Financial Management Flashcards
Define accounting
System of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions in books, and analyzing, verifying and reporting the results
What are some uses of accounting information?
-Use it to evaluate financial consequences of different scenarios
-Stockholders, government, banks, creditors, employees, potential customers, and other external individuals use it to decide whether to extend credit, invest, tax your organization, or to monitor your organization’s performance.
• Analyzes the data.
• Records all pieces of events and transactions into meaningful groups with summaries.
• Interprets the financial picture of an organization.
• Performs audits on various pieces or the whole.
• Develops tax structure.
• Develops future budgets.
• Aids in the decision making process.
• Provides for the ability to conduct research and forecast projects.
What is managerial accounting and how does it use information?
Managerial accounting provides the information needed inside the organization, while financial accounting provides the information used by those outside the organization.
Information derived from managerial accounting assists an organization or parts of
an organization in making sound financial decisions regarding the organization and
its future.
Define the term business entity.
A business entity is any business organization that exists as an economic unit
What is a single proprietor
Someone who is in business for themselves and the business is unincorporated.
Define the term partnership
Business owned by two or more persons and unincorporated
What is a corporation
Business that has been incorporated and is owned by stockholders. It is a separate legal entity and typically managed by a board of directors. An advantage is that if the business fails, the personal assets of the owners (stockholders) are protected from any creditors. However, the owners must pay taxes on annual earnings just like individuals.
Why is it important for a Fleet Manager to have a firm grasp of accounting?
they may be called on to provide essential details and advice and they should be aware that external reporting may affect how decisions are made inside an organization
What is an audit?
an examination and verification of a company’s financial and accounting records and supporting documents by a professional. Can be internal (aimed at ensuring compliance to organizational operating procedures) or external (goal to ensure compliance with external reporting standards)
What information can be used to help in the vehicle acquisition decision?
information from external reporting and internal management systems. example - asset management ratios from financial statements can be used to determine if the level of assets (vehicles) held is warranted. At the same time, a lifecycle cost approach that tracks all costs associated with the operation of a vehicle can signal the optimal time for vehicle replacement
What does a cost accounting system track and what information can it provide?
Tracks vehicle operating (fuel, maintenance, administration), as well as fixed ( depreciation) costs. this allows the fleet manager to make better internal decisions and provides information about operating costs. and lifecycle costs.
What information does the Fleet Manager need to make the lease vs. own decision?
A cost-based approach that tracks and apportions all direct and indirect costs of fleet operations provides the necessary information to make a decision about leasing or purchasing assets. This requires both internal management information and external reporting information.
What is a chart of accounts
established to define how money, or equivalent, is spent or received. It organizes the finances and segregates the expenditures, revenues, assets, and liabilities. Each account is often assigned a number that is used by accounting clerks or by
automated systems to record transactions into the organization’s books
Define the term asset.
anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value. ex: Cash, vehicles, accounts receivable
What are the three categories of assets?
Short term, long term, intangible (have value but lack physical substance - patent, trademark, logo)
Define the term liability.
debt and obligation of an organization. things you have to pay
What are the two categories of liabilities?
short term (within one year) and long term
Define the terms income/revenue.
amount of money brought into an org by its business activities. typically reported on an income statement
Define the term expense.
decrease in economic benefit during an accounting period in the form of outflows or depletions of assets that result in decreases in equity. Depreciation. salaries, etc
What is depreciation and what methods can be used to calculate it?
transfer of the value of an asset shown on the balance sheet to the income statement in the form of an expense. usually the largest expense category when operating a fleet of vehicles
Straight line , double declining balance, sum of years, and unit of production
How do you calculate straight line depreciation?
using the number of years the asset is expected to last and what the assets expected value will be at the end of useful life. ex Van purchased for $25k and estimated life of 5 years with a salvage value of $10k. 25k-10k=15k/5years = $3k depreciation per year.
