Frontend part 2 Flashcards
Hur beskriver man en attribut?
Attribut kan beskrivas som egenskaper för en html tag
<p>This is an element<p>
An HTML element consists of a start tag, some content, and an end tag. You can also have attributes in your tags such as class or id name.
<p>This is an Element</p>
What is lorem50?
It is just placeholder nonsense text to set up a webpage. The 50 just indicates you want 50 of these made up words.
Where do you find the wordwrap command when you want your lorem to fit in the document and not just stay on one line?
In the “view” menu choice at the top of the screen
what is the ul tag for?
to create an unordered list.
What are div and span?
Div and
span are containers
what are containers for?
To group related content into one unit
what are inline and block?
These are 2 different kinds of “elements”
what kind of element is span?
Span is an inline element
What is an inline element?
An inline element only takes up as much space as its content… not the entire width of the page
What is his person number?
What is her person number?
What kind of element is div?
Div is a block element. It takes up the entire width of the page
What are the two key properties of a parent element?
it must have a start and close tag and it is an element that encompasses other elements