Friday March 15 Lecture Flashcards
Territorial Aggression
Individual or a group aggression or hostility towards others who intrude (izinsiz giriş) upon or encroach (tecavuz etmek) upon their territory. Animals mark and defend territories to secure resources like food,mates, and shelter. Birds with vocalizations
Behavioural Patterns of Intraspecific Aggression
Overt, ritualized
Overt Agression
Outburst of anger resulted in physical actions
Bite pattern can indicate nature of the aggression
Sometimes where the animal targets you can see if they are defensive or offensive if they do not wish to get any harm they will attack the areas where they expect to get harm at
Offensive not damaging
Defensive pretty damaging
Dominance/Submission Postures
Female mice, just pushing each other to kinda of like prove who is dominant
Still exhibiting issues, without physically harming each other
Physical posture: dominance
Ritualized Territorial/competitive displays
Physical Signals, varies from species to species.
Bird, signalling how good of a male they are
Birds again, competing for mate
Lions or other wild animals, leaving mark that shows, that’s their territory
Indirect Aggression
Criticizing someone’s appearance, spreading rumours, social exclusion
Most common in woman
Higher estradiol levels, woman were harsher for rating appearance of others (high aggression levels also)
Intrasexual competition strategy
Kondrad Lorenz’s Psychohydraulic Model of Aggression
Build-up energy outbursts
Model Explained
How aggression builds up and is eventually released. Innate (dogustan) and instinctual nature of aggression in animals
Innate Aggressive Energy
Animals possess an innate reservoir or aggressive energy, akin to hydraulic pressure in a closed system. This energy arises that drives animals for social dominance, defend territories etc.
Accumulation (birikim) of Aggressive Energy
Like water pressure building up in a closed container, aggressive energy accumulates within an animal over time. This buildup occurs through various triggers and stimuli
Threshold for Release
Just as a hydraulic system has a threshold at which pressure triggers a release, animals have a threshold level of accumulated aggression that prompts them to engage in aggressive behaviour
Release of Aggression
When accumulated aggressive energy surpasses the threshold, it is discharged through aggressive actions. These actions may include displays of dominance
Catharsis and Resolution
Aggressive behaviour serves to reduce the buildup energy, much like releasing pressure in a hydraulic system. Once the aggression is discharged animal may experience sense of catharsis relief, temporary resolution of tension