How would you calculate depreciation using the Double Declining Balance Method
accelerated depreciation that lowers the value more in the early years. Instead of Van purchased for $25k and estimated life of 5 years with a salvage value of $10k. 25k-10k=15k/5years = $3k depreciation per year which is a 20% depreciation per year. DDBM would be 40% depreciation for year 1 and 2. Stopping in year 2 because the book balance has decreased below the salvage value of $10k.
Year 1 beg value 25k depr10k end value 15k(25k40%=10k)
year 2 beg value 15k depr 6k end value 9k (15k40%=6k) so we don’t do this. instead year 2 we start using the straight-line so
year 2 beg value 15k depr 1250 end value 13,750k
year 3 beg value 13,750 depr 1250 end 12,500
What depreciation method would you use for a machine that is expected to produce a fixed quantity of items
units of production method -This method can be used for assets that have a very specific life - for example, an underground fuel system that has a useful life of 1,000,000 gallons pumped. This asset was acquired for $50,000 and has a salvage value of $5,000. Given this information, this asset will depreciate $.045 per gallon pumped. So instead of a planned depreciation amount each year, the number of gallons pumped will be measured each year and the depreciation applied accordingly.
Why is it important to track vehicle expenses?
To help establish a chargeback system such as RACE The standardization of veh expenses achieves 2 primary goals -
provides guidance to fleet mgmt personnel in classification of veh expenses for internal control and management and provides common standards to measure effectiveness of cost controls
Describe the RACE system
Recommended automobile classification expenses - standardized chargeback system to identify and track vehicle expenses.
Describe fixed expenses and give some examples that are common in fleets.
assets that incur just by having the vehicle, such as depreciation, cost of money/interest, admin overhead, insurance costs, licenses and taxes
What are the “rules of thumb” when deciding whether an expense is fixed or not?
If I acquire a vehicle and I do nothing with it and leave it in the parking lot,
any cost I incur will be a fixed cost.
• If I acquire a vehicle, and I add items to it like a light bar, but then I leave
it in the parking lot and do nothing with it, the cost of the light bar addition
would be considered part of the capitalization of the vehicle.
• If I have a vehicle that needs refurbishment, and the cost of refurbishing
the vehicle is more than 50% of its value (using a guide like Kelly Blue
Book or NADA), then the cost of refurbishment is considered part of a
recapitalization cost.
• If I have a vehicle that needs refurbishment, and the cost of the refurbishment
is less than 50% of the vehicle’s value, then it can be considered an operating
cost because the vehicle can still be used for its original purpose.
What are operating expenses?
any thing or item that is consumed during the course of the vehicles life.
List some common fleet operating expenses
fuel and oil, tires, maintenance, parts, shop supplies, mechanic training, shop and equipment maintenance
Should vehicle repairs and refurbishment be considered operating expenses?
repairs related to a crash should have a sep category since they are not considered “normal” costs. Refurbishments require the veh to be recapitalized so they can not be considered operating expenses
What are incidental expenses?
non operating and non fixed costs such as car washes, parking fees, toll costs, misc items like floor mats and seat covers. Not really maintenance because they do not add to the capitalized value of a vehicle. should not be included in lifecycle analysis. these costs are not related to having the vehicle in a safe and serviceable operating condition.
Explain other terminology for expenses that may be used in fleets?
direct costs, indirect costs (includes some of fixed and incidental categories), overhead costs (also indirect costs)
What is a cost allocation system?
system that links costs or groups of costs with one of more cost objectives such as products, departments, or divisions. ideally costs should be assigned to the cost objective that caused it.
Cost allocation tries to identify costs with organizations via some function representing causation
What does the Cost Allocation Spectrum illustrate?
A Cost Allocation spectrum illustrates the array of approaches available for cost allocation.
Describe the positions identified on the Cost Allocation Spectrum.
The cost allocation spectrum differentiates between knowing costs, allocating costs and billing for costs. Organizations who know their costs have identified cost categories and monitor these expenses. Allocation is one step further, as costs are divided according to the customer who incurs them, even though the customer is not billed. One step further along the spectrum is where costs are known, allocated and the applicable customer is billed for their share of expenses.
