Cardiac Ischemia + Cardiogenic Shock AUXILIARY + STEM hospital bypass Flashcards
Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive
What are the INDICATIONS?
What are the top signs/symptoms?
Suspected cardiac ischemia
Neck, jaw, Shoulder, arm pain
SOB when you are physically active
Nausea and vomiting
Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive
What are the CONDITIONS for ASA?
What does ASA stand for/what does it do?
Pt has to be GREATER/EQUAL to 18y/o
Pt has to have an unaltered LOA
Pt has to be able to chew and swallow
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspririn) - is an antiplatelet NSAID - clotting
Allergy or sensitivity to NSAIDs
If pt is asthmatic AND no prior use of ASA
Current active bleeding
CVA or TBI in the pervious 24h
Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive
What are the CONDITIONS for Nitroglycerin?
What is it/What does it do?
Pt has to be GREATER?EQUAL to 18y/o
Have an LOA unaltered
HR has to be between 60-159bpm
Pt’s SBP has to be normotension
Pt has to have prior hx of nitroglycerin use OR IV access obtained
It’s a vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels to promote blood flow
Allergy or sensitivity to nitrates
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor use within previous 48h
SBP drops by 1/3rd (or more) of its initial value after nitroglycerin is administered
12-lead ECG compatible with right ventricular MI
Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive
What is the ROUTE and TREATMENT PLAN for ASA?
Is there a TREATMENT PLAN for 12-lead ECG acquisition and interpretation
What is the order of TREATMENT PLANS in this medical directive?
Route - PO
Dose - 160mg-162mg
Max.Single Dose - 162mg
Dosing Interval - N/A
Max. # of doses - 1
Yes Consider doing a 12-lead to look for a STEMI BEFORE nitro
ASA - 12-Lead - Nitroglycerin
Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive
What is the ROUTE , SBP, and TREATMENT PLAN of nitroglycerin for a pt with no STEMI?
Can you administer nitroglycerin to pts with a right ventricular MI?
What is the ROUTE , SBP, and TREATMENT PLAN of nitroglycerin for a pt with a STEMI?
Route - SL
Dose - 0.3mg OR 0.4mg
Max.Single Dose - 0.4mg
Dosing Interval - 5min
Max. # of doses - 6
Route - PO
SBP - GREATER/EQUAL than 100mmHg
Dose - 0.3mg OR 0.4mg
Max.Single Dose - 0.4mg
Dosing Interval - 5min
Max. # of doses - 3
Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive - Clinical Considerations
What should you suspect and do in all inferior STEMIs?
Who does IV condition apply to?
What should you do for he pt when a STEMI is identified?
A right ventricular MI
Perform at minimum V4R to confirm (ST-elevation is ≥ 1mm in V4R)
PCPs authorized for PCP Autonomous IV.
Apply the defibrillation pads
Cardiac Ischemia Medical Directive - Clinical Considerations
What is the time goal to get a 12-lead from first medical contact?
Less than 10min where possible
Phosphodiesterase (PDE) 5 inhibitor list?
what are many known as?
- Viagra
- Levitra
- Cialis
- Revatio
- Sildenafil
- Tadalafil
- Vardenafil
- Udenafil
- Avanafil
- Lodenafil
- Mirodenafil
- Acetildenafil
- Aildenafil
- Benzamidenafil,
- Zaprinast
- Icariin (a natural product)
Erectile dsyfunciton drugs
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
What other body systems could be considered when assessing for cardiac
Top 4 DDX?
Skin Condition
Upper body pain (neck/jaw/shoulder)
Peptic ulcer disease
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
Why does no prior use of ASA if the pt is asthmatic matter as a CONTRAINDICATION?
What’s the danger of active bleeding making it a CONTRAIDICATION for ASA
Why does a CVA/TBI in the previous 24h matter for giving ASA?
ASA is known to cause bronchospasm and therfore further the asthma exacerbation
If ASA is given during active bleeding - it inhibits platlet aggregation
^ the bleeding is prolonged
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
What is a PDE-I/why does it matter if the pt has taken any within the previous 48h?
How do you check for 12-lead ECG right ventricular MI?
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor
smooth muscle relaxation
bronchodilatory effects
The drug inhibits cAMP (cyclic AMP)
There is an inferior STEMI with ST elevation in lead III > lead II
V1 is isoelectric while V2 is significantly depressed
There is ST elevation throughout the right-sided leads V3R-V6R
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
Why does ASA come before 12-lead interpretation?
Show me where you would place leads for a 15-lead interpretation?
What should you do if you don’t get a 12-lead on wihtin 10min of the first medical contact of the pt?
There is no CONTRAINDICATION (seen in an ECG) for ASA and there are minimal conditions to give the LIFE-SAVING medication.
Document it in your EACR
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
Do you repeat the 12-lead if you identify a STEMI?
What if you don’t find any evidence of a STEMI?
Why can you apply the cardiac ischemia medical directive for ASA as if no care has been provided care prior to you arrival?
A serial 12-lead is recommended
Because the paramedics dose does not exceed the theapeutic dose (80-1500mg is the effective dose without side effects)
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
Explain what it means for nitroglycerin when the conditions say “a prior hx OR an established IV’?
