Fronto-temporal Dementias Flashcards
Identify the key neuropathological features of FTDs Categorise the molecular subtypes of FTD Evaluate the clinicopathological correlations seen in FTDs Research the overlap at the molecular and clinical level between FTD and MND
What is the most common frontotemporal lobar dementia?
Pick’s disease
State 5 pathological features of Pick’s disease
Fronto-temporal atrophy, marked gliosis and neuronal loss, balloon neurons, tau-positive Pick bodies, and no glial inclusions (unlike other tau-opathies)
Is Pick’s disease a 3-repeat, 4-repeat, or 3 and 4-repeat tauopathy?
How does Pick’s disease typically present clinically?
Difficulties in executive function, disinhibition, more specific amnestic features than other dementias
Which syndromes have given most knowledge on frontotemporal lobar dementias?
Autosomal dominant frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism (FTDP-17) syndromes
How many isoforms does tau have?
How many tau isoforms are involved in Alzheimer’s disease?
How many tau isoforms are involved in progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration?
3 - the 4-repeat tau isoforms
Name the classical sign of frontotemporal dementias - especially Pick’s disease - macroscopically on pathology
Knife-edge atrophy
Name a gene which can cause frontotemporal dementia without involvement of tau
Progranulin, on chromosome 17; FUS; C9orf72
State the pathological characteristic of frontotemporal dementia caused by progranulin mutations
Ubiquitin-tagged nuclear inclusions known as catseye inclusions
How long before clinical symptoms develop are changes apparent on MRI in individuals with progranulin mutations?
7-9 years
State some symptoms of frontotemporal dementia caused by progranulin mutations
Word-finding difficulty, progressive language impairment, progressive personality change, limb apraxia, facial agnosia, anomia, dyscalculia
Is atrophy usually symmetrical or asymmetical in frontotemporal dementia caused by progranulin mutations?
How many alleles of TDP-43 are there?
State the term given to clinical dementia with no obvious causative pathology
Dementia lacking distinctive histology (DLDH)