Position A organizations do not track the costs of fleet operations. Fleets
are given a central budget, pay the bills as they occur and are not overly
concerned with recovering these costs from customers, or even having full
knowledge of what these costs are. This might be the case for a very small
fleet where the costs of tracking expenses outweigh the value gained.
• Position B fleets operate in a similar fashion except that they know the
majority of their costs. For a variety of reasons, they fund these costs centrally and do not allocate them to customers.
• Position C fleets know their costs and allocate them to customers, but do not recover from their customers by billing.
• Position D fleets know and allocate operating costs and bill customers for
them. They operate a general (capital) fund for vehicle replacement.
• Position E fleet departments know, allocate and bill for the majority of
operating and capital costs related to fleet.
• Position F fleets have a comprehensive system that tracks even incidental
and all overhead costs. These are allocated or charged to customers through a variety of rates and/or surcharges
What is a General Fund?
fund that all resources go to into if they are not required to be in another fund. when an expense is covered by the general fund, no recovery is made from customers
What are the determining factors in adopting a General Fund?
the type of organization and management goals/expectations, small, straightforward operations may benefit from the simpicity of this structure
What is an Internal Service Fund (ISF)?
fund that makes the customer depts accountable to all expenses. Distributes costs based on actual usage, forcing an equitable distribution of costs. operates like a business but the customers are other govt agencies.
Internal service funds are established to account for the financing of goods and services provided by one department or unit to other departments or units of the same organization on a cost reimbursement basis. they should not generate a profit
What types of organizations use an ISF?
graphic/printing services, communications, property management, info systems, purchasing , risk management, and fleet
What is an Enterprise Fund?
these funds operate like a business, with the governmental entity operating as a business to outside consumers The main distinction between an internal service fund and an enterprise fund is that in the case of the latter, at least some of the customers are external. An enterprise fund is a fund used to account for revenues received for goods or services provided to users on a continuing basis and primarily financed through user charges
What types of organizations use an Enterprise Fund?
airport, ambulance, parking, solid waste, utilities, golf courses, transit, libraries
What three steps can an organization take to improve knowledge of fleet costs?
In conjunction with senior management, determine its position on the spectrum and its ideal position for the future
Identify any impediments to moving to that ideal position
Implement cost accounting processes to allow it to reach that position
What are common hurdles to an organization achieving an identified goal?
• Behavioral – management and employee attitudes
• Technical – absence of necessary cost information and lack of automation to gather and analyze it
• Structural – lack of distinct business units, lines of authority, and responsibility
What four steps should an organization take once it is ready to implement a cost accounting system?
• Develop an activity dictionary
• Determine how much the organization is spending on each activity
• Identify the organization’s products, services and customers
• Select activity cost drivers that link activity costs to the organization’s products, services, and customers
Describe some of the administrative tasks involved in purchasing a vehicle.
policy setting, supplier management, fleet user advocacy, customer relationship management
Describe the debt purchasing method.
Some companies use debt as a part of their overall corporate financial strategy. Companies may use any one or a combination of all types of debt to finance vehicle acquisitions. Some debt instruments are governed by covenants or rules that require the issuer to maintain certain financial standards, such as debt to equity ratios, and requirements to maintain minimum levels of liquidity. There may also be non-financial covenants that require the issuer to provide certain information to bondholders, or to restrict the sale of assets or changes of control. Covenants are designed to ensure that bondholders will receive their interest and principal payments on time.
List some of the other considerations involved in purchasing with debt.
equity securities do not ensure any payment to investors by issuer
bond prices are determined by the market and are based on the issuer’s credit rating, term to maturity, coupon rate, and market yield on comparable securities
Stock prices are set by the market based on the expected level and value of the issuer’s current and future earnings.
Bond investors are relatively certain of their expected cash flows and rate of return of both income and return of principal (if they hold to maturity).
