FRP2 Flashcards
Which are the variables that describe neutron distribution in a reactor?
position, time, direction of flight and energy(spectrum)
3 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 7 variables
Why we want to know the neutron distribution in the reactor?
- assess the stability of the fission chain reaction
- calculate multiplication factor
- estimate neutron flux
- compute fuel burn-up (long term behaviour)
- simulate accident condition (short term behaviour)
Why the diffusion equation is not satisfactory to describe neutron distribution?
It assumes high collsion frequency between neutrons (not true) and it is not locally valid near neutron sources, sinks and boundaries.
What is the Boltzmann equation?
Also known as Transport equations it was developed for rarified gas but it’s appliable for neutrons. It is intrinsically non-linear but in the case of neutronsthe mutual interaction term can be neglected.
There are two main formulation: integral and integrodifferential. It can be solved both numerically and with MC methods
What are the main assumptions of the problem?
- neutron mass at rest is 939 MeV
- neutron’s energy is 10 MeV, we’ll say 15 MeV to be conservative
- No relativistic effects since 15«939
- neutrons are point particles described by the cross section
- even if neutrons are fermions the density is too low for Pauli’s prinicple to have a relevant effect
- Magnetic moment is neglected
- neutrons are assumed stable since half life in void is minutes order while in therma reactors it’s 10^{-3;-5} and in fast reactor is 10^{-6}
- No wave behaviour so they are described by position and velocity
- Heisenberg principle is not a problem
- Since burn-up is a long scale effect we consider timesteps in wich we consider burn-up constant
- No temperature effects on cross sections
Why can we consider no wave behaviour for neutrons in the core?
Does heisenberg principle count for neutrons in the reactor core?
Why we do not consider scattering between neutrons?
Why we assume burn-up to be constant when solving Boltzamnn transport equation?
Because it would introduce non-linearity since
burn-up -> Number of fissionable nuclei -> number of fissions -> increase burn-up
So we consider steps for increasing burn-up
Is the neutron density a good indicator for the actual neutron distribution?
It is a statistical quantity so it is good only if the variance is low. It’s a Markovian process so the neutron distribution is a poissonian. So the std = sqrt(n) = sqrt(10^{10}) = 10^{5}.
This is not true at start up when the neutron density is lower
What kind of variable is the flight direction?
A versor \omega with modulus = 1.
It is defined in polar coordinates.
Theta is the polar angle
Phi is the azimuthal angle
How is the neutron velocity defined?
v- = v-(E,\omega) = v \omega-
What is the neutron angluar density?
describes the neutron population in position r- with flight direction \omega-, with energy E at time t
It’s the unknown of Boltzmann equation
What is the neutron density?
describes the neutron population in position r- with energy E at time t.
It is obtained by integrating the neutron angular density in the angle.
What is the neutron flux?
phi(r-,E,t) = n(r-,E,t) v(E)
is the product between the neutron density and the neutron velocity v(E).
What is the Scalar angular flux?
Phi(r-,\omega-,E,t) = v N(r-,\omega-,E,t)
It is also called scalar flux or simply flux
What is the Density of neutron flux?
Phi-(r-,omega-, E,t) = v- N(r-,\omega-,E,t)
It is also called the vectorial flux.
During a differential time dt, how many neutrons with direction \omega- in d\omega- and with energy E in dE will cross the differential area dA?
What it the total neutron flux?
phi(r-,E,t) = n v
Is the integral in 4\pi di (N v = Phi)
What is the neutron current?
is the integral of (\omega Phi(r-\omega-,E,t) ) in d\omega [4\pi]
Also known as net density current, represents the net flux of neutrons corssing a unit area in position r- at time t with energy E
What is the average velocity vector?
Is the average respect to all directions of flight
<v(r-,E,t)> =INT[4pi] v-(r-,\omega-,E,t) N(r-,\omega-,E,t)/n(r-,E,t) d\omega
where N(\omega-)/n = probability of neutrons to have \omega- flight direction
This allows us to have a consistent current defintion with the elctrical analogy:
<v-> = J-(r-,E,t) / n(r-,E,t)
Talk about the crossection.
