FUEL Flashcards
Fuel for the APU may be supplied by any AC pump supplying fuel to the left fuel manifold.
A fuel imbalance pointer is displayed on the expanded fuel quantity display next to the low tank quantity. The pointer will be solid amber if the FUEL IMBALANCE advisory message is displayed on the EICAS. If the FUEL IMBALANCE message is not displayed, the pointer will be solid white if fuel differs by more than 200 pounds with either the crossfeed valve open or the balance system on. The pointer flashes if…
fuel is being jettisoned.
the balance system is ON.
fuel balance or crossfeed is going in the wrong direction.
the crossfeed valve is open.
fuel balance or crossfeed is going in the wrong direction.
The crossfeed valve is open during normal operations to automatically maintain fuel balance.
Unless inhibited, the fuel balance system can be used to transfer fuel from main tank to main tank. Fuel from the higher quantity main tank is transferred through its defuel/jettison valve to the lower quantity main tank through its inboard refuel valve. Transfer stops automatically when fuel is balanced. Which of the following will NOT inhibit the fuel balance operation?
In flight and the fuel jettison system active
Refueling, defueling and ground transfer of fuel (using the refueling control panel)
APU running
On the ground either engine running
APU running
The fuel balance system is only available in flight.
False. The fuel balance system may be used in any phase of flight. It can be used on the ground if engines are shut down and the APU is running.
False. The fuel balance system may be used in any phase of flight. It can be used on the ground if engines are shut down and the APU is running.
The Nitrogen Generation System (NGS) provides…
slight pressure to the main, surge and center fuel tanks to aid fuel feed.
pressure for center fuel tanks to ensure they empty first and to increase fuel jettison rate.
stable fuel temperatures to avoid ice crystals forming or fuel overheating.
automatic full time flammability protection for the fuel system using nitrogen enriched air to displace fuel vapors in all tanks.
automatic full time flammability protection for the fuel system using nitrogen enriched air to displace fuel vapors in all tanks.
When less than all engines/generators are operating, there may not be sufficient electrical power to operate all fuel pumps. In such cases, …
the fuel system automatically determines the best pumps to operate depending on how much electrical power is available.
the flight crew should ensure that both center pumps are selected off.
there are no indications on either the pump switch or the fuel synoptic that a fuel pump has been load shed.
other system components are automatically load shed to allow all fuel pumps to operate normally.
the fuel system automatically determines the best pumps to operate depending on how much electrical power is available.
Fuel quantity is measured by sensors in each tank. Due to the unique shape of the 787 composite wing, fuel quantity indications can fluctuate significantly during high pitch maneuvers, such as takeoff and go-around, especially at low fuel loads. Tank fuel quantity is displayed on…
both auxiliary (AUX) displays.
the primary EICAS display.
the status display.
the overhead panel.
the primary EICAS display.
Expanded fuel indications are displayed…
when fuel quantity is below 30,000 pounds.
when non-normal conditions occur or when the airplane is on the ground with both engines off.
when the APU is running.
when non-normal conditions occur or when the airplane is on the ground with both engines off.
The left main tank contains a DC-powered fuel pump. It has no controls or indicators, other than the fuel synoptic display. The DC pump operates automatically to provide fuel to…
the APU when AC power is not available and the APU selector is ON.
both engines in the event of a failure of all four generators in flight.
the ram air turbine (RAT).
the fuel balance system.
the APU when AC power is not available and the APU selector is ON.
Unless inhibited, the fuel balance system can be used to transfer fuel from main tank to main tank. Fuel from the higher quantity main tank is transferred through its defuel/jettison valve to the lower quantity main tank through its inboard refuel valve. Transfer stops automatically when fuel is balanced. Which of the following will NOT inhibit the fuel balance operation?
Prior to engine start and the APU is off
Center tank pump is off
Center tank pump is on
In flight and the FUEL DISAGREE or FUEL QTY LOW message shows
Prior to engine start and the APU is off
Center tank pump is off
Center tank pump is on
In flight and the FUEL DISAGREE or FUEL QTY LOW message shows
APU fuel can be supplied by any AC fuel pump supplying fuel to the left fuel manifold or by the left main tank DC fuel pump.
Fuel jettison allows jettison from all fuel tanks through the jettison/refuel manifold to jettison nozzle valves inboard of each aileron. Fuel jettison is initiated by pushing the FUEL JETTISON ARM switch to select ARMED. The TO REMAIN quantity replaces fuel temperature on the EICAS display. If the fuel-to-remain selector is left in AUTO during a fuel jettison, the fuel remaining at the conclusion of the jettison will be…
reserve fuel entered in the FMC.
the maximum landing weight (MLW) fuel quantity.
20,000 pounds.
8700 pounds in each tank.
the maximum landing weight (MLW) fuel quantity.
Pushing the FUEL JETTISION ARM switch to ARM replaces the fuel temperature indication on the ECIAS with…
FUEL TO EMPTY quantity.
TO REMAIN quantity.
TO REMAIN quantity.
During jettison, the fuel to remain quantity and associated aircraft gross weight replaces the EICAS display fuel temperature and static air temperature respectively.
Regarding the fuel scavenge system and suction feeding,…
with main tank pumps ON, a scavenge system operates automatically to transfer any remaining center tank fuel to the main tanks.
fuel transfer begins when either main tank quantity is less than approximately 35,000 pounds and the center tank pumps are off.
the scavenge system is inhibited if the engine is on suction feed.
All of the above are correct.
All of the above are correct.
Immediately after fuel jettison is complete main tanks will contain no less than…
8,700 pounds of fuel in each main tank.
maximum landing weight (MLW) fuel.
maximum zero fuel weight (MZFW) fuel.
37,300 pounds of fuel in each tank. Fuel may only be jettisoned out of the center tank.
8,700 pounds of fuel in each main tank.