Equity investors are not assured of future income or investment return
What are secured and unsecured debts?
secured if creditors have recourse to the assets of the company on a proprietary basis, or otherwise ahead of general claims against the company. Unsecured debt consists of financial obligations where creditors do not have recourse to the assets of the borrower to satisfy their claims.
What is the difference between a public and private debt?
Private debts are bank-loan type obligations. Public debt is a general description covering all financial instruments that are freely tradable on a public exchange or over the counter with few, if any, restrictions.
What is a term loan?
A basic loan or “term loan” is the simplest form of debt. It consists of an agreement to lend a fixed amount of money, called the principal sum, for a fixed period of time, with this amount to be repaid by a certain date. Interest, which is calculated as a percentage of the principal sum per year, will also have to be paid by that date, or may be paid periodically in the interval, such as annually or monthly. Such loans are also colloquially called bullet loans, particularly if there is only a single payment at the end – the “bullet” – without a “stream” of interest payments during the “life” of the loan. There are many ways to calculate interest but the standard method is the annual percentage rate (APR), widely used and required by regulation in the United States and the United Kingdom, though there are different forms of APR.
What is a syndicated loan?
A syndicated loan is a loan that is granted to companies that wish to borrow more money than any single lender is prepared to risk in a single loan, usually many millions of dollars. In such a case, a syndicate of banks can each agree to put forward a portion of the principal sum. Loan syndication is a risk management tool that allows the lead banks underwriting the debt to reduce their risk and free up lending capacity. Syndication is more common with larger fleets, as some financial institutions are not willing to take the risk of lending too much capital to a single organization.
What are bonds, and how are they used?
Bonds are debt securities issued by certain institutions and are one of the three main asset classes, along with stock and cash equivalents. Many companies, municipalities, states and foreign governments issue bonds to investors in a marketplace when they wish to borrow money for the purpose of financing a variety of projects for a defined period of time at a fixed interest rate. The principal determinants of a bond’s interest rate are credit quality and duration. A bond entitles the holder to repayment of the principal sum at the time of maturity, plus interest over the life of the investment. As such, bonds have a fixed lifetime with maturities ranging from a 90-day Treasury bill to a 30-year government bond. Corporate and municipal bonds are commonly in the three to 10-year range. At the bond’s maturity, the money should be repaid in full. Interest may be added to the end payment, or can be paid in regular installments (known as coupons) during the life of the bond. Bonds may be traded in the bond markets, and are widely used as relatively safe investments in comparison to equity
What are stocks?
While bonds are debt securities, stocks are considered as equity for the holder with ownership interest and no contractual obligation. Equity investors expect their ownership interest will increase in value along with the issuing company’s growth in revenue and profits; however, dividends paid to investors are solely at the discretion of the issuer’s management and Board of Directors. Conversely, debt issuers have a legal obligation to pay, and failure to do so would put them in default and could impact a company’s position as a going concern. Bondholders are secured creditors and are the first to be paid in the event of bankruptcy liquidation. In the event of liquidation, payment order is as follows with typically nothing left for common shareholders:
• Secured Creditors (including bondholders)
• Unsecured Creditors (typically bank loans)
• Preferred shareholders
• Common shareholders
What is mezzanine financing?
subordinated debt or preferred equity instrument, often used by smaller companies, that represents a claim on a company’s assets, which is senior only to that of the common shares. Mezzanine financing can be structured either as debt (typically an unsecured and subordinated note) or preferred stock. It is often a more expensive financing source than secured debt or senior debt, involves additional risk and, in return, mezzanine debt holders require a higher return for their investment than secured or other more senior lenders.
Describe some other options to finance debt.
• Securitization – This occurs when illiquid assets are put through a financial process to transform them into a security. An example would be Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), which is an asset-backed security secured by a collection of mortgages.
• Treasuries– A United States Treasury security is a government debt issued by the US Department of the Treasury, and comes in four types: Treasury bills, Treasury notes, Treasury bonds, and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS).
