FTTG (Field Trauma Triage) Flashcards
Field Trauma Triage Standard
When shall the paramedic follow the FTT?
Can you use TOR from the Trauma Cardiac Arrest Medical Directive?
when conducting field triage of patients injured by a traumatic mechanism or who show evidence of trauma.
to determine if the
patient meets the clinical criteria as required by the Air Ambulance Utilization Standard.
Field Trauma Triage Standard
What is step 1 (the physiological criteria)?
what can happen once notified of the patient’s need for re-direct or
transport under the Field Trauma Triage Standard?
Assess the patient to determine if he/she has one OR** more of the following physiological criteria:
- Patient does not follow commands
- Systolic blood pressure <90mmHg
- Respiratory rate <10 or ≥30 breaths per minute or need for ventilatory support (<20 in infant aged <1
CACC/ACS may authorize the transport
Field Trauma Triage Standard
If the patient meets the criteria for step 1 what else do you have to consider in order to transport the patient directly to the LTH or regionally designated equivalent hospital
the land transport time is estimated to be <30 minutes* to a Lead Trauma Hospital (LTH) or regionally designated equivalent hospital
in certain locations the transport time can be brought up to 60m
Field Trauma Triage Standard
What is the anatomical criteria AND why would you assess the pt?
Assess anatomicalcriteria when criteria 1 and transport time isn’t met
- Any penetrating injuries to head, neck, torso and extremities proximal to elbow or knee
- Chest wall instability or deformity (e.g. flail chest),
- Two or more proximal long-bone fractures,
- Crushed, de-gloved, mangled or pulseless extremity,
- Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle,
- Pelvic fractures,
- Open or depressed skull fracture
- Paralysis
Field Trauma Triage Standard
What if the land transport time is within 30 minutes AND the patient meets the anatomical criteria
Even if the pt met both the 1st criteria AND anatomical AND the transport time was within 30 minutes, why would you transport the patient to the closest emergency department?
transport the patient directly to the LTH or regionally designated
equivalent hospital
if you’re unable to secure the patient’s airway or survival to the LTH or regionallydesignated
equivalent hospital is unlikely
Field Trauma Triage Standard
Even if the patient’s airway was unstable or their survival is unlikely, what criteria would they have to meet for you to NOT take them to the closest emergency department?
patient has a penetrating trauma to the torso or
head/neck, and meets ALL of the following:
* Vital signs absent yet not subject to TOR described in the General Directive
* Land transport to the LTH or regionally designated equivalent hospital is estimated to be <30 minutes
Field Trauma Triage Standard
What are the traumatic mechanisms of injury?
when are you assessing for these?
* Adults: falls ≥6 metres (one story is equal to 3 metres)
* Children (age <15): falls ≥3 metres or two to three times the height of the child
High Risk Auto Crash
* Intrusion ≥0.3 metres occupant site; ≥0.5 metres any site, including the roof
* Ejection (partial or complete) from automobile
* Death in the same passenger compartment
* Vehicle telemetry data consistent with high risk injury (if available)
Pedestrian or bicyclist thrown, run over or struck with significant impact (≥30 km/hr)
by an automobile
Motorcycle crash ≥30 km/hr
if the patient does not meet the physiological or anatomical criteria listed above, use the
following criteria to determine if the patient may require other support services at the
LTH or regionally designated equivalent hospital
Field Trauma Triage Standard
What if the pt does meet the traumatic mechanisms of injury criteria?
Transport to the LTH or regionally designated equivalent hospital - IF (and only if) the land transport time is estimated to be <30 minutes