conducting the program over a long enough period of time for the trainees to be able to digest and apply the material (not trying to do too much, too fast).
Distributed Learning
The trainees should be able to see what is in it for them (praise, recognition, promotion, etc.).
Trainees need to know what progress they are making and what mistakes need correction.
Trainees must want to learn. Some people do not believe it is very easy to motivate people.
The training should apply to the job activities
Trainees should be able to try the techniques they are being taught in order to make these methods part of their repertoire.
Opportunity to
This heightens the probability you will get the material through by
(a) hitting the mode the person computes on, and
(b) providing a broad base for the points being made which provides helpful reinforcement.
Learning from Many Sources
The trainee’s intelligence, motivation, aptitudes and interests should be taken into account
Individual Differences