It express the probability of interaction between two particles.
In ur case the interaction between neutron and nuclei.
We write with small sigma(r-,E) and is cm^-1. It’s a pdf per unit length, if multiplied by the velocity it is a pdf per unit time.
specific reaction (n,x) has cross section = sigma_x
We neglect dependency of cross section on Omega introducing the Isotropic Media hypotesis
What is the number of reactions (n,x) during time dt in dV with neutrons of energy dE and flight directions d\omega?
N(r,om,E,t) sigma_x v dt dV dE dOmega
If we want to consider multiple reaction we just perform a sum on sigma_i
What kind of reactions can neutron go through?
- Elastic scattering (n,n)
- Anelastic scattering (n,n)
- Fission (n,f)
- production of 2 neutrons (n, 2n)
- radiative capture (n,gamma)
We also have independent sources like(alfa,n), spontaneous fission or cosmic rays
What is the probability density function of appearance of a neutron for a source?
Is the pdf of appearance of 1 neutron in position r-, with flight direction \omega-, energy E at time t.
the rate of appeareance is
Q dV dOmega dE
What is the transfer function?
The transfer function f is a conditional pdf that, knowing that a neutron with energy E’, direction \omega’- and position r’- has reacted somehow, gives the probability of n neutronsto exit with direction \omega- and energy E.
f(r’-, \omega’-, E’ –> omega-, E)
Can be infinitesimal if multiplied by dOmegadE.
It takes into account only absorption (0), scattering (1) and fission (2,3)
How to describe the probability of elastic scattering?
The probability that a neutron emerges within dE, dOmega, dt and dV from a scattering is:
How does the transfer function modify for isotropic medium (our case)?
We do not care anymore about the incident angle but only on the difference between incident and exiting angles, defined as theta_0.
We use mu_0 = cos(theta_0):
c_n = Int( f_n(r-, E –> E, mu_o) dOmega)
For heterogeneous medium we can use a weighted average of the transfer function
What hypotesis did we introduce for fission transfer function and what is it?
- Homogenous medium
- Neutrons are independent from each other, so they are isotropically distributed
- All neutrons are prompt, no delayed
What is the Total Transfer function?
A transfer function f(r,omega’,E’ –> omega, E) that takes into account all possible reactions.
What is the total macroscopic cross section?
It’s the sum of fission, scattering and absorption cross sections
Botlzmann equation in Lagrangian form?
We start considering some neutrons in dV, flight direction dE, time t and look in t+dt.
Our volume will be moved by v(\omega-)dt. In this new volume in t+dt the neutrons will be due to 3 contributions:
- Not interacted neutrons from dV
- Neutrons colliding towards our volume, direction and energy
- Independent sources.
Boltzmann equation in Eulerian form?
Starting from the neutron populartion we taylor expand the position
What is the Boltzmann equation in Eulerian form express as functionof flux?
What is the Transport operator?
It’s the sum of an algebraic operator (L_sigma = -sigma) a differential operator (L_Omega = Omega- * grad) and an integral operator (L_t=int(sigma’ f dOmega’,dE’))
L = L_sigma + L_Omega + L_t
Pay attention that L_t acts on Phi’, not Phi.
What is needed to close the boltzmann equation problem?
- The independent source term Q
- The geometry
- The cross sections
- The transfer function
- The initial distribution of neutrons N(t=0) = N0
What kind of boundaries can u have in a reactor?
- Boundaries between different materials, so different crossections. neutron angular density and flux are continuous or we have sinks/sources. the derivative may not be continuous though
- External surfaces, must be convex, to avoid re-entering of neutrons, and isolated. If a source is outside the domain I change the domain
Proof of consistency for Boltzmann equation
We perform a balance on the entire reactor integrating for Volume, Energies and flight directions
Since L, transport operator, is linear, property will the solution have?
Solution can be superposed. If I have a set of Q_i source terms I can obtain a set of phi_i solutions. I fnow I consider Q = sum_i c_i Q_i the soultion is phi = sum_i c_i phi_i where c_i are a dimensionless coefficents.
proof at pag.13