• Swaps - Typically, a swap contract exchanges fixed rate obligations for a floating rate instrument in the same currency. In its simplest form, the two parties to an interest rate swap exchange their interest payment obligations (no principal changes hands) on two different kinds of debt instruments, one being a fixed interest rate, the other being a floating rate.
• Certificate of Deposit (CD) – Is issued by commercial banks as a promissory note that entitles the bearer to a certain interest rate at a certain maturity date.
• Interest Indices:
o LIBOR – An acronym for the London InterBank Offered Rate, which is the rate that major banks in London charge to other banks to borrow from them. It is a key rate index for international borrowing.
o Prime – Is based upon the Federal Funds Rate, (the rate at which banks in the United States lend money to other banks), and is a major rate that determines rates for many different loan programs and credit offerings.
o Commercial Paper – Is an unsecured short-term debt instrument issued by a corporation. It is generally used to finance short-term obligations such as accounts receivables, inventories, etc., and rates are influenced based on the financial reputation of the corporation.
What is a capital lease?
A capital lease is classified and accounted for by the lessee as a purchase and by the lessor as a sale or financing transaction. Answering “yes” to any one of the categorization questions requires that the lease be capitalized and recorded on the balance sheet. If all four questions can be answered “no,” the lease is considered to be an operating lease and lease payments are expensed.
Capital leases do not include maintenance and cannot be cancelled. They must be capitalized and the leased assets shown on the lessee’s balance sheet. A capital lease may also be known as a finance lease or direct lease. Unless a leasing transaction is a true Capital Lease, the lessee does not retain the rights to tax depreciation. The Lessee is also responsible for vehicle maintenance and insurance
Define the term lease.
A contract in which the right to use a specified asset (the underlying asset) is conveyed, for a period of time, in exchange for consideration. Guidance will not be provided in the leases standard for distinguishing a lease of an underlying asset from a purchase or a sale of an underlying asset. Such guidance will likely arise in connection with the newly proposed Revenue Recognition standard. If an arrangement does not contain a lease, it should be accounted for in accordance with other applicable standards (for example, property, plant, and equipment and loan accounting).
What four questions should be asked in order to categorize leases?
• Does the ownership (title) transfer at the end of the lease?
• Does the lease contain an option to purchase the asset at a bargain price?
• Is the term of the lease at least 75% of the estimated economic life of the asset?
• Is the present value of the future minimum lease payments at least 90% of the fair market value of the asset?
Answering “yes” to any one of the above questions requires that the lease be capitalized and recorded on the balance sheet. If all four questions can be answered “no,” the lease is considered to be an operating lease and lease payments are expensed.
What is the difference between a finance lease and direct financing lease?
Finance leases are full-payout, non-cancellable agreements in which the lessee is responsible for vehicle maintenance, taxes and insurance. Sometimes referred to as a “lease-purchase,” the financial lease is most attractive in cases where the lessee wants the tax benefits of ownership or expects the equipment’s residual value to be high.
Direct Financing Lease (Direct Lease) – A non-leveraged lease by a lessor in which the lease meets any of the defined criteria of a capital lease, plus certain additional criteria. A direct lease is a financial arrangement and contract through which the lessor (a financial institution, a leasing company or similar entity other than a manufacturer or dealer) agrees to furnish, and the lessee agrees to hold assets for a set period of time, at an agreed upon price, and in accordance with specified terms and conditions.
What is an operating lease?
Under an operating lease, the leased asset is not considered an asset of the lessee; the lessee records the asset as an operating expense., lease payments are expensed.
Operating leases are further defined by the assumption of the risk associated with the residual value in the leasing equation, either by the lessor or the lessee.
The broader operating lease categories are identified as either closed-end or open-end, determined by whom assumes the risk for the asset, lessor or lessee. The owner (lessor) bears the risk in a closed-end lease and the borrower (lessee) bears the risk of the residual value in an open-end lease. In either case, the owner receives payment for the use of an asset for a pre-determined time period after which the asset is returned to the owner.
