Chapter 18- Risk Management and Control Flashcards
Outline the requirements of Insurance Act to demonstrate sound risk management? (5)
o Good corporate governance
o Sound risk management procedures
o Adequate control functions
o Independent audit and monitoring functions
o Adequate disclosure and reporting to stakeholders
Outline the provision in the Insurance Act regarding adopting, implementing and documenting of a governance framework? (5)
- Protects the interest of the policyholders
- Proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the insurance business and risks
- Include an effective system of corporate governance, internal control and risk management
- The insurer also requires monitoring system to ensure compliance
- The prudential authority may require independent review at the insurers costs if not satisfied
outline the functions of a risk committee established? (8)
- Assist the board of directors in developing risk management strategy
- Assist the board of directors in evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of a risk management system
- Identify the build-up of a concentration of risk
- Assist in identifying and monitoring any material risk
- Facilitate communication between the board of directors and senior management
- Ensure segregation between risk management and operation duties
- Introduce measure to enhance risk management
- Oversee the monitoring of risk management at an individual business unit and enterprise level
the requirements for a risk managment system is as follows? (5)
- Effective risk management is critical to honouring its promise to policyholders
- Insurer must have a board approved, enterprise wide risk management system consisting of a strategies, polices, procedures and tools for assessing, monitoring, reporting and mitigating material risks
- The risk appetite of the system must be aligned with business objectives and strategies
- An insurer must establish, maintain and operate within a system of effective internal control
• To provide appropriate governance the following control functions would be required: o Risk management o Compliance o Internal audit o Actuarial function
outline the roles and responsibilities regarding risk management? (4)
- The board of directors hold the ultimate responsibility to ensure compliance with the prudential standards
- The head of the control functions are responsible to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of risk management and internal controls
- The internal auditors will conduct a review to provide assurance to the board of directors of effective risk management
- The insurer’s external auditors will provide assurance to the PA as well as the board regarding the compliance with prudential standards
outline the duties of a risk managment function? (5)
• Assists the board of directors and senior management to develop and maintain a risk management system
• The risk management function provides reasonable assurance that there are adequate mechanisms to
o Identify individual and aggregated risks
o Assess, monitoring and manage risk identified
o Gain and maintain an aggregate view of the insurers risk profile
o Forward looking assessment of the insurers profile
- Provides written reports to the board, senior management, other control functions regarding risk profile, risk exposures and appropriate mitigation actions
- Document and report material changes to the risk management system
- Have access to the board of directors
Outlined what would be documented in a risk management strategy as a minimum? (6)
- Identify objectives of the strategy
- Describe each current material risks and emerging risks
- List the policies and procedures for dealing with risk management
- Summaries the roles and responsibilities of risk management functions, board, senior management and board committees
- Included documented process for board approval for changes or deviations
- Outline process for creating awareness of risk management system
An insurers risk appetite statment clearly include? (4)
- Overall risk that they are willing to accept in strategic objectives and business plan
- For each type of material risk that maximum levels to which they are willing to operate within
- Monitor and report compliance with limits
- Regular review appropriateness of limits
List the board approved polcies in the risk management system? (14)
- Asset-liability management
- Capital management
- Concentration
- Credit
- Fitness and proprietary
- Information technology
- Insurance fraud
- Investment
- Liquid management
- Operational
- Outsourcing
- Reinsurance and risk transfer
- Remuneration
- Underwriting
outline the requirements in the ALM policy? (4)
- Clearly specify the nature, role and extent of ALM as well as integration with product design, pricing and investment management
- Co-ordinate the management of asset and liability risk
- Recognise the interdependence between assets and liabilities (correlation between asset classes and business line)
- Take into account off-balance sheet risk and the contingency that they may revert to the insurer
outline the requirements in the capital management policy? (6)
- Internal capital planning process
- Strategy for ensuring that adequate capital is maintained
- Provide identification and measurement of risk that may result in capital shortfalls
- Establish procedures to monitor compliance with internal and regulatory capital targets
- Set out actions that will occur in the event of a capital shortfall
- Provide for appropriate management and regular review
outline the requirements in the concentration risk policy? (2)
- Identify sources of concentration risk and strategies to ensure risks remains in established limits
- Analyses possible correlation between risk of concentrated exposure
outline the requirements in the credit risk policy? (6)
- Set out approach in assessment, monitoring, managing and reporting on credit risk
- Proportional to complexity, scale of insurers operations
- Identify the full range of credit exposures including direct (credit facilities and debt instruments)and indirect (financial instruments)
- Identify range of exposure that they would want to retain
- Provide a quantification for credit risk
- Identification of risk mitigation such that credit exposure is kept within the desired limits
outline the requirements in the insurance fraud policy? (4)
- Outline appropriate strategies and procedures to deter, prevent, detect, report and remedy insurance fraud
- Outline appropriate strategies for managing fraud risk
- Consider the effectiveness of fraud risk management may be enhanced by contributing to industry wide initiatives
- Provide a prompt for reporting to regulatory bodies
outline the requirements in the investment policy? (9)
- Ensuring compliance with asset requirements prescribed under the financial soundness standards
- Set out strategy for investing including asset allocation and how they are related to ALM
- Explicit risk management to more complex and less transparent classes
- Take into account factors the will influence long-term sustainability example environment, government and social
- Investments would need to be made such that it ensures security, quality, liquidity and profitability of insurance portfolio
- Investments that do not trade on regulated financial markets are kept within prudent levels
- Ensures appropriate diversification
- Ensures that conflicts of interest are avoided or managed such that benefits are made in the best interests of the policyholders
- Ensure appropriate matching with respect to unit-linked, index-linked and guaranteed liabilities