Friday morning Sprains and Strains Flashcards
Sprain is damage to a what?
Strain is damage to a what?
Muscle tendon.
Tendons that go around the lateral malleolus of the ankle and help stabilize/evert the foot.
Peroneus longus and brevis
“My knee just keeps giving out”
probable condition?
what causes it often?
ACL tear
Functional instability
Grades of sprains and strains
1 - stretch
2 - partially torn
3 - complete disruption
Where do the hamstrings originate?
Ischeal tuberosity
Means purple. bleeding underneath the skin
Subcutaneous purpura over 1cm
Myositis ossificans
heterotopic ossification of muscle. (heterotopic meaning that the bone is forming outside of its normal location)
What test do you do to to test for anterior talofibular ligament damage?
Anterior drawer test
What do you loose permanently with an ankle sprain without P.T.
propriaception (balance)