Ch 6. Vocabulario Flashcards
al atún
tuna (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
el bistec
(beef) steak (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
los camarones
shrimp (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
la carne de cerdo
pork (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
la carne de res
beef (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
la carne picada
ground-beef (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
la chuleta (de cerdo)
(pork) chop (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
la hamburguesa
hamburger (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
la langosta
lobster (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
el pavo
turkey (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
el pollo (asado)
(roast) chicken (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
los huevos
eggs (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
el jamón
ham (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
la salchicha
sausage (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
el tocnio
bacon (Meats, Fish, and Shellfish)
el aguacate
avocado (Fruits and Vegetables)
la cebolla
onion (Fruits and Vegetables)
los champiñones
mushrooms (Fruits and Vegetables)
el coco
coconut (Fruits and Vegetables)
el durazno
peach (Fruits and Vegetables)
las espinacas
spinach (Fruits and Vegetables)
la fresa
strawberry (Fruits and Vegetables)
los frijoles
beans (Fruits and Vegetables)
los guisantes
peas (Fruits and Vegetables)
las habichuelas
green beans (Fruits and Vegetables)
la lechuga
lettuce (Fruits and Vegetables)
el maíz
corn (Fruits and Vegetables)
la manzana
apple (Fruits and Vegetables)
la naranja
orange (Fruits and Vegetables)
las papas
potatoes (L.A.) (Fruits and Vegetables)
las papas fritas
french fries (Fruits and Vegetables)
el puré de papas
mashed potatoes (Fruits and Vegetables)
la piña
pineapple (Fruits and Vegetables)
la toronja
grapefruit (Fruits and Vegetables)
la zanahoria
carrot (Fruits and Vegetables)
el arroz
rice (Grains)
la galleta
cookie;cracker (Grains)
el pan (integral)
(whole wheat) bread (Grains)
el pan tostado
toast (Grains)
la leche
milk (Dairy products)
la mantequilla
butter (Dairy products)
el queso
cheese (Dairy products)
los dulces
candies (Desserts)
el flan
caramel custard (Desserts)
el helado
ice cream (Desserts)
el pastel
pie; cake (Desserts)
El agua
water (Drinks)
la cerveza
beer (Drinks)
el jugo
juice (Drinks)
el refresco
soft drink (Drinks)
el vino (blanco/tinto)
white/red wine (Drinks)
Contener (like tener)
to contain (Food and meals)
to cover (Food and meals)
hervir (ie)
to boil (Food and meals)
merendar (ie)
to snack (Food and meals)
probar (ue)
to taste, try (Food and meals)
el alimento
food; nourishment (Food and meals)
el almuerzo
lunch (Food and meals)
la cena
dinner (Food and meals)
el comestible
food item; pl. groceries (Food and meals)
el desayuno
breakfast (Food and meals)
la copa
(wine) glass (Utensils)
la cuchara
spoon (Utensils)
el cucharón
soup ladle (Utensils)
el cuchillo
knife (Utensils)
el cuenco
serving bowl (Utensils)
la jarra
pitcher (Utensils)
el mantel
tablecloth (Utensils)
el plato
plate; dish (Utensils)
la servilleta
napkin (Utensils)
la sopa
soup (Utensils)
la sopera
soup bowl (tureen) (Utensils)
la taza (de café)
cup (of coffee) (Utensils)
el tazón para el cereal
cereal bowl (Utensils)
el tenedor
fork (Utensils)
el vaso
(water) glass (Utensils)
ordernar/pedir (i)
to order (At the restaurant)
el/la cocinero/a
cook, chef (At the restaurant)
la cuenta
bill, check (At the restaurant)
el/la mesero/a
waiter/waitress (At the restaurant)
la propina
tip (At the restaurant)
la tarjeta de crEdito
credit card (At the restaurant)
cozy; welcoming (At the restaurant)
relaxing (At the restaurant)
en efectivo
cash (At the restaurant)
el aceite (de oliva)
(olive) oil (Other words/expressions)
el ajo
garlic (Other words/expressions)
el azúcar
sugar (Other words/expressions)
la ensalada
salad (Other words/expressions)
el mercado
market (Other words/expressions)
la pimienta roja/negra
red/black pepper (Other words/expressions)
el supermercado
supermarket (Other words/expressions)
la tienda (de comestibles)
(grocery) store (Other words/expressions)
el/la vendedor(a)
vendor (Other words/expressions)
lo que
what, that which (Other words/expressions)
me, te, le, nos , os, les
(indirect object pronouns)
me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las
(direct object pronouns)
contar (ue)
to count; to tell (verbs)
dar (irreg.)
to give (verbs)
to owe (verbs)
decir (irreg)
to say; to tell (verbs)
entregar (gu)
to deliver; to hand in (verbs)
explicar (que)
to explain (verbs)
to send (verbs)
mostrar (ue)
to show (verbs)
ofrecer (zc)
to offer (verbs)
to ask (a question) (verbs)
to loan (verbs)
to promise (verbs)
to give (as a gift) (verbs)
sugerir (ie)
to suggest (verbs)
to bore (verbs)
to love (literally to enchant) (verbs)
llamar la tención
to sound interesting (literally: to call out for one’s attention) (verbs)
to bother (verbs)
to worry (verbs)
to fascinate (verbs)
to interest/interesting (verbs)