Extra (in the companion doc) to say about ^^
Prior hx means authorized or prescribed to the pt by a certified medical doctor
An established IV gives you the ability to reverse the negative side effects
IV has to be initiated prior to administration in 1st time cardiac ischemia pts
If there were already an IV then it would need to be inspected
This only applys to PCP Autonomous IV people
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
What does the reduced max number of doses for nitroglycerin in a pt with a STEMI mean?
Does nitroglycerin save the pt? Are there any precaustions?
Can you use CPAP in patients with suspected cardiac ischemia?
It reduces the adverse outcomes associated with liberal nitroglyercin use
No it’s a symptom relief
Yes as long as they meet the indications for the continous postive airway pressure medical directive too.
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
Is there any type of STEMI you can administer nitroglycerin for?
Can you administer ASA if the patient’s symptoms resolve prior to your arrival?
Yes, an isolated posterior STEMI
Yes, you can assess the pt and make a clinical judgment to do so, maybe call BHP too.
Cardiac Ischemia Extra Questions
What do you do if the patient’s vital signs fall outside of the conditions for nitroglycerin?
AND what if the patient’s vital signs fall back to within the conditions?
Then the pt can no longer receive it nitro
All because of the risk of reacurrent decompensation (likely hypotens)
Still can’t receive it
Cardiogenic Shock Medical Directive - AUXILIARY
What are the INDICATIONS?
You can only provide medical treatment in this medical directive IF ??
What does a patient with cardiogenic shock present as?
STEMI-positive 12-lead ECG
Cardiogenic shock
If you are authorized for PCP autonomous IV
Rapid breathing - SOB
Sudden, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), weak pulse
Loss of consciousness
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Sweating and pale skin
Cardiogenic Shock Medical Directive - AUXILIARY
What are the CONDITIONS for 0.9%NACl Fluid Bolus?
Pt has to be GREATER/EQUAL then 18y/o
Pt has to have hypotension
Pt’s chest auscultation has to be clear
Fluid overload
Cardiogenic Shock Medical Directive - AUXILIARY
What is the AGE, ROUTE, and TREATMENT PLAN for 0.9%NACl if available and authorized?
Examples of fluid overload
Age - GREATER/EQUAL to 18y/o
Route - IV
Infusion - 10mL/kg
Infusion Interval - N/A
Reassess every - 250mL
Max. Volume - 1,000mL
- Rapid weight gain
- Noticeable swelling (edema) in your arms, legs and face
- Swelling in your abdomen
- Cramping, headache, and stomach bloating
- Shortness of breath
- High blood pressure
Cardiogenic Shock Medical Directive - AUXILIARY
Define cardiogenic shock for me
True or false - a 10ml/kg 0.9%NACl fluid bolus may be administered to a maximum of 1,000ml to reflect to need for preload rather than an intervention for volume depletion?
a state in which the heart has been damaged to such an extent that it is unable to supply enough blood to the organs, tissues, and cells of the body
What is the STEMI criteria on an ECG?
≥1mm ST segment elevation in at least two limb leads
* I, AVL
≥ 2mm ST segment elevation two or more contiguous precordial leads
* V1-V3
≥ 1mm ST segment elevation two or more contiguous precordial leads
* V4-V6
≥ 2mm ST segment elevation in V2 & V3 is contiguous if not enough elevation in V1 or V4
STEMI - reciprocal changes
Show me the leads and which artery supply what area?
What are the major arteries that supply the heart?
The reciprocal changes are expected to appear in the adjacent zones
RCA - Right coronary artery
LAD - Left Anterior Descending Artery
Circ. - Circumflex artery
STEMI Hospital Bypas Protocol
What are the INDICATIONS?
Transport where?
If the patient meets any of these and there ECG normalizes what do you do?
≥18 years of age
Chest pain or equivalent consistent with cardiac ischemia or myocardial infarction
Time from onset of the current episode of pain < 12 hours
12-lead ECG indicated an acute myocardial infarction/STEMI as follows:
* At least 2 mm ST-elevation in leads V1-V3 in at least two contiguous leads
* At least 1 mm ST-elevation in at least two other anatomically contiguous leads
* 12-lead ECG computer interpretation of STEMI and paramedic agrees
To a PCI centre
Just keep following the STEMI protocol
STEMI Hospital Bypas Protocol
5 (2 of which have 3)
What can the interventional cardiology program do?
The patient is CTAS 1 and paramedic is unable to secure patient’s airway or ventilate
12-lead ECG is consistent with LBBB, ventricular paced rhythm, or any other STEMI imitator
Transport to a PCI centre is ≥60 min from pt contact
Patient is experiencing a complication requiring PCP diversion, as follows:
* Moderate to severe respiratory distress or use of CPAP
* Hemodynamic instability or symptomatic SBP LESS than 90 mmHg at any point
* pt is VSA without ROSC
The patient is experiencing a complication requiring ACP diversion, as follows:
* Ventilation inadequate despite assistance
* Hemodynamic instability unresponsive to advanced care paramedic (ACP) treatment or not amenable to ACP management
* pt is VSA without ROSC
They can still permit the transport of the patient to the PCI centre.