What are the advantages to using an operating lease?
An operating lease is particularly attractive to organizations that continually update or replace equipment, want to use equipment without ownership and want to return equipment at lease-end to avoid technological obsolescence. An operating lease usually results in the lowest payment of any financing alternative and is an excellent strategy for bypassing capital budgeting restraints. Include cancellation clauses and may or may not include maintenance. Under an operating lease, the leased asset is not considered an asset of the lessee; the lessee records the asset as an operating expense. This qualification for off-balance sheet treatment can result in improved return on asset (ROA or ROI) due to a lower asset base
Describe several types of operating leases.
Closed-End Lease – Closed-end leases are based on the concept that the number of miles driven annually is fairly predictable and that its value at the end of the lease (the residual) is therefore somewhat predictable. Closed-end leases are written for a fixed term, perhaps three years, providing for a flat monthly payment, a predetermined mileage limit and set penalties for exceeding the mileage limit, and for any excessive wear and tear.
Open-End Lease – Open-end leases account for 95% of all leases used in fleet acquisitions. The open-end lease usually has a short minimum term of one to two years and continues thereafter on a month-to-month basis until the agreement is terminated. Open-end leases are often erroneously referred to as a “finance lease”. However, it is a financing method in which the amount owed at the end of the lease term is based on the difference between the leased unit’s residual value (resale value) and its realized value (depreciation.) Open-end lease costs are generally lower than closed-end leases because, unlike the closed-end lease, the lessee accepts the risk for the residual value of a vehicle when sold at lease termination. Similar to closed-end lease arrangements, the organization does not take ownership of the vehicle when the lease terminates. Most open-end leases contain a “step-down” payment scheduled wherein payments decline annually with no limits on mileage or wear and tear.
• Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause, (TRAC) – Most open-end leases also contain what is known as a TRAC clause that ties the lessee to whatever difference may exist between the book and selling values of the unit upon remarketing. TRAC leases are an Internal Revenue Code defined variation on traditional open-end leases, combining all the advantages of leasing while keeping the option to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease term at a price set according to the amortization schedule when the lease term began. The primary difference between TRAC and most open-end leases is how the difference between the projected residual value and the actual sale proceeds may be treated. In a traditional open-end lease this difference is shown as a loss or gain to the lessee. In a TRAC lease this difference may be used to adjust the lease rate, ensuring any variation from the projected residual value is accounted for as an operating expense. This type of open-end lease may have significant tax advantages for non-public lessees.
Describe lease term.
The lease term is defined as the contractual term plus renewals where the lessee has a “significant economic incentive” to exercise the options. Significant economic incentive would include bargain renewals and renewals where the lessees would suffer an economic penalty for failure to renew.
What consists of an estimated lease payment?
interim rents, contractual rents, renewal and purchase options where the lessee has a significant economic incentive to exercise, termination penalties, the expected payment under residual guarantees, variable lease payments that are based on a rate or index and estimated variable payments based on usage or lessee performance that are “disguised” minimum payments (where the lease has below market contractual payments and has variable payments designed to “make up the difference” for the lessor). Those variable rents based on a rate (i.e. Libor) or an index (i.e. CPI) are booked based on spot rates with adjustments booked when the rate change changes contractual lease payments. However, in deliberations, the Boards tentatively decided to eliminate the requirement to estimate and record other contingent payments, notably those based on sales or excess asset usage. Estimates of renewal and purchase options are to be reviewed on each reporting date and if it becomes evident that the lessee has a significant economic incentive to exercise then the options must be recorded as estimated payments by adjusting the asset and liability balances. In addition, the ROU asset amortization and imputed interest schedules are adjusted as though the transaction is a new lease beginning on the adjustment date.
What are residual guarantees?
