FSD-Unit One: Section 1 Flashcards
A collection of instructions for a computer to execute|syn: program, app, application
Software designed for an end user|app
Source Code
Code that builds software and is readable to a human| source, src
Open Source
Source code that is available to view and use| OSS
Hello, World!
A program that prints “Hello, World!”
Local Machine
Your very own computer in front of you| local
Code of Conduct
A written set of norms for a community, typically outlining rules, responsibilities, and accountability
A medium that takes information from one source, and passes it to another source. The interface usually a meaningful translation between the two sources.
A named container of files and other folders (normally named sub-folders). Can be inside another folder.
Root Directory
The nickname of the top-most folder that exists on the machine
Print the the path of the current working directory
List the visible files and folders that are inside of the current directory
ls -A
List all the files and folders inside of the current directory
cd some_folder
Change the working directory to the given path. This path is a relative path from the current location
cd ..
Change the working directory to the given path… And .. is a nickname for the “parent folder of the current directory.”