FSI 2.2-Valuation of Technical Provisions Flashcards
Outline The principles and requirements of the standard ? (7)
- Insurers must establish technical provisions that correspond to the current value of their insurance obligations
- Insurers must segment their obligations into homogeneous risk groups when calculating technical provisions
- The value of technical provisions should consist of a best estimate assumption and a risk margin
- Insurers must use actuarial and statistical techniques that are proportionate of the nature, scale and complexities of risk to value technical provisions
- Amounts relating to recoverable must be calculated separately as part of the valuations for technical provisions
- The valuation of the technical provision must take into account the time value of money by using a relevant risk-free interest rate term structure specified by the PA
- Insurers are permitted to apply simplified methods in the valuations of technical provisions
Outline additional general principles for calculating technical provisions (not included in requirements and principle summary)? (2)
- The risk margin must be calculated as cost of providing an amount of eligible own fund to support insurance obligations over their life time
- For certain products best estimate and risk margin can be calculated as a whole (i.e.where replication using market quated instruments are possible)
Describe the segmentation requirements and purpose? (4)
- In valuing technical provisions, insurers must segment their insurance obligations into minimum sub-line of business prescribed attachment 1
- The purpose is to prevent distortion in the valuation due to dissimilar lines of business
- For financial soundness purposes must be based on the nature of the underlying risks rather than legal classification (“substance over form”)
- Segmentation must be applied both the best estimate and risk margin
State how best estimate cashflows in foriegn currency should be treated? (2)
The best-estimate must be valued SEPARATELY for obligations in different currencies.
The time value of money of future cash-flows in different currencies must be valued using the risk-free interest rate term structure of the relevant currency.
Describe the issues specific to lif insurance companies in the valuation of technical provisions including model points, negative liabilities and lower bounds on technical provisions? (5)
• The valuation of life insurance obligations would usually be based on a policy-per-policy approach
• However approximations can be made to group polices when projecting cashflows i.e. projection is based on model points (representative policy)
o The grouping should not underestimate the underlying risks or distort the valuation of technical provisions
o Sufficient validation needs to be conducted to verify the grouping does not lead to a significant loss of attributes of the policy being valued
- In certain circumstances the value of the liability may be negative however this value should not be set to zero
- The liability may have a negative value due to reinsurance agreements in which case an adjustment can be made of credit risk i.e. default
- No implicit or explicit surrender value floor is applicable to the valuation of the liability
List the assumption set using financial market information when calculating best estimate liabilitiues? (3)
o Relevant risk-free rate term structure
o currency exchange rates
o Market inflation rates
ouline 4 “Market-consistent asset model” criteria (when used to produce projections of market parameters)? (4)
o Assume no arbitrage opportunities
o Generate asset prices that are consistent with deep and liquid financial markets
o Allow for properly calibrated volatility measure
o Be calibrated to reflect the nature and term of the liabilities, and the current risk-free term structure
Describe how assumptions are set using generally available for insurance risk? (4)
- Generally available data refers to both internal and external (industry data) on insurance risk
- All relevant data whether internal or external should be taken into account in deriving assumptions that best reflect the characteristics of the underlying portfolio
• The extent to which internal data is taken into account is dependent on
o Availability, quality and relevance of external data
o Quantity and quality of internal data
• The insurer must derive the underwriting risk based on external data if used:
o Demonstration that the sole use of internal data is not more suitable than the external data
o The origin, assumptions and methodology used to process that data which is known and that they reflect the characteristics of the underlying portfolio
Describe how assumptions regarding the future behaviour of policyholders should be incorporated in the calculation of best estimates? (2,5)
• The assumptions regarding the exercise of contractual options including surrenders and lapses need to be based on credible information (the assumption should take into account future conditions)
• The exercise of contractual options should be based on analysis of past policyholder behaviour (which should consider)
o How beneficial the exercise was given past circumstances
o The influence of past circumstances
o The impact of past management actions
o How past projection compared to the actual outcome
o Any other circumstances that will influence the exercise of the option
Describe how future managment actions should be taken into account when calculating best estimate liabilities? (5)
- Future management actions refers to all mechanisms or actions approved by the governance structure within the insurer to respond to a specified event to reduce impact on NAV
- The assumptions need to be realistic and consistent with the insurers current business practice and business strategy
• The costs associated with the future
management action or risk mitigation needs to be considered as well as the market capacity to transfer the risk under the scenario
- The time required to implement the future management actions should be considered
- The assumptions needs to be verified by comparing previous actions assumed with the actual experience
List possible future managment actions incorporated in the valuation of best estimate liabilities? (7)
o Changes in assets allocation to manage fund returns, liquidity risk, asset/liability mismatch, target asset mixes and changes in market conditions
o Changes in bonus rates or product changes (such as changes to profit participation to mitigate risk)
o Changes in fees charged to policyholders
o Changes in future market value adjustment factors
o Renewal of outwards reinsurance arrangements
o Renewal of hedging strategies
o Revision of premium rates
State the use of expert judgement in the valuation of liabilities? (2)
- Expert judgement may be required in determination of best estimate liabilities in relation to data, assumptions and techniques
- The use of judgement should be well-founded, documented (including process), transparency and subject to validation
Describe the recognition criteria of polices to be included in technical provisions? (4)
• The insurance policy must be recognised from the earlier of the following dates:
o Beginning of coverage period
o Date on which the first payment of policyholder becomes due (or is received)
o Date on which the portfolio to which the policy belongs becomes onerous
- Insurers must not recognise cashflows before the applicable inception date described above
- Insurer must not recognise an assets or liability relating to expected premiums outside the contract boundary
- An insurance policy should be derecognised as an existing contract only when the obligation specified in the policy expires, has been discharged or cancelled
Describe how to detrmine a contract boundary in the valuation of technical provisions? (4)
• The best estimate liability is calculated as the discounted projected cashflows up to contract boundary
• The contract boundary is defined as the insurer has an unilateral right to:
o Terminate the contract
o Reject premiums payable under the contract
o Amend premiums and benefits payable such that premiums reflect the risks i.e. expected benefits and expenses do not exceed premiums
- The unilateral right to review conditions reflect a legal right but should also consider policyholder reasonable expectations, policyholder behaviours and market pressures
- If the contract has a boundary determined by this standard of less than 91 days it can be excluded from valuations of best estimate
Describe a contractual option and provide examples of contractual options? (5)
• A contractual option is defined as the right to change the benefit of a policy taken at the choice of the holder on terms established in advance
o Surrender value option with pre-defined lumpsum
o Paid-up policy options
o Annuity conversion option, convert lumpsum based on minimum rate of conversion
o Policy conversion options, i.e. the right to convert one policy to another
o Extended coverage option