Estimated payments (not the full amount of the guarantee) under residual guarantees are booked as an estimated payment with review and adjustment at each reporting date. For lessors, a residual guarantee from the lessee or a third party does not change a residual to a financial asset (receivable). However, a manufacturer’s sale with a guaranteed resale or residual value would no longer be accounted for as leases. However, sales with buy-back agreements where the buy-back amount is less than the original sales price would be treated as leases.
What are short term leases?
A short-term lease is a lease that at the date of commencement of the lease has a maximum possible lease term, including any options to renew or extend, of 12 months or less. Lessees can either account for payments under these as an operating expense or as capitalized amounts under the new model (see below). Lessors may elect, as an accounting policy for a class of assets, to account for all short-term leases like today’s operating leases. Renewals with terms of 12 months or less are considered short-term leases (eligible for off balance sheet operating lease accounting) where both the lessee and lessor have the right to terminate the renewal without significant penalty.
What are four methods to identify lease types for lessors?
• The “receivable & residual” (R&R) method is to be used for all leases of the entire asset to one lessee. This method produces results much like direct finance lease accounting for third party equipment; however, since this model does not distinguish between leases based on the significance of the assumed residual, the concept of a sales-type lease has been eliminated. The recognition of gross profit is limited to the profit on the right-of-use asset transferred, calculated by multiplying the total gross profit by the percentage derived by comparing the present value of the lease receivable to the fair value of the underlying asset.
• Short-term leases may upon election be accounted for using the current GAAP operating lease method.
• Investment properties (land and buildings) for qualifying real estate lessors that are investment companies use the “investment properties” method, that is, operating lease accounting with fair valuing of the leased asset, and
• A “multi-lessee” exception allowing lessors in leases of investment property (commercial real estate) to use existing operating lease accounting.
What are some transition requirements for switching between lease types?
For lessees, existing capital leases are grandfathered. All operating leases must be capitalized with a lease liability recorded equal to the present value of the remaining rents using the current incremental borrowing rate. The offsetting ROU asset is adjusted by a ratio of remaining rents to total rents and the amount of the difference between the ROU asset and lease liability is charged to retained earnings. For sale leasebacks, if the leaseback is a capital lease it is grandfathered and any gain continues to be amortized to P&L. If the sale leaseback is an operating lease the original sale leaseback assumptions must be re-evaluated under current rules possibly being re-booked as a financing or booked as an ROU lease under the lessee transition rules with any unamortized gain booked to equity. In any case, a lessee may chose full retrospective accounting for all its leases.
For lessors, existing direct finance and sales-type leases are grandfathered. All operating leases are recorded as though they are new leases for their remaining term using the new lessor methods prescribed. For R&R leases the existing lease book value is derecognized and the present value of the rents is recorded. The residual is a plug where there is no gross profit in the leases. Where there is an existing gross profit in the operating lease to be capitalized details are not specified. Leveraged leases are booked as R&R leases with the rents and debt reported gross on the balance sheet.
What is floating rate financing?
base rates are set each billing cycle, based on the prevailing rates at the time. As interest rates fluctuate, so do monthly lease payments
Describe fixed rate financing.
set the interest rate at time of lease inception, and do not vary it throughout the lease term
Describe the major lease fees to be aware of.
• Administrative Fee
• Interest Markup
• Issuance Fees
• Interest Rounding
• Interim Interest
• Interim Rent – Front end of lease
• Interim Rent – Back end of lease
• Fully depreciated lease admin fee – generally a flat dollar amount that is billed as long as the asset remains on the books, after it has been fully depreciated.
• Variable interest rates based on conditions that may have nothing to do with leasing (for example, lease rates may spike if you cancel use of a maintenance program).
What two types do leases fall under from a tax accounting perspective?
true tax lease or non tax lease
What must be true for a lease to be a non-tax lease?
• Any part of the lease payment is applied to an equity position in the asset leased.
• The lessee will, by default, acquire ownership (title) of the equipment upon payment of a specified amount of “rental payments” he or she makes.
• Over a short period of time the equipment is used, the total amount that a lessee pays is an exceedingly large proportion of the total sum required to outright buy the equipment
• The agreed upon payments exceed the current fair rental value.
