Friday test - Por and Para Flashcards
What is used as “in” when referring to periods of the day?
____ la manana
In the morning
_____ la tarde
In the afternoon
____ la noche
In the evening/at night
Mi padre tiene que trabajar ____ la noche, pero mi madre trabaja ____ la manana
(My father has to work at night, but my mother works in the morning).
What means “by” or “by means of” when used with modes of transportation or communication?
Mis abuelos no viajan ___ avion porque tienen miedo de volar
My grandparents don’t travel by air because they are afraid of flying.
Mis hermanos y yo nos hablamos frecuentemente ____ telefono
My siblings and I talk to each other frequently by phone
What expresses movement “through” or “along”
El perro sale ___ la puerta, pero el gato sale ___ la manana.
(The dog leaves through the door, but the catl eaves through the window).
Por ejemplo
For example
Por eso
that’s why
por favor
por fin
por lo general
in general
por los menos
at least
What would you use to express “In order to do something”?
Para + inf.
What’s the English equivalent of “in order to”?
Para + inf.
Debemos llegar a las 6:00 ___ tener suficiente tiempo
Example of Para + inf.
(We should arrive at 6:00 (in order) to have enough time).
What would you use to indicate Who or What something is destined for or to be given to.
El vídeo es ___ mi sobrina y el juguete es ___ mi sobrino.
The video is for my niece and the toy is for my nephew.
What is used to express “Toward or In the direction of?”
Mañana mis tíos salen ___ Málaga
Tomorrow my aunt and uncle leave for Málaga
What is used to express deadlines?
El informe es ___ el jueves
(The report is for Thursday).
What is used to indicate a real or figurative destination?
Este jabón es ____ el baño
para (destination)
This soap is FOR the bathroom
Este teléfono es ___ esa oficina
para (destination)
This telephone is FOR that office
What tells you where something is going, could go, or perhaps should go?
Mi casa es buena ___ la fiesta
Para (figurative/metaphorical destination)
My house is good FOR the party
Romeo es perfecto ___ Julieta
para (figurative/metaphorical destination)
Romeo is perfect for Juliet
What expresses the recipient of an action?
What tells you where, but also to whom something is going to?
Para, which translates to “for” in this context.
Tengo el dinero ___ Juan
(Expresses the recipient of an action)
(I have the money FOR john)
Estos regalos son ___ mí
Para (Expresses the recipient of an action)
These gifts are for ME
What is used to indicate direction and/or final travel destination?
Los astronautas van ___ la luna
Para (travel)
The astronauts go TO the moon
Salimos ___ la iglesia a las nueve
Para (travel/destination)
(We leave FOR church at nine o’clock
What indicates aim or objective of an action (+profession)?
Used to indicate what you want to me. “Estudio para medico”
What is used to express purpose?
Used with the appropriate verb. Para + infinitive. Translates to “for”
Una pluma es ___ escribir
Para (purpose)
A fountain pen is FOR writing
Estos zapatos son ___ correr
Para (purpose)
These shoes are FOR jogging
What do you use to state why one does something?
What translates to “In order to” + infinitive?
Yo como ___ vivir
Para (purpose - “to”)
I eat TO live
Estudiamos ___ aprender
Para (purpose - “in order to”)
We study IN ORDER TO learn.
What would use use to express a specific time limit or deadline?
Necesito la ropa ___ el jueves
Para (deadline)
I need the clothes BY (FOR, BEFORE) thursday
Tenemos que hacer esto ___ esta noche
Para (deadline)
We have to do this BY tonight
What expresses a limited timespan in the future?
El tiene empleo ___ el verano
Para (timespan)
He has work FOR the summer
Tenemos una casa reservada ____ dos semanas
Para (timespan)
We have a house reserved FOR two weeks
What’s used to express a comparison to a certain standard?
Paco es alto ___ su edad
Para (standard)
Paco is tall FOR his age
Hace calor ___ enero
Para (standard)
It’s warm FOR january
What’s used to express duration of time?
Cada dia trabajamos por ocho horas
Por (duration)
Every day we work FOR eight hours.
ellos van de cavaciones ___ dos semanas
Por (duration
They go on vacation FOR two weeks
What indicates periods of time during the 25 hour day?
Tenemos clase ___ la noche
Por (time) We have class at night
What’s used to express the english use of the latin term “per”?
El lee tres libros ___ mes
Por (per)
he reads three books PER month
El diez ___ ciento no aprobo el examen
Ten PERcent didn’t pass the exam.
What’s used to indicate an equal exchange or trade?
Pague cinco dolares ___ la pizza
Por (exchange)
I paid five dollars FOR the pizza
What expresses substitution, tands for “in/on behalf of”, “in place of”?
el vicepresidente habla ___ el presidente
Por (exchange)
The vice-president speaks ON BEHALF OF the president
Juan cambio su manzana ___ una naranja
Juan exchanged his apple FOR an orange
What expresses thanks or gratitude?
Gracias ___ las flores
Por (exchange)
Thank you FOR the flowers
Te doy las gracias ___ tu ayuda
Por (exchange)
I thank you FOR your help
What indicates having done something or “because of”, or, motivation? (___ + infinitive)
Por + infinitive
___ ganar la loteria, ellos son ricos
Por (motivation)
DUE TO winning the lottery, they are rich
El no trabaja hoy ___ estar enfermo
Por (motivation)
He’s not working today BECAUSE OF his being sick
What expresses a motive for doing something?
Por (for, because of)
Vamos a la tienda ___ mantequilla
Por (motivation)
We’re going to the store FOR butter
Reconstruimos la casa __ la tormenta
Por (motivation)
We’re rebuilding the house BECAUSE OF the storm
What do you use to tell why something or someone is a certain way?
Por (por + noun or infinitive)
Soy mas fuerte ___ la experiencia
Por (motivation)
I am stronger BECAUSE OF the experience
Beethoven es famoso ___ componer su musica
Beethoven is famous FOR his music
Paco es popular___ su personalidad
Paco is popular BECAUSE OF his personality
Ella ahorra mucho dinero ___ los cupones
She saves a lot of money DUE TO coupons
What expresses movement, or means of transportation?
___ Autobus,
Por (movement)
___ avion
____ ferrocarril, tren
Por (movement)
___ coche (carro)
Por (movement)
Martin va al trabajo ___ autobus
Por (movement)
Martin goes to work ON THE bus.
What would you use to express means of sending messages or information?
Por (sending information)
___ computadora
Por (sending information)
By computer
___ carreo
Por (sending information)
By mail
___ e-mail
Por (sending information)
By email
Por telefono
Por (sending information)
By telephone
What indicates the point of a temporary stop?
Por (sending information)
Voy ___ el banco antes de ir al teatro
Por (sending information)
I’m going BY the bank before going to the theater
What indicates movement in an area?
Por (sending information)
Nos paseamos ___ el parque
Por (sending information)
We stroll AROUND (through) the park
What expresses a liking or disliking, or an emotion for someone or something? Something intangible?
Por (sending information)
Juan tiene mucho amor ___ su esposa
John has a lot of love FOR his wife.
Tengo respeto ___ mis amigos
I have respect FOR my friends.
Is Por or Para used for idiomatic expressions?
Por alli
Around there; that way
Por aqui
around here; this way
por ejemplo
for example
por eso (esto)
por favor
as a favor;please
por fin
at last; finally
por (lo) general
as a rule, generally
por medio de
by means of
por lo menos
at least
por primera vez
for the first time
por separado
por supesto
of course
por todas partes
por todos lados
all over; everywhere; on all sides