oil, refining costs and profits, distibution and marketing and profits, and taxes
What is a fuel call option? (p.42)
If the company buys a fuel call option and the price of fuel increases, the company will receive a return on the option that offsets their actual cost of fuel. If the company buys a fuel call option, which requires an upfront premium cost, much like insurance, and the price of fuel decreases, the company will not receive a return on the option but they will benefit from buying fuel at the then-lower cost.
What is fuel hedging? (p.42)
Fuel hedging is a contractual tool some large fuel consuming companies, such as airlines, cruise lines and trucking companies, use to reduce their exposure to volatile and potentially rising fuel costs. A fuel hedge contract is a futures contract that allows a fuel-consuming company to establish a fixed or capped cost, via a commodity swap or option.
What would happen if a company were to purchase a fuel swap and the price of fuel were to decline? (p.42)
the company will be forced to pay an above market rate for fuel
How can you test for residual water in a fuel storage tank? (p.45)
Fuel tank monitors test for water. Paste on the end of a measurement stick can also be used to test for water. The paste changes color in the presence of water telling you how deep the layer is on the bottom of the tank (
How will residual water in a storage tank affect gasoline blended with ethanol? (p.45)
Any water in the tank will bind with ethanol causing a reaction creating phase separation which makes fuel unusable.
What issues might be caused by water contamination in a fueling system? (p.45)
agitation from refilling tanks will temporarily mix water with fuel at higher levels
Why might an organization consider an in-house fueling system? (p.45)
cost or efficiency reasons.
What are suitable conditions for the reproduction of microbes in diesel fuel? (p.46)
presence of water or warm humid conditions
What is an underground storage tank? (p.46)
a tank and any underground piping connected to the tank that has at least 10% of its combined volume underground
What types of biological contamination are found in diesel fuel? (p.46)
bacteria, yeasts, nand funguses
How does the EPA allow local governments to manage UST regulation? (p.47)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act allows them to operate in lieu of the federal EPA program.
What three things did the EPA mandate that fuel storage tanks be designed with or upgraded with. (p.47)
corrosion, spill, and overfill protection,
What types of storage tanks are not regulated by the EPA? (p.47)
Tanks not regulated by the EPA include:
• Farm/residential tanks 1,100 gallons or less containing motor fuels used for noncommercial purposes
• Tanks storing heating oil for on-site consumption
• Emergency spill and overfill tanks
• Tanks on or above the floor of underground areas, such as basements or tunnels
• Septic tanks and systems for collecting storm water and waste water
• Flow-through process tanks
• Tanks of 110 gallons or less capacity
What are the environmental impacts of faulty or leaking underground fuel systems? (p.48)
environmental damage to such elements as the underground aquifer and plants. Leaking underground fuel storage tanks can contaminate surrounding soil, groundwater, or surface waters and affect indoor air spaces.
What is required to replace an existing UST with an AST? (p.48)
requires closing the existing UST properly which includes notifying your regulatory authority at least 30 days before you close your UST, conducting any necessary site assessment and remedial action, having the tank emptied and cleaned safely, and either removing the tank or leaving it buried but filled with an inactive solid, such as sand
What might be required for AST’s to meet local state/province requirements? (p.48)
state/province and local fire codes, which usually have some mix of construction, installation, operation and maintenance requirements that are intended to prevent fires and other hazards that can come from mismanaged or substandard ASTs. Some ASTs may need to meet additional state/province and local regulatory requirements that safeguard human health and the environment from potential threats from ASTs
What responsibilities do the owners of underground storage tanks have? (p.48)
Owners of underground storage tanks have legal requirements (federal, state, and local) associated with their ownership as well as liability associated with leaking tanks