• At the time any purchase option may be exercised, the title to the equipment may be acquired for an exceedingly small purchase option price in relation to the actual value of the equipment.
• Any portion of the lease payments are specifically designated as interest
(or its equivalent.)
What should the Fleet Manager consider when making the decision to rent or not.
• Type of vehicle required - Regular sedans, vans and small trucks may be readily available as rentals at competitive prices. Specialty equipment or a vehicle with the proper equipment needed for the job may not be available.
• Time required - Rentals are appropriate for short-term or infrequent requirements. For more common vehicle types, rentals should be considered for terms up to seven months. There are occasions when rental is appropriate for specialty equipment, where there is an infrequent requirement, such as a crane to move a piece of equipment once per year.
• Cost - All rental decisions should be based on a business case analysis that considers leased, owned, employee provided, and even other options such as taxis or public transit.
What is the largest benefit of renting over leasing or purchasing?
The largest single benefit of renting over leasing or buying is that there is no long-term obligation, and in an economic downturn, renting can be an attractive and viable option.
What are the basic guidelines for vehicle rental?
• Replace vehicles that are being repaired or undergoing scheduled maintenance inspections,
• Meet requirements during peak periods,
• Meet infrequent specialty requirements,
• A business case demonstrates that renting is the best option
List some alternatives to providing an employee with a permanent vehicle.
rent vehicles. operate a carsharing/pool program, offer nothing (employees may be able to declare business use on their income tax), reimburse employees for driving personal vehicles on business
What should a fleet policy contain when considering a mix of reimbursement and employee provided vehicles?
• Low Mileage Drivers – If employees` business use is sporadic or extremely low, reimbursement can be a cost effective alternative. Each business must calculate the mileage at which it is cost effective to reimburse instead of providing a company vehicle (usually up to 12,000 business miles/year range or 20,000 km).
• High Employee Turnover – If the workforce is highly transient, the costs for storing, clean up, and transporting reassigned vehicles, and the administration required for these efforts, may make reimbursement a more desirable alternative than operating fleet vehicles, assuming the vehicles are not centrally located.
• Temporary Drivers – Short-term assignments - someone whose business need exists on a project basis that will last less than 12 months.
• New Hires – It may be cost effective to reimburse employees for driving their personal vehicle while waiting for a company vehicle to arrive, in lieu of a rental vehicle.
• Startup Companies/Thinly Capitalized Companies – The organization may not have the capital funds to purchase vehicles or the revenue history to qualify for fleet leasing credit.
What are the three types of reimbursement programs?
mileage reimbursement, fixed allowance, fixed and variable allowance (FAVR)
Why have some companies switched from flat allowances to accountable plan allowance programs?
due to adverse tax implications, some organizations have transitioned from flat allowances to non-taxable Accountable Plan allowance programs. This approach combines a flat amount (typically based on ownership costs) with a per-mile reimbursement (often derived from actual operating costs). If structured according to IRS guidelines, the allowances are non-taxable and no withholding or fringe benefit value reporting is required
What is the dual reimbursement rate?
In a dual reimbursement structure, employees qualify for reimbursement at a higher rate (typically the IRS rate) if no organization-provided vehicles are available for/applicable to the employees’ travel needs, but receive reimbursement at a reduced rate if they decline to use vehicles provided by the organization (such as assigned, shared-use or motor pool vehicles)
What criteria must a vehicle mileage reimbursement plan meet in order to be deemed non-taxable?
• Business Connection - The costs being covered via the allowance and/or reimbursement must be incurred in connection with business purposes
• Substantiation - Employee must provide information sufficient to substantiate the amount, time, place and business purpose of the expense, and
• Employer Reimbursement - An allowance arrangement must require an employee to return to his or her employer within a reasonable period of time any amount paid under the arrangement in excess of the expenses substantiated.
What are the two tax free programs in the US?
Flat Rate per Mile
Accountable Allowance Plan