What are the sections of the large intestine?
o caecum
o appendix
o ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon
o sigmoid colon (then rectum and anal canal)
What are the characteristic features of the large intestine?
Appendices epiploicae – tags of fat (small pouches of peritoneum,
filled with fat) attached to the surface of the large intestine
Teniae coli – the outer longitudinal muscle is arranged into three
bands of muscle
Haustra – when the teniae coli contract, the walls of the bowel
shorten to form sacculations known as haustra
What is the ileocaecal junction
The large intestine joins the small intestine at the ileocaecal junction
o demarcates the caecum from the ascending colon
What is the appendix and where is it located?
also known as the vermiform (worm-shaped) appendix is a narrow, blind ended tube
attached to the posteromedial end of the caecum.
o The position of the free-end of the appendix is highly
variable, and can be categorised into seven main
o The most common positions are retrocaecal and subileal
o The appendix can be located by looking at the point at
which the 3 bands of taenia coli converge
What is the caeum?
Most proximal part of the large intestine – located between the
ileum and the ascending colon
Used to serve as a site for cellulose digestion in ancestors but no
real function now apart from acting as a reservoir for chyme that it receives from the ileum
Describe the ascending colon
retroperitoneal; ascends superiorly from the caecum.
When it meets the right lobe of the liver, it turns 90 degrees to move horizontally
This turn is known as the right colic flexure (or hepatic flexure); marks the start of the transverse colon.
Describe the transverse colon
crosses the abdomen, extends from the right colic flexure to spleen;
turns 90 degrees to point inferiorly.
This turn is known as the left colic flexure (or splenic flexure).
Here, the colon is attached to the diaphragm by the phrenicocolic
The transverse colon is the least fixed part of the colon, and is variable
in position
Unlike the ascending and descending colons, the transverse colon is
Describe the descending colon
After the left colic flexure, the colon moves inferiorly, and so is termed the descending colon
retroperitoneal in most people, but anterior to the left kidney, passing over its lateral border
When the colon begins to turn medially, it becomes the sigmoid colon
Describe the sigmoid colon
40cm long; located in theleft lower quadrantof the abdomen, extends from left iliac fossa to level of S3
characteristic “S” shape
The sigmoid colon is attached to the posterior pelvic wall by a mesentery – thesigmoidmesocolon
The long length of the mesentery permitsthis part of the colon to be particularly mobile.
What are the peritoneal folds
Only two parts of the colon are supported by peritoneal folds known as the mesentery
o Transverse mesocolon => this structure attaches the colon to the back abdominal wall
o Sigmoid mesocolon
These carry blood and lymphatic vessels
What are the paracolic gutters?
two recesses between the ascending/descending colon and the posterolateral abdominal wall
clinically important – allow infective material that has been released from the abdominal organs to
What are the sections of the small intestine?
- duodenum
- jejunum
- ileum
What is the duodenum and what are its sections?
Most proximal portion of the small intestine – it is C-shaped and
adjacent to the pancreas (retroperitoneal)
Divided into four parts which collectively form C-shape:
- superior
- descending
- inferior
- ascending
Describe the superior section of the duodenum
5cm in length
Ascends upwards from pylorus of the stomach
Connected to liver by the hepatoduodenal ligament
The initial 3cm is covered by the visceral peritoneum remainder is
Describe the descending section of the duodenum
DESCENDING (L1-3) 7.5 cm Curves around the head of pancreas – lies posterior to transverse colon and anterior to right kidney Contains the major duodenal papilla
Describe the inferior section of the duodenum
10 cm
Travels laterally to the left
Crosses over the IVC and AA, located inferior to the pancreas