Frontal lobes (1-2) Flashcards
What is the function of frontal lobes?
They control our behavior in response to social and environmental situations.
What are the 3 areas of the prefrontal cortex?
Dorsolateral, medial and orbital
What happens when the DL-PFC is damaged?
- Deception and lying
- dysexecutive syndrome - problems with affect, judgement, flexibility, abstract thinking etc.
What happens when the O-PFC is damaged?
- hyperkinesis
- emotional lability
- disinhibition
Function of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)?
`-not entirely known
- error detection, imagining, self reflection and self perception
What are some of the common causes of frontal lobe disorders?
- traumatic brain injury
- vascular disease
- tumours
- MS
- degenerative diseases eg huntingtons
- psychiatric diseases eg depression, schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD, ADHD.
The 4 main areas of frontal lobe syndromes?
Emotional makeup and personality
Abstraction and judgement
Attention and memory
Ways to test for language syndromes?
wisconsin card sorting
trial making test
stroop colour and word
tower of london
What area of the brain does not fully develop until adulthood?
The prefrontal cortex
What are the 2 basic stages of brain development?
The overproduction of neurons
How does the prefrontal cortex change in adolescence?
- There are progressively more efficient neuron circuits
- Faster connections - an increase in myelination (grey matter).
How does the brain change in adolescence?
The prefrontal cortex develops
The corpus callosum develops - better communication between hemispheres
What are the gender differences in brain development in adolescence?
- Increases in PFC grey matter (myelination) occurs earlier in girls
- myelination reaches adult levels earlier in girls
How is intelligence improved throughout adolescence?
- Myelination increases which improves the processing speed in PFC - which improves intelligence
- The dev of the corpus callosum
Which 3 factors effect academic ability?
- Developmental enviromnent (genetics)
- Maturation of reward processes
- Differences in PFC structure/function
How much do the cerebral hemispheres decline each year?
90 year olds have x% less neurons than 20 year olds.
Up to 10%
What is effected more - recall or recognition of memories?
What differences occur between implicit and explicit memory in older adults?
- Implicit memory is better preserved (learning without knowing)
- Explicit memory is effected more - older adults find it hard to retain and use information
- Flashbuld memories are not effected
How is attention affected with age?
divided attention declines in the elderly
tasks which require more complex and unusual stimuli are harder and require more attention - therefore ability to complete declines with age